вторник, 19 июня 2018 г.

Indicador de console de tendência forex

Vernalis Share Chat (VER)
Compartilhe Discussão para Vernalis.
Por favor, faça login ou registe-se para publicar uma mensagem no Share Chat.
Em suma, há um pouco de espaço para orientação levantada sobre as vendas de produtos existentes aqui, na minha opinião.
- Configurar uma lista de monitoramento personalizada e portfólio virtual.
Datafeed e dados do Reino Unido fornecidos pela NBTrader e Digital Look. Enquanto Londres South East faz o seu melhor para manter a alta qualidade das informações exibidas neste site,
Nós não podemos ser responsabilizados por qualquer perda devido a informações incorretas encontradas aqui. Todas as informações são fornecidas gratuitamente, 'como estão', e você a utiliza por sua conta e risco.
O conteúdo de todas as mensagens de 'Chat' não deve ser interpretado como um conselho e representar as opiniões dos autores, não os da London South East Limited, ou suas afiliadas.
A London South East não autoriza ou aprova este conteúdo e reserva-se o direito de remover itens a seu critério.

Notícia do mercado de ações de hoje & amp; Análise.
Roku mostra a volatilidade é seu amigo em ações individuais, também.
A Roku tem uma visão para o futuro.
Vídeos de notícias mais recentes.
Últimas notícias.
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Idéias de investimento.
Inteligência de mercado.
Fique à frente dos mercados com estes artigos de leitura obrigatória.
Mercado de ações hoje.
Ações para assistir.
Rally dos estoques conforme os investidores reavaliam o relatório do Fed.
História em destaque de.
Últimos artigos por Martin Tillier.
A nova coluna de leitura obrigatória de Martin Tiller nos mercados.
Esclarecedor. Divertido. Todo dia. Apenas na NASDAQ.
Editar favoritos.
Insira até 25 símbolos separados por vírgulas ou espaços na caixa de texto abaixo. Esses símbolos estarão disponíveis durante sua sessão para uso nas páginas aplicáveis.
Personalize sua experiência NASDAQ.
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Desative seu bloqueador de anúncios (ou atualize suas configurações para garantir que o JavaScript e os cookies estejam ativados), para que possamos continuar a fornecer a você as notícias e os dados de mercado de primeira linha que você espera de nós.

Indicador do console de tendências do Forex
Bem-vindo ao site de negociação de suporte Forex Robot da Cynthia!
Eles são o futuro.
e o futuro é AGORA!
Desde que você está aqui, isso significa que você provavelmente comprou um robô (EA ou consultor especialista) através de um link de afiliado meu ou você está interessado em negociação de robô forex no MT4 (plataforma metatrader).
Esta página da Web será atualizada constantemente, portanto, verifique novamente se há novos robôs e atualizações. Se alguma coisa desaparecer do meu site, era um cachorro ou não é mais oferecido pelo fornecedor.
A primeira coisa a fazer é entrar na minha lista de discussão especial de grupos de suporte a robôs para que eu possa.
facilmente mantê-lo informado de dicas e truques para tirar o máximo proveito do comércio de robôs e atualizações especiais.
Por favor, envie um email em branco para o meu autoresponder:
Procure por uma resposta imediata por e-mail (às vezes ela fica na sua caixa de spam!) E clique no link de confirmação dentro dela.
e você receberá seu primeiro e-mail com informações importantes. Se você não receber o e-mail de confirmação imediato, então o seu.
ISP bloqueou. por favor, tente outro endereço de e-mail para enviar. o gmail sempre funciona.
Funciona e preenche o formulário para obtê-lo gratuitamente!
(FinFX me disse que eles continuarão levando os comerciantes dos EUA).
(*** Os comerciantes dos EUA não são mais aceitos em ThinkForex, HotForex, FXPRO ou Forex4You ***).
Role para baixo até D. meus corretores recomendados para ler sobre os valores mínimos para novas contas.
Índice para este site:
A. Escolha um robô ou programa para negociar a partir dos links laterais à direita.
B. Como instalar seu robô (EA) na sua plataforma MT4 (com um vídeo)
C. Precisa de um servidor virtual para que você não tenha que deixar seu próprio PC executando toda a semana de negociação? Aqui onde e como fazer (com vídeos)
D. Meus corretores recomendados.
UMA . Escolha um robô (EA) ou programa de negociação de um dos links laterais à direita. A compra através do meu link de afiliado garante o meu apoio ao produto, uma vez que fornecer suporte me custa tempo e energia.
B. Aprenda como instalar seu EA na sua plataforma MT4.
Como instalar e ativar um Expert Advisor no MT4.
C. Informações do Servidor Virtual.
Seus robôs precisam ser executados em um ambiente seguro, onde a eletricidade e a Internet não caiam.
Depois de testar várias empresas de VPS, finalmente decidi sobre a que não me causa problemas, ao contrário de todas as outras que tentei. Por apenas US $ 30 / mês, você pode ter um VPS da Área de Trabalho do Google Trader e executar aproximadamente 6 demo ou plataformas ativas (isso dependerá do uso da RAM dos EAs e dos indicadores usados).
Clique AQUI para ir ao meu site preferido. Procure por desktops virtuais para comerciantes on-line!
O CNS Trader’s Desktop é um desktop Windows hospedado e o único servidor privado virtual especialmente configurado para traders. Como uma área de trabalho hospedada do Windows, as áreas de trabalho virtuais continuam funcionando, mesmo se você perder sua conexão com a Internet ou ficar sem bateria.
A velocidade da Internet para o seu desktop virtual é sempre rápida, independentemente da velocidade da sua própria conexão. Eles são acessíveis a partir de qualquer PC com Windows, navegador da web, celular e até mesmo computadores Macintosh.
A área de trabalho do Trader de Serviços de Rede Comercial possui uma janela de manutenção especial, fora do horário de negociação FOREX, para que sua sessão de negociação não seja interrompida.
O CNS Trader’s Desktops oferece suporte técnico de classe mundial 24/7/365 apoiado por uma equipe que entende os traders.
Escolha o seu data center em Nova York, Londres ou San Diego para obter a menor latência para que suas execuções comerciais sejam mais rápidas!
Leia sobre os centros de dados do CNS clicando no banner:
Minha empresa VPS preferida, CNS, gentilmente forneceu alguns vídeos úteis para o VPS Traders Desktop.
Esses vídeos ajudam você a comprar, configurar e configurar um Servidor Virtual Privado do Windows (a partir de agora chamado de VPS) com a finalidade de executar uma plataforma de negociação MT4.
D. meus corretores recomendados.
montantes mínimos de financiamento:
US $ 100 para uma conta nano, micro ou clássica:
(Não levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
$ 150 por um mini acct:
(Levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
US $ 500 por uma conta Currenex:
(Não levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
US $ 500 por uma conta padrão:
(Não levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
(melhor para negociar ações, commodities, futuros e metais)
$ 250 para uma conta Standard ou $ 2000 para uma conta ECN PRO:
(Não levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
US $ 650 por uma conta padrão:
(Levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
US $ 1.000 para uma conta ECN:
(Levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
ECN significa Electronic Communication Network, e os corretores ECN são verdadeiros corretores que conectam você com os bancos e não estão negociando mesas. Durante as notícias, eles geralmente não lhe dão preenchimento antes do pico, mas dentro de alguns segundos do pico, seus spreads se tornarão normais, e você poderá abrir e fechar negociações com spreads normais.
STP significa Straight Through Processing, e os corretores de STP são verdadeiros corretores que conectam você com os bancos e não estão negociando mesas.
2. negociar em um ambiente verdadeiro de não negociação;
3. obter os spreads mais competitivos & amp; Precisão de 5 dígitos;
5. você pode escalpelar ou trocar notícias sem restrições;
6. EAs permitidos e sem preconceito;
7. pedidos pendentes podem ser colocados dentro do spread;
8. seus pedidos pendentes, paragens & amp; metas de lucro não são visíveis para.
corretores, bancos ou quaisquer outros agentes do mercado até que sejam preenchidos.
FinFX, ThinkForex e HotForex.
Se você gosta de mercados rápidos e precisa de execução rápida, seja para seus robôs escalpeladores ou escalpeladores manuais, FinFX, ThinkForex e HotForex têm a execução mais rápida.
Abra uma demonstração ou conta ativa agora e experimente o FinFX:
(Levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
O dinheiro do trader é segregado em várias contas bancárias, os spreads são crus & amp; apertado sem re-citação e execução super rápida entrando e saindo. O financiamento ao vivo é de apenas $ 1000 com uma comissão ECN padrão de $ 7 por turno padrão de lote. Contas padrão e mini também estão disponíveis com financiamento mínimo de apenas US $ 150.
Abra uma demonstração ou conta ativa agora e experimente o ThinkForex:
(Não levando os comerciantes dos EUA)
Apenas para registro, a ThinkForex usa um feed / liquidez proprietário.
ponte que é a Equinix, não a temida ponte da Boston Technologies que a FXCM usa.
Eles desenvolveram uma tecnologia que oferece baixa latência de alta velocidade de negociação = execução rápida sem demora.
Abra com apenas US $ 250. abra com $ 2.000 e ganhe um VPS GRÁTIS! O menor tamanho de lote é de 0,01 mini lotes. Você NÃO paga comissão por negociação!
(NÃO é um comerciante dos EUA)
Oferece micro, padrão, sem swap e uma conta Currenex ECN que eu gosto muito. A execução comercial na plataforma ECN é rápida e fácil, sem re-cotações.
Você pode abrir uma conta ECN ao vivo com apenas US $ 500 e negociar um tamanho mínimo de lote de 0,1 min com alavancagem de 100: 1.
Por favor, use o link do meu referenciador para abrir uma demonstração ou uma conta ativa:
(Nota: não custa nada extra para passar pelos meus links.
e use-me, Cynthia Macy da DayTradeForex, LLC, como sua referência)
Veja como você pode obter o EA Breakout Scalping da Cynthia.
O escalpelamento manual em um gráfico rápido de 1 min e 5 min é divertido, lucrativo e fácil!
O Breakout Scalping EA gerencia meu negócio depois que eu o coloco,
com um stop de 5 pip após mover a negociação para breakeven.
Aqui está um vídeo que eu fiz mostrando como escalpelar usando meu Breakout EA,
em conjunto com o meu novo Sistema Simples de Negociação Trend Breakout:
Clique nas 4 setas no canto direito para aumentar o tamanho da tela.
Se você é um cambista, uma vez que você experimente negociar com.
o Breakout Scalping EA,
você nunca vai querer trocar o comércio sem ele!
Use-o em todas as suas contas ao vivo! Funciona em 4 & amp; Plataformas de 5 dígitos, ECN e com "sufixos". EX: "eurusd" é & quot; eurusdt & quot; ou & quot; eurusd. p & quot;
Clique AQUI para ver como obtê-lo gratuitamente!
Por favor envie-me se precisar de ajuda ou tiver dúvidas, estou aqui para ajudar!
Negociação Robô Feliz! Cynthia.
Co-autor do Day Trade Forex Trading Systems.
Visite a Home Page do Cynthia:
Visite o site Forget Forex, Trade Gold da Cynthia:
Funciona e preenche o formulário para obtê-lo gratuitamente!
Com este Expert Advisor completamente personalizável, você pode se afastar do seu computador, sabendo que o Gerente de Comércio gerenciará todos os aspectos do negócio para você. Tudo o que tem a fazer é.
acertar a direção da tendência!
OK para corretores que usam & quot; sufixos & quot ;. IE: eurusd é eursdt.
Para ver uma descrição do vídeo do Trade Manager e para encomendar apenas $ 89, clique abaixo agora:
2. AutoScaler de Forex.
Movimento de 30 pip. Faça 165 pips em um movimento de 40 pip.
Como? Com AutoScaler de Forex.
adicione 1-10 novas posições de negociação.
à sua negociação vencedora, completa com.
parada ajustável e parada móvel.
"Qual par de Forex e período de tempo é melhor para negociar & quot; é a pergunta mais frequente e quero dar-lhe a RESPOSTA DEFINITIVA. Desculpa! não há um!
Dessa forma, você escolhe o melhor par de tendências e o intervalo de tempo no momento atual.
Identifique negócios lucrativos em qualquer mercado ou período de tempo.
Sistemas de negociação manual:
O método de gráficos Renko.
O método revolucionário de gráficos remove todas as suposições.
certeza de que direção um preço vai se mover no futuro imediato.
e toda a incerteza associada aos gráficos Forex normais, e permite que você se concentre no.
um fator que vai fazer você ganhar dinheiro, uma e outra vez: a tendência imediata dos preços.
80-90% de certeza que direção o preço está indo a seguir!
Permite que os comerciantes encontrem negócios lucrativos.
a qualquer momento, dia ou noite.
Eu realmente amo a facilidade de entrada e saídas. não há mais gráfico nervoso.
conversa para me assustar! Eu posso negociar as retrações ou montar um trade.
sem negociações de retrocesso se eu não quiser ficar no meu pc. Cynthia.
O MAX Trading System
Aprenda a ganhar mais de 600 pips por negociação!
Um sistema especial de gerenciamento de dinheiro ensinado com operações de retracement,
este é o sistema de negociação manual mais lucrativo que eu já troquei!
Ministrado por dois treinadores do Master MAX através de uma série de webinars gravados.
Não recomendado para iniciantes e deve ser muito proficiente no.
Plataforma de negociação MT4.
Meus robôs favoritos e programas de negociação:
Descubra quais robôs são QUENTES!
A nova página do Facebook de Cynthia!
Junte-se à discussão dos forex!
Meus robôs favoritos.
O Caminho para a Riqueza Forex, Segurança, Liberdade e Independência ...
Primeira escolha de Cynthia:
O Incrível Rev Trader PRO EA.
Incrível RevTraderPRO EA ganha mais de 4000% em lucros Forex mês após mês, desde dezembro de 2013!
Aprenda como. e veja a prova real.
Queríamos mostrar-lhe que, ao contrário da maioria dos.
RevTraderPRO Robot é.
Realmente rentável na negociação ao vivo!
Veja como o REV Trader PRO se compara ao WallStreet Robot, um favorito de longa data:
Verificado pelo Myfxbook.
Clique na imagem acima do RevTraderPRO e.
vá para a aba Resumo e ordene os pares, você pode ver quais estão fazendo o melhor ..
Dê uma olhada no site, veja as contas de dinheiro vivo e assista a um vídeo:
Não importa se você tem o mínimo de US $ 500 para investir ou US $ 10.000. O RevTraderPRO EA se concentrará em aumentar sua conta de forma segura e lenta.
É suportado pela ECN e adapta-se automaticamente a corretores de 4 e 5 dígitos.
Peça agora!! Você ficará feliz que você fez!
Esta NÃO é uma EA de cobertura e funcionará em qualquer plataforma mt4 de corretor dos EUA.
Para um uso seguro e melhor do EA, por favor use um VPS.
Esta é a Cynthia do Day Trade Forex.
Comecei a negociar opções de ações por telefone no final dos anos 90.
antes mesmo de ter um pc.
e eu tenho negociado forex profissionalmente desde 2002.
Eu criei meu primeiro sistema de negociação para vender online em 2003.
Desde então criei outros quatro muito populares e.
sistemas de negociação evergreen.
com base em indicadores codificados por cores e volatilidade.
Os sistemas de negociação da Cynthia são trocados por cor, com.
apoiar indicadores codificados por cores. Trocas são indicadas.
por indicadores baseados em volatilidade que são codificados por cores, para.
faça a negociação simples e divertida, mas poderosa. Negociando o.
grandes pares na sessão de Londres ou Nova York faz para.
muitos pips fáceis! & quot;
O Sistema de Surf da Fita Colorida.
Aprenda a surfar as ondas de tendência.
com precisão mortal entre.
Metas de nível chave.
Você não gostaria de saber com antecedência qual é o seu próximo alvo?
Aqui está um pequeno vídeo introdutório onde você pode aprender.
quais são os níveis-chave.
e como negociar entre eles:
Clique nas 4 setas acima para aumentar o tamanho da tela.
A versão avançada inclui:
uma ferramenta de Retrocesso de Fibonacci que mostra quando um par está em um retraimento;
o EasyOrder para um clique comercial / stop / take profit order placement;
O próprio Gerente de Comércio da Cynthia - gerenciará seus negócios melhor do que você jamais poderia;
seu indicador super popular que dá um X branco no gráfico quando o par está em consolidação;
uma seta de alerta de áudio pop-up que lhe enviará um email;
uma janela especial de volatilidade;
e um indicador Forex Headlines Calendar, que avisa 5 minutos antes dos próximos lançamentos para que você nunca seja surpreendido!
Aqui está uma captura de tela mostrando o.
Recursos avançados do sistema de surf com fita colorida:
Aqui está um pequeno vídeo de introdução para a versão Advanced do novo de Cynthia.
Sistema de Surf de Fita de Cor:
Clique nas 4 setas acima para aumentar o tamanho da tela.
Mesmo que isso não seja estritamente uma negociação de notícias.
ou sistema de escalpelamento, você pode trocar as notícias, couro cabeludo,
comércio do dia ou comércio de swing.
Melhor negociados em prazos de 5 min a 4 horas,
o ideal sendo 15 min.
Aqui está uma captura de tela das minhas negociações de notícias ao vivo em uma pequena conta:
Este sistema é capaz de prever as metas de preço com precisão mortal!
Veja o que os outros têm a dizer sobre o novo.
Sistema de Surf de Fita de Cor:
Só queria dizer que amo o novo sistema de negociação que você colocou. Fiz mais de 400 pips ontem à noite e hoje de manhã e fiz isso com facilidade. Eu uso o método de 3 períodos de tempo, mas com as 4 horas, 1 hora e 15 minutos para as entradas. Eu também o integrei na minha negociação de opções binárias, que eu negocio com vencimentos de 1 hora e também tem funcionado muito bem lá. Então parabéns por um sistema extremamente lucrativo para negociação forex e negociação de opção binária.
Eu comprei seu sistema no fim de semana e comecei a usá-lo na segunda-feira. Até agora eu tenho 8 vitórias e 2 derrotas. As perdas foram minha culpa em que eu definir o stop loss a 25 pips da entrada. Eu fui retirado por cerca de 2 pips em cada negociação.
O sistema e usando o alvo de 25 pip e stop loss são ótimos. Eu tenho negociado por cerca de 5 anos e tenho realmente sido apenas sobre a quebra, mesmo em meus negócios. Isso parece exatamente o que eu tenho procurado. Muito obrigado.
Comprou ambos os sistemas Ribbon. Eles são ótimos, mas tão bons são todos os seus bons comentários no pdf - em Fibs, Entries e News Trading.
Aviso Legal da NFA: Os depoimentos apresentados são reais e não solicitados, arquivados e citados com permissão. Testemunhos podem não ser representativos de todas as experiências do cliente. Desempenho passado e depoimentos não indicam necessariamente sucesso futuro. As condições simuladas podem diferir das condições reais e os comerciantes não devem necessariamente esperar os mesmos resultados da negociação ao vivo. Cada comerciante é responsável por seu próprio sucesso.
O novo sistema de surf de fita colorida da Cynthia.
é fácil e lucrativo.
Você aprenderá a negociar como o Pros trade,
entre 25 a 100 níveis de pip.
Perfeito para iniciantes & amp; veteranos que são familiares.
com a plataforma de negociação MT4.
Comece hoje!
Clique AQUI para assistir a mais vídeos e para solicitar o básico & amp; avançado.
NOVO sistema simples de Breakout da Cynthia!
Aqui está um pequeno vídeo introdutório de negociação do.
Sistema simples de fuga:
Clique nas 4 setas acima para aumentar o tamanho da tela.
Acho que você pode fazer um bom dinheiro negociando assim.
apenas com cor?
O Simplee Easy Trading Breakout Trend Trading System, escrito por Cynthia para a plataforma MT4,
é um sistema manual básico muito simples que é para gráficos de 5 minutos a 4 horas e funciona muito bem.
com um stop loss de apenas 20-50-100 pips.
Este sistema utiliza indicadores baseados em cores, suporte e resistência e volatilidade.
Uma janela de volatilidade especial permite que você compre e venda gatilhos com base na força da ação do preço.
Você pode usá-lo em vários pares de moedas com os indicadores mt4 especiais que eu lhe darei,
já carregado em um modelo codificado por cores.
O modelo é codificado por cores com todos os indicadores de que você precisa!
Nenhum dos indicadores está atrasado!
Entradas e saídas são fáceis de detectar apenas com mudanças de cor!
Agora a negociação pode ser divertida! Eu removi o * seriousness * da negociação!
Este não é um sistema de negociação de notícias, embora você possa negociar eventos de notícias com ele,
tudo que você precisa é de uma forte tendência!
É um sistema de negociação de tendências baseado apenas em cores e volatilidade!
Adquira agora enquanto ainda estou oferecendo um preço inicial baixo!
Novo Sistema de Negociação de Tendência Codificado por Cores da Cynthia!
Acha que você pode fazer um bom dinheiro negociando assim apenas com cores?
Negociação Forex Negação Exoneração de responsabilidade NFA e CTFC:
Negociar no mercado de câmbio é uma oportunidade desafiadora onde retornos acima da média estão disponíveis para investidores instruídos e experientes que estão dispostos a correr riscos acima da média.
No entanto, antes de decidir participar de negociações de câmbio (FX), você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco. Não invista dinheiro que você não pode perder.
Forex, negociação de futuros e opções tem grandes recompensas potenciais, mas também grandes riscos potenciais. Você deve estar ciente dos riscos e estar disposto a aceitá-los para investir nos mercados Forex, de futuros e de opções.
Não negocie com dinheiro que você não pode perder.
Este website não é uma solicitação nem uma oferta de compra / venda de futuros ou opções Forex. Nenhuma representação está sendo feita de que qualquer conta terá ou poderá obter lucros ou perdas semelhantes àquelas discutidas neste site.
O desempenho passado de qualquer sistema ou metodologia de negociação não é necessariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Há uma exposição considerável ao risco em qualquer transação de câmbio. Qualquer transação envolvendo moedas envolve riscos incluindo, mas não se limitando a, o potencial de mudança de condições políticas e / ou econômicas que podem afetar substancialmente o preço ou a liquidez de uma moeda.
Além disso, a natureza alavancada do comércio de câmbio significa que qualquer movimento de mercado terá um efeito igualmente proporcional em seus fundos depositados. Isso pode funcionar contra você e também para você. Existe a possibilidade de você sustentar uma perda total de fundos de margem inicial e ser obrigado a depositar fundos adicionais para manter sua posição. Se você não atender a qualquer chamada de margem dentro do prazo estabelecido, sua posição será liquidada e você será responsável por quaisquer perdas resultantes. Os investidores podem reduzir sua exposição ao risco empregando estratégias de redução de risco, como stop-loss & # 39; ou & # 39; limite & # 39; ordens.
As informações contidas neste site são apenas para fins educacionais. Este site não recomenda ou endossa qualquer sistema ou método de negociação específico ou Expert Advisor. Recomendamos que você pesquise todos os sistemas de negociação, métodos, estratégias e Expert Advisors antes de negociar ao vivo com dinheiro real. Cynthia-Recommends. info/robotsupport. php não está dando conselhos, nem está qualificado ou licenciado para fornecer aconselhamento financeiro. Você deve buscar orientação de seus conselheiros pessoais antes de agir com base nessas informações.
A negociação pode resultar em perdas. Não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer perdas que você possa incorrer. Não invista mais do que você pode perder.
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Lista de Indicadores do Metatrader 4.
Marcado com indicadores mt4.
Lista de Indicadores do Metatrader 4.
Lista de Indicadores do Metatrader 4.
_Turtle Channel System. mq4.
_Turtle Channel System-x4lots. mq4.
_Turtle Channel Indicator. mq4.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v18d. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 30K.
_SHELL [ei] Name_Ron_MT4_v17i. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 28.5K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v17h. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 27.8K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v17g. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 27.6K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v17f. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 28.6K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v17b. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 25.5K.
_SHELL [ei] Name_Ron_MT4_v17a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 25K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v16y. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 26.2K.
_SHELL [ae] Name_Ron_MT4_v15.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 18.8K.
_SHELLtiny [e] Name_Ron_MT4_v16y. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 12.1K.
_RSI R2 EA multi pair. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 12.7K.
_MultiIndicator. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 14.5K.
_MTF_PSar. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 2.4K.
_MTF_MovingAverage. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 4.4K.
_MTF-Stoch. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 10.8K.
_MT4iPersonalTradeCopier. zip 22-mar-2012 23:11 299.3K.
_MA_Crossover_Alert_.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 8K.
_MarketPrice w-Daily Open. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 3.2K.
_MAMA_Alert. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 6.5K.
_MAMA. mq4 10-Oct-2011 23:18 5.6K.
_JONS__TrendEnvelopes_v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 4.2K.
_i_FXGauge_lite. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 13.9K.
_i_FXGaugeT. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 13.7K.
_i_FXGaugeMAs_lite2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 4.3K.
_i_FXGaugeMAs_lite1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 4.3K.
_i_FXGaugeMAs_lite. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 4.3K.
_i_FXGaugeMAs. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 2.8K.
_i_FXGauge1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 13,9 K.
_Daily-Weekly Open. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 3.2K.
_Correlação IND CHARTlite. zip 13-Set-2010 21:49 424.6K.
_Correlação IND CHARTlite. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:49 10K.
_CloseOrders. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 7.1K.
_FecharEverythingSymbol. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 3K.
_FecharEverythingPair. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 3K.
_FecharEverything. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 3,3K.
Mercado de Mercado Price. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.1K.
_1SELL. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 15,4K.
_1BUY. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 15,4K.
^ X_ParabolicRegression_StopAndReverse. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 18.7K.
^ Un Dn Bar. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 2,9 K.
^ Pivot_ResSup2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:50 4.2K.
^ Pivot_ResSup. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:50 4.2K.
^ Pivot_PP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:50 3.5K.
^ Pivot_AllLevels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:50 5.1K.
^ - ^ _ WC_NLR. mq4 26-Mar-2012 17:46 25.8K.
[MT_E e I] RE [Divergência] usdcad icw trade. eml 13-Set-2010 21:50 201.9K.
[MT_E e eu] EUR_GBP, 1_21_10, 15 MINUTE. eml 13-Set-2010 21:50 81,7K.
[MT_E e eu] Indicador do Índice de Reticência. eml 13-Set-2010 21:50 153.7K.
[i] ZigZag_Pointer_alert_only nos pontos de viragem. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.4K.
[i] ZigZag. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 6.3K.
[i] ZigXard-Pointer-V3.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 4.3K.
[i] SilverTrend_Ron_MT4_v02.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 2.6K.
[i] nonlagzigzag_v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.7K.
[i] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05b. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.5K.
[i] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 4.5K.
[i] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v04c. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 2.5K.
[i] acaostdv_sig. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 2.8K.
[i] = x = ZigZag_Pointer_alert. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.4K.
[e] ADX. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 7K.
[ea] StochMartingale_Ron_MT4_v04b. mq4 25-fev-2011 11:44 17,7 K.
[ea] SimpleTMTv0.2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 8.4K.
[ea] SimpleTMTv0.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 5.3K.
[ae] ShashiR2_MT4_v01d_MultiPair. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 23.1K.
[e] QQEFollower_Ron_MT4_v01a. mq4 27-Set-2010 21:02 20.7K.
[ea] PetersATR_Ron_MT4_v02a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 19,4K.
[ee] NonLagMA5digit. mq4 02-Nov-2010 10:31 17.5K.
[ee] NonLagMA. mq4 04-nov-2010 20:38 17.4K.
[e] MultiSymbol_TMTv0.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 6.8K.
[e] InAt20_multipair_Ron_MT4_v02a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 24,4K.
[e] goldfish_v06g_Ron_MT4.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:50 3.5K.
[e] DollarCostAverage_Ron_MT4_v01esmall22.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 11.9K.
[e] DollarCostAverage_Ron_MT4_v01esmall2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 11.1K.
[e] DollarCostAverage_Ron_MT4_v01c. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 12.7K.
[e] DollarCostAverage_Ron_MT4_v01b. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 12.6K.
[e] Divergence_Ron_MT4_v19a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24,4K.
[e] Divergence_Ron_MT4_v18d. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24.2K.
[e] Divergence_Ron_MT4_v17i. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.8K.
[e] DivergenceTrader_Ron_MT4_v11.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 10.9K.
[e] DailyQuarter_Ron_MT4_v01a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24.6K.
[e] DailyHiLo_Ron_MT4_v05b. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 26.1K.
[e] DailyHiLo_Ron_MT4_v01a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 14K.
[e] DailyHiLoFIB_Ron_MT4_v01b. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 25.3K.
[e] DailyHiLoFIB_Ron_MT4_v01a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 26.2K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05d. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.5K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05cx. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 20.8K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05c. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.5K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 21.6K.
[ea] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03m EUSD_TD_ATRized. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 29.1K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03mD3_GridExit v03 EUSD. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24.6K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03mD3_GridExit v02 EUSD. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24.2K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03mD3_GridExit v01 EUSD1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 27.2K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03mD3_GridExit v01 EUSD. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 28K.
[ea] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03mD3 EUSD. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24K.
[e] BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v03c1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 12.4K.
[ae] BigDog 7-9_ Ron_MT4_v02a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24K.
[ae] acaostdv. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 3.6K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19o. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 24.1K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19n. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23.6K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19k. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22,4K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19j. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.1K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19i. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.1K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19h. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19g. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23.3K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19f. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23,4K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19e. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23,4K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19d. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23.7K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v19a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 22.6K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v18e. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23.7K.
[e] 4HR semanalmente GJ_Ron_MT4_v18d. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 23,4K.
[e] 2Bar trend_Ron_MT4_v01.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 917.
ZZ_Ensign_Fibo. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 20.7K.
zzf. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 1.6K.
ZUP_WRR_INFO_v02.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:51 28,4K.
ZUP_v82.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 360.2K.
ZUP_v81.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 359.3K.
ZUP_v78.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 347,9 K.
ZUP_v77.rar 13-Set-2010 21:52 54.7K.
ZUP_v77.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 344,9K.
ZUP_v76_5-0_mod. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 340,4K.
ZUP_v76mod. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 349,5 K.
ZUP_v67.rar 13-Set-2010 21:52 44,7K.
ZUP_v67.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:52 233.2K.
ZUP_v66.rar 13-Set-2010 21:52 48K.
ZUP_v64.zip 13-Set-2010 21:52 44.9K.
ZUP_v64.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:53 239,6 K.
Modelos ZUP 2.rar 13-Sep-2010 21:53 25.1K.
Modelos ZUP 1.rar 13-Sep-2010 21:53 27.2K.
ZUP Indicators. rar 13-Set-2010 21:53 1.2M.
zup 78.rar 13-Set-2010 21:54 751,5K.
ZUP. rar 13-Set-2010 21:53 70,7 K.
ZUP (Russo).rar 13-Set-2010 21:54 49,7 K.
zRenkoLiveChart_v3.2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 13.9K.
ZP_WPR-OBV_v02.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 5.5K.
ZP_WPR-OBV_v01.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 5.5K.
ZP_SAR-5Parameters_v01.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 11,5K.
ZP_PRC_i03.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 10,5K.
ZP_PRC_i01.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.3K.
ZLSA. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 5K.
Zig_Zag_Breakout. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 9.6K.
ZigZag_Pointer_alert_email. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 5.6K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2beta_mod. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.4K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2betaPrev. mq4 05-jul-2011 10:22 5.5K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2betaLevels. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 6.2K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2beta2.mq4 05-jul-2011 10:22 5K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2beta1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.3K.
ZigZag_Fibo_v2beta. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.4K.
ZigZag_Fibo_NoAlert. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.2K.
ZigZag_Fibo_Alert. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.2K.
ZigZag_Channels. zip 13-Set-2010 21:54 1,6K.
ZigZagSystem. rar 13-Sep-2010 21:54 6.8K.
ZigZagPointer. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.2K.
ZigZag Pointer. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.2K.
ZigZagCorrect. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 2,8K.
ZigZagAlarm_nolib. mq4 14-Jan-2011 02:14 1K.
ZigZagAlarm. mq4 14-Jan-2011 02:12 1K.
Zigzag2_R_.mq4 15-Dec-2011 23:50 9.3K.
ZigZag. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:54 6,3K.
zigzag-pointerV2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 4.8K.
ZigAndZag [alerta].mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:54 15K.
ZigAndZag. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 15.5K.
ZeroLag_Stochs_true. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 5K.
ZeroLag_MACD. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 3.2K.
ZeroLAG_MA. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:54 2.6K.
ZeroLagStochvbob. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 3.2K.
Zerolagstochs_v3.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 4,7K.
ZeroLagStochsSignals. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 2.2K.
ZeroLagStochGreen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:55 3K.
ZeroLagStoch. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:55 3K.
ZeroLag MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:55 3.2K.
zerolagEMA_TASC. mq4 05-Dec-2010 12:45 3.2K.
Your_Lucky_EURGBP_rdb_v1a. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 26K.
YourExpertAdvisor ADXvers3-fiber. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 10.5K.
YourExpertAdvisor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:55 10.8K.
YearlyPivot. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 5.3K.
X_O_serg153xo. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 4,7K.
xytest. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 1,6K.
XXX. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 3.7K.
xpVolume. zip 13-Set-2010 21:55 722.
xpMA_v2SATL. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 5.3K.
xpMA_mod. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 16.3K.
xpMaEA. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 6.7K.
xpMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 21:55 10.2K.
xpMA. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 10.2K.
XOX_Robert. mq4 10-Oct-2011 22:43 11.1K.
xox. set 10-Oct-2011 22:46 153.
XOX. mq4 10-Oct-2011 22:28 12.9K.
XO. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 2,8K.
xMeter_mini_v1_2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 16K.
xMeter_Indicator2_updated. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 10.8K.
xMeter_Indicator2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 10.8K.
xMeter_Indicator. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 10.5K.
xMeterMTF_Ind. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 6.4K.
xMeterMTF1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 9.4K.
xMeterMTF. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 9.4K.
xMeter Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:55 10,5K.
Xavier-MaxPosition. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 15,4K.
xADR_vbobv1.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 4.1K.
xADR_0.2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:55 4.1K.
wwwcrazypipscom. rar 13-Set-2010 21:57 4M.
WRR_ZUP_INFO_v02.zip 13-Set-2010 21:58 4.5M.
WRR_ZUP_INFO_v02.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:58 28,4 K.
WriteDataSeries. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:58 2.5K.
WP_PatternEarlyBird. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:58 5.7K.
WP_CandlePattern (1).mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 19.3K.
WPR_Stack. mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 4.3K.
WPR_MA. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 2,9K.
WPR_3Sum. mq4 02-jan-2011 01:50 2.6K.
WPR_3Avg. mq4 02-jan-2011 01:50 2.6K.
World_Market_Times. exe 13-Sep-2010 21:59 61K.
WoodieSwitchInstall. zip 13-Sep-2010 21:59 610,4K.
Woodies Lnx v3.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 7.9K.
WoodiesCCI. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 3,3K.
woodiepack. zip 13-Sep-2010 21:59 11.2K.
Woodie-Panel-Heart-v4.zip 13-Sep-2010 21:59 182,8K.
WolfWave_nen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:59 14.5K.
Wolfs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:59 8.7K.
Wolfe wave. rar 13-Sep-2010 21:59 255K.
wlxFractals. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 3,8K.
Wiseman Horizon. mq4 13-Sep-2010 21:59 18.6K.
wip. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 12.2K.
WinInet. zip 13-Set-2010 21:59 1,9K.
WinInet. mqh 13-Set-2010 21:59 5.9K.
Williama_improved_all_margin. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 9.7K.
Williama_improved. mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 9.7K.
Williama_EA_2.mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 6.7K.
Williama_EA [2].mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 8.1K.
Williama_EA [1_mod_multiple_instance_on_same_pair].mq4 13-Set-2010 21:59 8.1K.
Williama_EA [1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 6.9K.
WierdEMA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 2.7K.
white. tpl 13-Set-2010 22:00 618.
WeightedCCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 4,6K.
Pivot semanal Fibo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 14.2K.
WeeklyPivot2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 5.2K.
WeeklyPivot. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 5K.
weeklydays. mq4 23-May-2011 10:41 2.4K.
webcast_Pertfect_Trade_Setup. zip 07-Dez-2010 01:34 3.2M.
WcciPatterns. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 34.8K.
WcciPaterns. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 35K.
WaveOscillator. mq4 13 / Out / 2011 23: 08 2,8K.
wajdyss_Candles_Length_indicator_v1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 4.5K.
Waddah_Attar_Weekly_Pivot_Fibo_First. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 6.3K.
Waddah_Attar_Weekly_Fibo. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.5K.
Waddah_Attar_Monthly_Fibo. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.4K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion5.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion4.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion3.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah_Attar_Explosion. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:00 7.8K.
Waddah Attar Win TP SL. mq4 13/09/09 22:00 3,3k.
Waddah Attar Strong Nível. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 11.4K.
Waddah Attar RSI Level. mq4 13-set-2010 22:00 9.1K.
VZO. mq4 19-Mai-2011 20:25 1.6K.
VSA Signals v1.02.mq4 03-Mar-2012 14:05 24.2K.
VSAc SINAIS DE TEXTO DE BAR. mq4 28-Mar-2012 00:57 13.5K.
VQEA2.mq4 03-fev-2012 10:25 5.6K.
VQ35.mq4 22-Fev-2012 10:16 7.1K.
VQ7.mq4 03-fev-2012 10:25 7.1K.
VQ. mq4 22-Fev-2012 10:17 7.1K.
VQ (1).mq4 03-fev-2012 10:25 7.1K.
Volume_JMA_OptionZeroCheck1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 35.3K.
Volume_JMA_OptionZeroCheck. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 35.3K.
Volume Spread Analysis. doc 23-Feb-2012 19:51 124K.
volumeMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 6.6K.
Volume JMA Option2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 33.6K.
Volume JMA Opção1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:00 33.6K.
Volume JMA Option. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 33.6K.
VoltyChoppy_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 6.3K.
VoltyChannel_Stop_v2.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:01 5.5K.
VolPerPip v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 4.8K.
volamat. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:01 61,5 K.
Vitesse. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 4,7K.
Sistema de Vírus any timeframe. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 12.6K.
Vírus System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 12.7K.
Indicador de vírus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 2.4K.
VIDYA. mq4 11-fev-2012 19:30 2.1K.
VIC_Currency_Manager. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:01 8K.
VICGLOBAL_CatFx. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:02 2.8M.
vForce Como EA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 23.3K.
vForce1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 20.3K.
Veinticinco_cacus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:02 7.3K.
Moeda de Vegas Daily. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:02 5.9K.
Vegas Currency. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:02 2.5K.
Vegas Currency. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 5.9K.
VCS_V2.1-read_up-or-down-A.4-ATTUALE. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 5.9K.
VCS_V2.1-read_up-or-down-A.3-ATTUALE. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 5.6K.
VarMovAvg_V0011.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 26.1K.
VarMovAvgV0011 [1].mq4 13-set-2010 22:02 26.2K.
VarMovAvg V0011modified_lot_0.2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 26.3K.
VarMovAvg V0011.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:02 26.2K.
vanman1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:02 7.6K.
Valor Tester. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:02 2.4K.
Valor de BBands. mq4 06-Dez-2010 01:54 3.4K.
V3.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:03 1.5M.
v2.1a-1yr. zip 13-Set-2010 22:03 125.3K.
v2.1 & amp; & amp; v2.1a backtests. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:03 32K.
V2 PERS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 6.2K.
V1 + V2_v4.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 6.2K.
V1 PERS. mq4 13-set-2010 22:03 6.2K.
UsingTextStub. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 9.3K.
Taxa de juros sobre o USDJPY v 1.mq4 13-set-2010 22:03 10.3K.
US-HEDGE. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 11.3K.
Atualiza paragens para BEv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 10.2K.
UOSA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 3K.
UniversalMACrossEA_OPEN. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 16.5K.
universalMACrossEAV1.4.mq4 27-Jan-2011 21:03 36,7 K.
UniversalMACrossEA2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 16K.
UniversalMACrossEA. mq4 30-Jan-2007 02:00 20.4K.
universalMACrossEA. mq4 23-Nov-2010 14:52 34.3K.
UnivEAProDoublleLine. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 16.7K.
Desencaixar chart. mq4 13-Aug-2011 13:53 472.
Un Dn Bar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 3K.
ULTRA_TREND. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 21.1K.
Dinheiro de Twiggs Flow. mq4 03-Aug-2011 21:06 3,2K.
Tartaruga Trading EA. rar 13-Set-2010 22:03 236.8K.
Canal da Tartaruga Method. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 6.4K.
Turbo_PT_Scalper. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 7.6K.
Turbo_JVEL1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 11,7K.
Turbo_JVEL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:03 11,7K.
Turbo_JRSX_wAppliedPrice. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 4.1K.
Turbo_JRSX_Close. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 2,7K.
Turbo_JRSX2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:03 2,7 K.
Turbo_JRSX1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 2.7K.
Turbo_JRSX. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 2.7K.
Turbo_JMACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2,8K.
Turbo_JMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 10.8K.
TudorGirl_Vorticity_2 (2).ex4 13-Set-2010 22:04 2,9K.
TTMStoch. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 4.9K.
TSSv1_1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:04 14,7 K.
TSI-Osc. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 3,8K.
ts-gbp-jpy_1t. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 3.1K.
TR_EUR. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 7.3K.
TrueHedge1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 10.3K.
TrueHedge. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 9K.
TRSI_L. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 5.4K.
TRSI_L. ex4 27-Set-2010 21:02 5.9K.
TRSI2.mq4 13-set-2010 22:04 5.3K.
TRSI1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 5.1K.
TRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 5.1K.
TRO_VSA. zip 13-Set-2010 22:04 117,1K.
TRO_MyNotes. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 5.8K.
TRIX_A_Mulloy. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 3,3K.
TRIX_A. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 3.1K.
TripleX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 18.7K.
TriplePlayTesting. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 40.5K.
TriplePlay2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 12.7K.
TriplePlay1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 24.2K.
TriplePlay. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 24.2K.
TripleMA_Crossover_EA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 23.4K.
TripleCCI_Woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 8.5K.
Triggerlines [1].mq4 13-set-2010 22:04 3.6K.
Triggerlines 50-50.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 4K.
Triggerlines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 3.6K.
TriggerBar MA Test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 8.2K.
TriangularArbitrage. mq4 23-Jun-2011 21:44 16,4K.
TriangleBuySellBasketTotal. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 3,3K.
trend_manager2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 3.6K.
Trend_Manager1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2K.
Trend_Manager. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2K.
TrendStrengthOpen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2.5K.
TrendStrength. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 3K.
Trendsignal. mq4 02-jan-2011 01:40 4.2K.
Trends. ex4 24-jan-2011 10:10 26,1 K.
Tendência Rider Dr. Gaines v1b1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 9.7K.
Tendência Rider Dr. Gaines v1b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 9.7K.
Tendência Rider Dr. Gaines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 9.7K.
TrendPower. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2,7 K.
TrendMeLeaveMe2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:04 7.8K.
TrendManager_recentweight. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2.1K.
TrendManagerOpen2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2.5K.
TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:04 2.6K.
TrendManagerNT1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:05 7.2K.
TrendManagerNT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 7,2 K.
TrendManager George T. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:05 1.4K.
TrendManager Vela x 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 2.1K.
TrendManager. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 1.6K.
Tendência Magic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 2.5K.
TrendLordBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 2,8K.
Trendlines_force. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 10.9K.
Trendlines2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 12,5 K.
Trendlines. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:05 9.2K.
TrendlineOrder_Mail1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:05 10.7K.
TrendlineOrder_Mail. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 10.7K.
TrendlineOrder. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 10K.
TrendLinearReg. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 2.3K.
trendline. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 3.6K.
Tendência e reversão. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 4,7K.
TREND FOLOWING. mq4 02-May-2011 20:58 5.4K.
TrendEnvelopes_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 4.8K.
TrendEnvelopes_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 4.2K.
trendchaser_files. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:05 6.6K.
TrendChange. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 6,1 K.
TrendCapture (Modificado) v102.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 6.6K.
TrendAndDiver. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 51.1K.
TrendAnalysis090503.ppt 13-Sep-2010 22:05 722K.
Trend-Scalping. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:05 5.1K.
TralingStop_v4.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 4.3K.
TrainYourself-V1.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 13.8K.
Treinamento2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:06 20.1K.
TrailMe. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 17.1K.
TrailingWithPartialFechar8.mq4 12-set-2011 21:16 31.9K.
TrailingWithPartialClose. mq4 15-Dez-2011 01:46 32.2K.
Trailing Stop v_tdavid. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 2.5K.
TrailingStopv2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 9.5K.
Trailing Stop Loss & # 8211; Level. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 2,8K.
TrailingStopEA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 9.2K.
TrailingStop. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 9.2K.
TrailingSevenMethods. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 26.2K.
TrailingLinesv2-50 stop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 4,6K.
TrailingLinesSL_TP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 4,6K.
TrailingLines1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 4,6K.
TrailingByATR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 5K.
TrailingBreakEvenAllPairs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 7.7K.
TrailingBreakEven. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 7.6K.
TrailingBreakEven # 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 7.6K.
TrailingBEpoint. mq4 25-jan-2012 01:16 4.5K.
Trailing. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 22.3K.
Semáforo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 12,4K.
TradingTimesFiveSessions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 4.4K.
TradingTimesFilter_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:06 5.1K.
TradingTimes. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:06 3.7K.
Negociação simulator. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:06 491K.
Negociação level_holy grail. rar 13-Set-2010 22:07 239.7K.
Horário de Negociação. mq4 03-Aug-2011 01:25 2.6K.
Trade_Sessions. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 9.5K.
trade_scheduler. mq4 22-Feb-2011 10:14 8.1K.
trade_lib & amp; info_lib. mqh 13-Set-2010 22:07 167,7 K.
TradesInfo. mq4 16-Oct-2011 13:12 2.7K.
Traders_Dynamic_Index. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 8.6K.
Traders Dinâmico index. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 9.1K.
Dash Trader Board. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 19.9K.
TraderAnalyzer & HistoryCSV. rar 27-Sep-2010 21:26 26.8K.
TradeHedge_IA Setup_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 4.6K.
TradeHedgeSELLALL_v5.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3.4K.
TradeHedgeDISPLAY_v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 687.
TradeHedgeCLOSEALL_v5.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3K.
TradeHedgeBUYALL_v5.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3.5K.
TradeHedgeBUY13.mq4 13-nov-2010 20:49 2.2K.
TradeDuplicatorClient2.mq4 19-Mar-2011 00:35 33.8K.
TradeDuplicatorBeta. zip 27-Set-2010 21:26 370.9K.
TradeAroundPivot. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 10.6K.
Trace_History. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 13,4K.
Tracert. mqh 13-Set-2010 22:07 5.8K.
TP_SAR_Colored_Arrows. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 2.3K.
TP_HeikenAshi. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 2.3K.
TP_ChannelWidth. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 2.2K.
ToR_1 [3] [1] .03.mq4 13-set-2010 22:07 9.9K.
ToR_1 [3] .02.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 11,5K.
TOPTREND. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 5.7K.
Tommytrend Pivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 4.1K.
Tóquio. ex4 03 de agosto de 2011 01:25 5,5K.
TodayHighLow. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 2.2K.
TLine_sell_breakout. mq4 01-Dez-2010 01:40 2.1K.
TLine_buy_breakout. mq4 01-Dez-2010 01:40 2.1K.
TLineAudioRisingAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 1,9K.
TLineAudioFallingAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 1,9K.
TÍTULO 31-Dez-2010 13:59 95.
Time_Zones. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 6.4K.
TIMESession_modified. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3.8K.
timeleft_cn. rar 24-nov-2010 10:11 2.3M.
timeindicatorchangerequest. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:07 5.9K.
TimeGMTdemo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 1.5K.
TimeGMT. mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:07 2.6K.
TimeFrame-2007-v0.04.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:07 118,9K.
Tempo Driver. mq4 21-Oct-2010 11:37 6.5K.
Timed-Breakout. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 5.8K.
TimeBasedEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 3.1K.
TIME1_modified. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3.8K.
time1.mq4 03-Aug-2011 01:25 3,3K.
Time. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 2.7K.
Tick_on_Chart_multi3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 4K.
Tick_on_Chart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:07 2.5K.
TickUpDown_Ron_v01a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 1.4K.
TickTime_Ron_v03a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:07 3.1K.
Ticks_.mq4 07-nov-2011 10:40 5.1k.
Carrapatos seperate window. mq4 31-Oct-2011 10:55 5.1K.
ticksmoother_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:08 7K.
TicksGold. mq4 07-nov-2011 10:41 5.2K.
TickSave. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:08 9.7K.
Ticks. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:08 4.4K.
TickGraph. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:09 3.3M.
thv V3.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:09 665,8K.
THVTrixDiv. mq4 29-Jun-2011 20:28 25.3K.
THV EA v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:09 20.9K.
THV3_Trix_v4 [1] .01_Div. ex4 13-Set-2010 22:09 28,8K.
THV3 Trix v4.01 Div. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:09 24.1K.
Linha Três Break. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:09 4K.
Três Níveis TP n Mover parada uma vez Beta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:09 7.6K.
Três níveis TP Beta2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:09 5.3K.
Três níveis TP Beta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:09 6.9K.
the_only_Pivot. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:09 8.7K.
The_Forex_Chartist_Companion (Archer e Bickford).pdf 13-set-2010 22:09 361.2K.
The_Bouncing_Pip _-_ TradersBrasil. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:10 97K.
O pip pulando. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:10 130.1K.
O pip pulando. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:10 63K.
O Pip Bouncing & # 8211; TradersBrasil. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:10 97K.
O BestEUR-JPY. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 53.5K.
TFX Reversal. ex4 27-Set-2010 21:26 5,5 K.
TFT colour. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 2.5K.
Text2Speech. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:10 218.8K.
test_swap1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 1.6K.
test_swap. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 1.6K.
Test_StochHisto. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 1.7K.
test_script. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:10 2.5K.
Test_LibEquityLevel. mq4 20-Oct-2010 23:21 574.
Test_Juanita. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:10 25.2K.
test_hedger_hack_v1_1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 26K.
Test_FewSymbolsInTester. mq4 21-Set-2010 10:24 2.4K.
test_fewsymbolsintester. mq4 21-Set-2010 10:24 2.4K.
Test_AvgBreakEvenPosn. mq4 18-Set-2010 14:41 1.8K.
testtrader5digits. tpl 16-Set-2010 00:46 5.5K.
testtrader4digits. tpl 16-Set-2010 00:46 5.5K.
Teste Tick. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 2.5K.
Teste de História file. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:10 1.6K.
»Testando / 27-ago-2010 00:34 & # 8211;
Teste indi. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 2,8K.
testeV2-v3.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:10 10.9K.
Verificador EA Beta mod001.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:10 25.3K.
Verificador EA Beta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:10 25.2K.
teste-v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 1.8K.
Test. zip 13-Set-2010 22:10 163.9K.
test. tpl 13-Set-2010 22:10 1.3K.
TEST-EA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 6K.
Filtro de Ondas Ten Stochs EA v1 [1] .2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 13K.
Filtro de Ondas Ten Stochs EA v1 [1] .1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 7.3K.
Filtro de Ondas Ten Stochs EA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 6.5K.
Dez Stochs Wave EA (string) _Level. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 6.9K.
Dez Stochs Wave EA (sequência) _cross RSI 2 [1] .6.mq4 13-set-2010 22:10 13.3K.
TEMA_RLH. mq4 30-Jan-2007 02:00 3,3K.
Tema_rlh. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:10 3,3K.
TEMA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 2.5K.
TecnoTy. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:10 30.7K.
TD_Points & Line_mgtd1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 7.8K.
TD_Points & Line_Auto. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 9.5K.
TDTL. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:10 21.6K.
TCCI. mq4 27-Set-2010 22:44 4.3K.
TCCI. ex4 13-Set-2010 22:11 6.6K.
taz. stoch spike_wackena scalper-2.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:11 180.9K.
Target_Profit. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2.1K.
Alertas de conversação 2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:11 470.7K.
Falando Alerts. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:11 398.4K.
TakeProfit EA HiLoTradeAway. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 6K.
T101_v1 [1] .12_orestNo_m. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 31,5K.
T101_v1 [1] .11_orest_IBFXm. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 30.1K.
T101_v1.11_orest. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 30.1K.
T101 v3.9 ea. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 56.9K.
T101 v2.4 ea. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 37.8K.
T101 v1.7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 30K.
Painel T101 new. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 24K.
T3_MA_Nick. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2,9K.
T3MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 3K.
T3.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 3.4K.
T3 _MA_Nick. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2,9K.
Alerta T3 RSI. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 3.1K.
Alerta T3 RMI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 4K.
T3 - Trix. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 4,7K.
T1 e # 8211; FiboRetracement3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 16K.
T. S.V._Bullish & amp; Bearish. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 2K.
Synthetic_VIX_rev_MA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2.6K.
Synthetic_VIX_rev. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2.2K.
Synthetic_VIX_MA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 2.6K.
Synthetic_VIX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:11 2.2K.
SynergyBasic2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:11 12.7K.
SymbolsWithProfitExit. ex4 27-Sep-2010 21:02 3.4K.
Exército Suíço EA v1.51.ex4 27-Sep-2010 21:02 28.5K.
Exército Suíço EA v1.35.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:11 22.3K.
Exército Suíço EA v1-51.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:12 121,7K.
Swing_ZZ_with_alert. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 12.9K.
swewin32.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:12 261,3 K.
SweetSpots GOLD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 3.6K.
swb_GRID 3.mq4 13-set-2010 22:12 18.5K.
Swb Grid 4.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 12,4K.
Swb Grid 4.1 com EMA 34.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 12.8K.
Swb Grid 4.1 5min34EMA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 12.7K.
SWB-Grid-3 1M. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 18,5 K.
SupRes_EA_V1.6i. mq4 27-Aug-2011 20:04 7.8K.
SupRes_EA_V1.6h. mq4 27-Aug-2011 20:02 13.5K.
SupRes_EA_V1.6g. mq4 27-Aug-2011 20:01 11.8K.
SupRes_EA_V1.6f. mq4 27-Aug-2011 19:44 11.4K.
Suporte_ & amp; _Resistência (Barry) _Lnx. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 2.1K.
SupportResistTrader [MODIFICADO].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 5.4K.
SupportResistTrader [1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 6.5K.
SupportResistTrader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 4.4K.
Suporte e resistência. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 5.2K.
Suporte e Resistência (Barry) _MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 3.8K.
Suporte e Resistência (Barry).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 1.5K.
super_signals_v2_Alert. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 2.7K.
Super_Carry_Trade_ver2_fixed. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 12.6K.
Super_Carry_Trade_ver2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 12.6K.
Super_Carry_Trade_ver1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 11.1K.
SuperWoodieCCI. MQ4 13-Set-2010 22:12 3,8K.
SuperTrend Candles_source. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 2,9K.
SuperTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 4K.
SuperStochs v3.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 10.2K.
SuperStochs v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 9K.
Super Sinal v3d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 4.4K.
Super SignalsEA_v1.2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 8.8K.
Super Sinais EA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:12 3.8K.
Super Sinais EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 8.7K.
Super Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 974.
SuperScalper_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 12K.
SuperRSI ibfx Major5.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:12 49.9K.
SUPER RSI BLUTO. rar 13-Set-2010 22:13 103.1K.
SuperRSI1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:12 16.6K.
SuperRSI. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:12 16.6K.
super-signals_v2 [1].mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.4K.
super-signals_v2b_AllArrows. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.4K.
super-signals_v2b1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.5K.
super-signals_v2b. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.5K.
super-signals_v2a1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.5K.
super-signals_v2a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.5K.
super-signals_v2.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.4K.
super-signals_v1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.3K.
super-signals_Test. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 2.1K.
super-signals. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 1.4K.
super-sinais-canal1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:12 2.1K.
super-sinais-canal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:12 1,9K.
SundayBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 5.4K.
Stub_VoltyChannelStop_v2_EA. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 2.2K.
Stub_StopLoss_5digit. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 781.
Stub_CloseAfterXseconds. mq4 18-jan-2011 17:10 658.
Stub. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 2.1K.
atacante results. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:13 54,4K.
StrengthMeter. xlsm 02-Dec-2010 10:16 223,4K.
Strategy Tester Schaff_EA_V1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:13 10.6K.
Testador de Estratégia RSI_DailyEAv1.rar 13-Set-2010 22:13 10.9K.
Strategy16.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:13 140,5 K.
Strategy-Tester. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:13 5.7K.
StraddleOrderOCO. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 4,6K.
Straddle & Trail_v3.3.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 50.5K.
Straddle e Trail v3.31b GBPUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 53.3K.
Straddle & Trail v3.31 GBPUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 53.3K.
Straddle & Trail. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 40K.
stop_and_reverse. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 3.2K.
Parar & # 8211; Estouro reverso!.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:13 2.5K.
StocRSI 21mq4 13-set-2010 22:13 3.7K.
StocRSI 2.mq4 13-set-2010 22:13 3.7K.
stockastik. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:13 181.2K.
stoch_spike_wackena_scalper_v4 NP..mq4 13-Set-2010 22:13 31.6K.
stoch_spike_wackena scalper-backtests. zip 13-Set-2010 22:13 280.3K.
Stoch_spike_wackena Scalper-2.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:13 74.3K.
stoch_scalper. ace 13-Sep-2010 22:14 678,4K.
stoch_power_scalper_spike3a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:14 24.1K.
Stoch_Power_Hedger_V4.5 magic 0 entrada falsa 1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 79.3K.
Stoch_Power_Hedger_V3.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 30.1K.
Stoch_Power_Hedger_V2.3.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:14 29,8K.
Stoch_Power_hedger. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:14 26,4K.
Stoch_Cacade_Calculator. xls. zip 13-Set-2010 22:14 9.2K.
StochV-Melpheos-ACS. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:14 19,7K.
Stoch temp. zip 15-fev-2009 02:00 682,8K.
stoch temp. zip 13-set-2010 22:15 680,3 K.
stoch temp. ace 13-set-2010 22:15 680,7K.
stoch spike_wackena scalperV5.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:15 26.4K.
stoch spike_wackena scalperV5.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 28.4K.
stoch spike_wackena scalperV5.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:15 27.8K.
stoch spike_wackena scalperV4.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:15 26.4K.
stoch spike_wackena scalperV2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 28.3K.
stoch spike_wackena scalper. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:16 24.4K.
stoch spike_wackena scalper-M. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:16 24.3K.
stoch spike_wackena scalper-2.1a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:16 25.8K.
stoch spike_wackena scalper-2.1.mq4 13-Set-2010 22:16 25.3K.
Stoch Scalper. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:16 679K.
stochRSI info_files. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:14 76.8K.
stoch power scalper_spike3a. mq4 13-Set-2010 22:16 24.1K.
stoch power scalper_spike3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 24.1K.
Stoch power hedger. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:16 76.1K.
Stoch Power EA_PIPS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 24.1K.
stoch power EA_5h build 5.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:16 5.3K.
Stoch Power EA_5h. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 24.2K.
stoch power EA_5g. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 22.7K.
stoch power EA_5f. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 23.8K.
stoch power EA_5e. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 23.8K.
stoch power EA_5d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 23.2K.
stoch power EA_5c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 22.9K.
StochMartingale_Ron_MT4_v04b_Modified_Les. mq4 06-Mar-2011 13:48 18.6K.
StochHistogramEA_Stub. mq4 27-Jan-2011 20:58 1.4K.
StochHistogram. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 2.6K.
stochEC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 24.2K.
stochEA_UC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 24.2K.
Stoch EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 11.9K.
stochEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.9K.
Stoch EA-mm. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 12.1K.
StochCross_CCI_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 6K.
StochCross_CCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.8K.
Stoch Crossing. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 8.9K.
StochCrossAlert_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.8K.
StochCrossAlertOnClosedCandle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 2.3K.
StochCrossAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 2.2K.
StochCCI_Arrows_v7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 3.6K.
stoch cascade scalper_spike3a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 24.1K.
stoch cascade martingale scalper_spike2CloseAll. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 25.3K.
stoch cascade martingale scalper_spike2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 23.4K.
StochCandles. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.4K.
Stoch Candle OverBought-Sold. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:16 5.5K.
stoch AU_UJ_AS1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 682.7K.
stochAU_UJ_AS1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:14 678.2K.
stochAU_UJ_AS1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 24.4K.
stochAU_UJ. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 24.2K.
Stochastic_with_Shade. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.3K.
Stochastic_Standard_4TF_cja. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 12.8K.
Stochastic_Oscillator_Trading_Strategy. pdf 24-Nov-2010 21:39 34.4K.
Stochastic_NoLastBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 4K.
Stochastic_MTF_w-Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 6K.
Stochastic_Filter_mtf. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:14 5.7K.
Stochastic_DL_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 3.1K.
Stochastic_Divergence. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 13.4K.
Stochastic_Cross_Alert. mq4 06-Dec-2011 22:59 4.6K.
Stochastic_Advisor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 10.7K.
StochasticStack. mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 6.1K.
StochasticHist. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.8K.
Stochastic Bollinger EA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 10.4K.
Stochastic Bollinger EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 10.3K.
Stochastic Bollinger Bands B1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.7K.
Stochastic Bollinger Bands B. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.6K.
Stochastic Bollinger Bands2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.7K.
Stochastic Bollinger Bands1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.6K.
Stochastic Bollinger Bands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 2.6K.
Stochastic Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 4.4K.
Stochastic Alert. ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 6.5K.
Stochastic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 3.8K.
STOCH. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:15 30.6K.
stoch+power+EA_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:15 21.7K.
StocasticsOnPriceChartExtreme. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.8K.
StocasticsOnPriceChart1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3K.
StocasticsOnPriceChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2.9K.
StepSto_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.9K.
StepMA_v7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 5.9K.
StepMA_3D_v31.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 7.7K.
StepMA_3D_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 7.8K.
StepMa. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 4.5K.
Step indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 53.1K.
Steinitz_HAS_MTF_Hedge_v3_19.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 104.3K.
StealthStopLoss. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 4.4K.
Stealth. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3K.
StdDivBands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2.8K.
StdDeviationEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 10K.
StdDev-MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.1K.
Statement 1330738 – FXTrapv2 mini 122006.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 208.4K.
Statement 501518 – FXTrapv2 011407.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 407.2K.
Statement 362922 – FXTrapv2A 122006.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:17 150.1K.
STARC Bands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2.4K.
StandardDeviationChannels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2.2K.
Standard Deviation Channels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2.2K.
SSL_MTF_.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.9K.
SSL_KaleOrg_mtf. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.4K.
SSL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 2K.
SR_AlertSystemM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:17 3.2K.
SRDC_III_tester. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 10K.
sr. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:18 33.1K.
SQ9.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:18 2.8K.
SQ9 (Time).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 40.1K.
SQ9 (Price).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 3.5K.
Spyker. mq4 10-Oct-2011 23:18 2.3K.
SPRTN_PseudoHedge_Indicator_her. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:18 38.7K.
SPRTN_PseudoHedge_EA_Tutorial. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:18 95.3K.
SPRTN_PseudoHedge_EA_her. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:18 46.2K.
Spread_Recorder. mq4 27-May-2011 10:31 2.5K.
spread swap. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 3.4K.
SpreadRecorderOnlyV1.mq4 27-May-2011 10:31 2.4K.
Spread recorder-eng. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 5.3K.
SpreadPaintBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 2.4K.
SpreadLive. mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 6.3K.
SpreadDetective. zip 27-May-2011 10:31 16.9K.
SpreadChanger1.exe 04-Dec-2010 17:41 383.5K.
Spread. mq4 27-May-2011 10:31 2.6K.
Spread-mt5.mq5 13-Sep-2010 22:18 3.6K.
Spread-mt4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 2.6K.
Spread & Sessions Indicator. ex4 27-May-2011 10:31 20.5K.
Spread&SessionIndicatorGuide. pdf 27-May-2011 10:31 156.2K.
spread&session. tpl 27-May-2011 10:31 47.8K.
Spike_Sonic_Striker_Installer[1].exe. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:18 145.3K.
Spike_Sonic_Striker_Installer. exe. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:18 145.3K.
spikes_trend_finder. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:18 102.5K.
spikes_trend_finder. tpl 13-Sep-2010 22:18 1.5K.
Spikes_Martingale_From_Hell_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 28.5K.
Spikes_Martingale_From_Hell_V1.4function_version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 55.5K.
Spikes_Martingale_From_Hell_V1.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 32.4K.
Spikes_Martingale_From_Hell_V1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 31.9K.
Spikes Tender. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 8.7K.
Spikes Stoch EA system. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:18 695.2K.
Spikes Stoch EA system. ace 13-Sep-2010 22:19 682.1K.
Spikes Sonic Striker. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 64.7K.
SpikesMA4x. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:18 11K.
SpikeBars_v3.mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:57 4.8K.
SpikeBars_v2.mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:57 3.1K.
SPH_V2_ALPARI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 32.9K.
SPH_V2.3_ALPARI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 11.8K.
SPH_V2.1_ALPARI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 11.8K.
SPH_ALPARI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 21.5K.
SPHv3.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 108.3K.
Sounds. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 238K.
Sound Files S_R 19 pairs. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 490.5K.
SoundAtOpenNewBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 1.8K.
Sonic_Slope. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 2.7K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
Sonic_Ind_v2.2 mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 8.3K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:19 210K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 12.2K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 12.3K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 12.3K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 12.1K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.2a myPoint. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:19 12.3K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:20 69.2K.
SonicStriker_EA_v2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 12.1K.
SonicR VSA (Black).mq4 18-Mar-2012 00:11 13.1K.
solagracia. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 25.5K.
snowseed-lib. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 14.2K.
snowseed-iClv. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 3.7K.
snowseed-eCLV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 5.6K.
SnapshotSymbolIndy. mq4 29-Oct-2010 19:58 1.6K.
SnapShotOnTrade. mq4 29-Oct-2010 19:57 1.5K.
SnapshotIndy. mq4 29-Oct-2010 19:57 1.3K.
SnapShotI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 1.2K.
SnapShotEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 1.5K.
Snake_In_Borders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 6K.
SnakeForce_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 8.1K.
SnakeForce v1c11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 10.7K.
SnakeForce v1c1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 10.7K.
SnakeForce v1c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 10.7K.
SnakeForce EA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 8.4K.
SnakeForce EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 8.4K.
SnakeForce2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 6K.
SnakeForce1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 6K.
SnakeForce. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 6K.
smSuper TRIX_v1.ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 10.6K.
smSuper TRIX_PV_4col. ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 11.8K.
SMI_v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 2.9K.
SMI_Helper. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 3.8K.
SMI_Correct. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 5.6K.
SMI_Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 4.2K.
SMI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 4K.
SMC Trader TriggerLines V2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 13.8K.
SMC Trader TriggerLines V2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 11.7K.
Smart S. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 12.2K.
SMARTASS2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 7.7K.
SMARTASS-Original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 7.8K.
SMA Cross Over ArrowAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 4.5K.
SMA Cross Over Arrow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 3.4K.
SMA CrossOver. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 3.7K.
SlopeDirectionLine. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 4.1K.
Slope Direction Line. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 4.1K.
SL-TP_move-by-Mouse. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 15.9K.
Skydart_v1[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 48.8K.
SixSimpleStrategies_EA._V. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 51.7K.
SixSimpleStrategies_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:20 51.7K.
SimpleSystem_EA_v01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 14.2K.
SimpleStochDivergenceEAv21.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 11.1K.
SimpleStochDivergenceEAv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 11K.
Simple Stoch Divergence EA v 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 10.6K.
Simple Stoch Divergence EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 10.5K.
Simple Spider. mq4 01-Feb-2012 23:11 53.4K.
Simple S&Rv1.1NoTP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 13.2K.
Simple S&R. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 11.7K.
SimpleS&R-v1.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 19.4K.
Simple S&R-v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 12.4K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.24.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 14.8K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.23_gbpusd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 13.7K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.23.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 13.8K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.21_gbpusd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 10.8K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.21b_gbpusd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 10.8K.
SimpleDailyRangeBreakExpert_v1.21a_gbpusd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:21 10.5K.
simple-snr-system. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:22 2.8M.
SilverTrend_Signal With Alert v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 3.2K.
SilverTrend_RonsSite. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 4K.
Signal_Bars_v3_Daily. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 40.3K.
Signal_Bars_Muk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 40.6K.
»SignalsTrader/ 04-Oct-2010 10:20 –
SignalLine. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 4.1K.
Signal Analysis. xls 22-Aug-2011 01:27 7.3M.
sidus_v3_alerts. mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:00 4.6K.
sidus v 2.mq4 07-Mar-2011 21:04 4.8K.
sidus v.2.mq4 08-Mar-2011 21:00 4.7K.
Sidus – EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 13.9K.
ShowTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 690.
ShowSpreads. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:22 4K.
ShowSpreads. mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 4K.
Show Spread. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 2.5K.
show123RH. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:22 151.8K.
show123.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 17.2K.
SHI_SilverTrendSig1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 3.7K.
SHI_SilverTrendSig. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 3.7K.
SHI_SilverTrendColourBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:22 3.7K.
shi_mod_vline. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 13.5K.
SHI_Mod_vLine. mq4 16-Jun-2008 03:00 13.5K.
SHI_Mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 10.6K.
SHI_Channel_true1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5.1K.
SHI_Channel_true. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5K.
shi_channel_talking. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 7.3K.
SHI_Channel_Fast. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5K.
SHI_Channel_Colour_Talk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 7.3K.
shi_channel4_v2_Stop[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 9.4K.
SHI_Channel1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5.3K.
SHI_Channel1 mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5.3K.
SHI_Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 4.9K.
Shiva experts. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:23 22.5K.
Shinigami RSI spread indi v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 2.1K.
Shi channel Alert MTF Version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 8.1K.
SHI Channel11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5.3K.
SHI Channel11-#mt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 4.4K.
SHI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:23 11K.
ShashiRSI2Ind. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 2.8K.
share. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:23 64.8K.
ShadowTrader 1.2_mm. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 5.4K.
ShadowTrader 1.2_D1_EURUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 4.4K.
ShadeNY_v51.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 7.7K.
ShadeNY_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 7.6K.
Shade NY 07 _13 GMT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 6.2K.
SGMAR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 1.7K.
Set_Fibo_Price_Any_V2_waddhattar_pips4life. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:23 6.9K.
Set_Fibo_Price_Any_V2.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 6.9K.
setup. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:24 788.6K.
SetStopLoss. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 667.
SetSell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.8K.
SetPivotPoint. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 9.4K.
SetBuy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.8K.
Session_Lines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 7.3K.
Sessions_Mod. mq4 03-Mar-2012 14:10 7.7K.
Sessions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 7.7K.
Sell_ECN. mq4 02-Apr-2011 23:11 6.3K.
Sell with SL and TP. mq4 10-Aug-2011 21:44 2.7K.
SELL Breakout. mq4 25-Feb-2011 11:44 10.7K.
sell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 2.1K.
Sell-0.1-Sl20-TP25.mq4 31-Jan-2012 19:49 6.2K.
Seddboy30MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.2K.
SecondChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 9.7K.
SDX-TzPivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 23K.
SDX - 8h. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 8.6K.
SDS_UMM_ver1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 12.6K.
»scripts/ 11-Apr-2010 14:15 –
script. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:24 2.4K.
ScreenShots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 1.8K.
ScratchyMokuLite. mq4 02-Nov-2010 00:01 5.1K.
Scott TD SEQUENTIAL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 12.1K.
schedule_trade_close. mq4 23-Feb-2011 01:14 1.1K.
Schaff_Trend_Cycle2Test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 4.4K.
Schaff_Trend_Cycle2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.3K.
Schaff_EA_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 28.5K.
SchaffTrendCycle1Test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 4.7K.
SchaffTrendCycle1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.4K.
Schaff Trend Cycle 1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.6K.
Schaff Trend Cycle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3K.
Schaff Trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 3.6K.
SCFX Power Gap trade end-.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:24 8.8K.
scalp_2008.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:24 38.9K.
scalp_1min. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:24 34.3K.
Scalp Results. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:24 28.4K.
Scalping Setup. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:24 90.5K.
scalping 100 pips. tpl 01-Dec-2010 00:48 17.2K.
scalpexp03all_ver24_210.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 13.7K.
SavePrices. mq4 10-Nov-2010 00:16 1.7K.
save all symbols periodically. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:24 1.7K.
SATLs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 5.6K.
SATL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 3.1K.
SAR Sample. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 4.7K.
SAR ADX Expert Advisor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 15.1K.
Samuray_v52.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 16.9K.
Samuray_v51.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 16.8K.
Samuray_v10.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 32.8K.
Samuray_v7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 23.5K.
Samuray_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 16.8K.
Samuray_v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 18.1K.
Samuray_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 15.8K.
Samuray_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 14.2K.
Samurayv5.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 16.9K.
SampleNewsAvoidance. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 4.7K.
sam1_Integer Hedge_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 12.1K.
safe. mq4 07-Mar-2011 21:04 4.2K.
s-reconnect. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 1.7K.
S-R. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 1.5K.
s-Constant Range Bars. ex4 22-Nov-2010 01:09 15.1K.
s-CloseOrders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 1.6K.
R_Volatility_I. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 2.3K.
RWI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 3.6K.
RTS ea 1[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 12K.
RS_GROUP_USD V1[1].1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:25 50.2K.
RSX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 3.5K.
RSI_Trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 4.7K.
RSI_Stack. mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 4.5K.
RSI_SevenPairsSell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 4.3K.
RSI_SevenPairsBuy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 4.3K.
Rsi_R2_Opt_Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:25 9.9K.
rsi_r2_indi_v2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 7K.
RSI_R2_Indi_v2.1.mq4 21-Jun-2007 03:00 7K.
RSI_R2_EA_v22.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 52.5K.
RSI_R2_EA_v21.7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 52.9K.
RSI_R2_EA_v21.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 52.5K.
RSI_R2_EA_v21.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 43K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2[1].9.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 57.5K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.9.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 62.4K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 60K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 60K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 56K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 56K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 56K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 52K.
RSI_R2_EA_v2.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 44K.
RSI_R2_EA_Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 64K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pairSelect_v11.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 14.8K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pairSelect_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 14.8K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pairSelect. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 16K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pairFixed[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 16K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pairFixed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 16K.
RSI_R2_EA_multi_pair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 12.5K.
RSI_R2_EA2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 15K.
RSI_R2_EA2.01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 16K.
RSI_R2_EA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 15K.
RSI_R2_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 9.9K.
RSI_R2_EA. MQ4 06-Apr-2007 03:00 9.9K.
RSI_R2_AnyTimeFrame_Optimzable. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 12K.
RSI_MultiBuySellAvg. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 5.3K.
RSI_MTF1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 2.9K.
RSI_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 2.3K.
RSI_Mom_Sma_CorrectV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 4.2K.
RSI_Mom_Sma_CorrectShowAllV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:26 4.2K.
RSI_Mom_Sma_CorrectShowAll. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 4K.
RSI_Mom_Sma_CorrectDif. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3.2K.
RSI_Mom_Sma_Correct. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3.1K.
RSI_Mom_Sma. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3K.
RSI_MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.2K.
Rsi_Lido_SuperRsi_v1.92_Compatible2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3.7K.
RSI_LiDo11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.5K.
RSI_LiDo2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 1.7K.
RSI_LiDo1_open. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.5K.
RSI_LiDo1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.5K.
RSI_LiDo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.5K.
rsi_laguerre_cci. mq4 27-Jan-2011 21:00 10.4K.
RSI_EA_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 18K.
RSI_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 20K.
RSI_EA-v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 16.4K.
RSI_dots1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3K.
RSI_dots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3K.
RSI_dipbuyer_MA_V1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 6K.
RSI_DailyEAv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 12.6K.
RSI_Cross_Alert_Stoch. mq4 20-Apr-2011 21:07 11.7K.
RSI_Cross_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 11.7K.
RSI_Color_RSI_v1.01_Maxim. mq4 12-Nov-2010 10:30 14K.
RSI_CCI_Div_v1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 4.3K.
Rsi_BB. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 1.5K.
RSI_Alerts. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3.2K.
RSI trader v0.10.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 4K.
RSI R2 EA Multipair Regular Symbol2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.5K.
RSI R2 EA Multipair Regular Symbol1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.5K.
RSI R2 EA Multipair Regular Symbol. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16K.
RSI R2 EA multi pair no m. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16K.
RSI R2 EA multi pair m. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16K.
RSI R2 EA multi pair2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.5K.
RSI R2 EA multi pair1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.5K.
RSI R2 EA multi pair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16K.
RSIOMA Bollinger Bands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 5.1K.
RSIOMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 4.5K.
RSI Hi-Lo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.2K.
RSI div. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 12.7K.
RSI dipbuyer MA V1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.2K.
RSI Custom. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.5K.
RSI Cross EA[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.5K.
RSI Cross EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.4K.
RSIArrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 1.7K.
RSI2Performance. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:27 196.9K.
RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 3K.
RSI-TL. mq4 30-Jul-2011 14:40 6K.
RSI-R2_voting_Ron4a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.4K.
RSI-R2_voting_Ron3ax. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.2K.
RSI-R2_voting_Ron3a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:27 2.2K.
RSI-R2_The_Whole_Enchilada2.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:27 553.1K.
RSI-R2_The_Whole_Enchilada1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:28 310.1K.
RSI-R2_The_Whole_Enchilada1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:28 323.7K.
RSI-R2_The_Whole_Enchilada. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:28 310.1K.
RSI-R2_The_Whole_Enchilada. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:28 323.7K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver12.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.8K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver11.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16.6K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver11.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.8K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 20K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.3 MagicNumber=0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 20K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.2-original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12.8K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12K.
RSI-R2 EA Ver1.1-original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 11.6K.
RSI-R2 EA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 10.3K.
RSI-R2 EA. MQ4 01-Apr-2007 03:00 10.3K.
RSI-R2 EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 12K.
RSI-EA-v1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:28 16.9K.
RSI-8_CROSS_Sound. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 6.8K.
RSI-8_CROSS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:28 6.7K.
RR_Support and Resistance Heat Map_Color_Selectable. mq4 29-Nov-2011 10:26 4.4K.
Round Numbers. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.7K.
Ron_Spread002.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.7K.
Ron_Spread002 logging. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 3.4K.
Ron_Spread001.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 1.9K.
ROMA_ Start_e-Trailing. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.6K.
RollerCoaster. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.7K.
ROC_Smoothed1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.3K.
ROC_Smoothed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.3K.
ROC_MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.5K.
ROC1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.5K.
ROC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.5K.
RobinHood_v1_1_AS1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 39.6K.
RobinHood_v1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 39.4K.
RobinHood_v1_0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 38.1K.
Robin Hood. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 13.8K.
Robert’s Keltner_ChannelsAlert modify. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3.2K.
Robert’s Keltner_ChannelsAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3.2K.
RMI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3.3K.
RK_Note. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 1002.
RK-ml-RSI_EMA_MTF v1.2_char. mq4 15-May-2011 13:39 9.1K.
RK-ml-RSI_EMA_MTF v1.2.mq4 15-May-2011 13:39 9K.
RiskLotsCode. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 4.7K.
rhythm_mar13.ZIP 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.4K.
Rhythm v[1].2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 10.6K.
Rhythm v.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 10.6K.
RHc_BombshellBothWays. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 21.8K.
RHc_Bombshell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 21.9K.
RHc_BLSH. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 21.8K.
Re [MT_E and I] EUR_CHF, 1_1_11, WEEKLY, Multiple RSI divergences identify bottoming pattern and ultimate trend change2.eml 02-Jan-2011 21:03 30.9K.
reverse position. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 1.8K.
Reverse. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3.2K.
Reversal_EA_MT4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 5.5K.
Report_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 19.8K.
Report1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 19.8K.
Report. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 19.8K.
Renko_CW. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2K.
RENKO_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 8.9K.
RenkoRangeBarsV1.2 R_KG. ex4 01-Apr-2012 14:35 10.8K.
RenkoLiveChart_v3.2.mq4 15-Aug-2011 01:21 13.9K.
RenkoLiveChart_v3.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 11.4K.
RenkoLiveChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 6.2K.
RenkoAM_v2.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 1.1K.
renko3_with_ma. gif 13-Sep-2010 22:29 41.9K.
renko3.gif 13-Sep-2010 22:29 39.3K.
Renko. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:29 54.9K.
Relative Strength EA Cross. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 20.3K.
Relative Strength EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 19.6K.
Regular RSI Div. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 12.6K.
Regression_Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 8.6K.
ReEnterOrders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3.3K.
READ_PRICE_OUT. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 7.1K.
Re - [MT_E and I] Manual Strategy..eml 23-Jan-2008 21:24 16.5K.
range_HighLow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:29 3K.
range_bars_wlas_v09.mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 6.7K.
range_bars_wlas_v09 mod001.mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 7K.
RangerFX. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:29 23.3K.
RangeBars. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:29 2.4K.
RangeBarIndicator mod001.zip 18-Oct-2011 00:55 3.8K.
RangeBarIndicator mod001.mq4 03-Nov-2011 11:04 17K.
RangeBarIndicator. mq4 18-Oct-2011 00:55 16.3K.
Range bar generator v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 16.2K.
RangeBar. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.4K.
Range. mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:56 3K.
Randomness EA v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 7.3K.
random-trades2.xls 01-Feb-2011 11:35 306K.
RainbowsMMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:30 9K.
RainbowOsMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.7K.
RainbowMMA_11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_10.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_09.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.6K.
RainbowMMA_08.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.6K.
RainbowMMA_07.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_06.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_05.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.5K.
RainbowMMA_03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.6K.
RainbowMMA_02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.6K.
RainbowMMA_01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 2.6K.
Rads stoch Bar A. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 9K.
R12_4hr1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 12.8K.
R12_4hr. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 12.8K.
R2_Arrows_v4d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 4.5K.
R2_Arrows_v4c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 4.5K.
R2_Arrows_v4b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.7K.
R2_Arrows_v4a2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 7K.
R2_Arrows_v4a1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 7K.
R2_Arrows_v4a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 7K.
R2_Arrows_v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 6.8K.
R2_Arrows_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 5.8K.
R2_Arrows_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.6K.
R2_ArrowsV12.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.5K.
R2_ArrowsV11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.5K.
R2_ArrowsV1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.5K.
R2_Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.5K.
r2-stoch. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:30 158.3K.
R-Squared_v11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.3K.
Quik_Trailing. mq4 28-Jan-2011 19:50 16.4K.
QuickSell+Stops. mq4 17-Aug-2011 10:04 422.
Quantitative Qualitative Estimation. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:30 5.2K.
quant. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:30 3.9K.
QTA_v2.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:31 21.5K.
qsxyj. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.4K.
QQE_adjustable_multiTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.2K.
QQE1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 2.8K.
QQE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.1K.
q-Spread. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 913.
pVS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 19.4K.
PVO. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 6.5K.
pTradingRange. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 6.8K.
pseudo random FX. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:31 517.3K.
PSAR Scalper v2_JT2.mq4 16-Sep-2010 10:18 40.4K.
PSAR Scalper v2.mq4 16-Sep-2010 10:18 40.4K.
PSAR Helper 15M. mq4 16-Sep-2010 00:46 2.6K.
PSAR Helper 5M. mq4 16-Sep-2010 00:46 3.2K.
psar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 9.8K.
Proof. pdf 29-Dec-2010 16:36 86.4K.
ProfitTracker. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 5.7K.
.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 5.8K.
ProfitReachedSnippet. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.8K.
profitgraphSELL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3K.
profitgraphBUY. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.1K.
ProfitChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 3.5K.
profitcalc_graphical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 1.7K.
profit. wav 09-Sep-2011 02:08 43.1K.
ProbabilityChannel1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:31 307.4K.
ProbabilityChannel. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:31 307.4K.
Probability Chanel RU2EN v1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:31 311.9K.
priorities comp final. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 19.3K.
PriorDayFiboPivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:31 6.6K.
Price_Line_Alert. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 1.8K.
PriceTrender21.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 3.1K.
PriceTrender2Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 5K.
PriceTrender2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 3.1K.
Price Oscillator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 4.2K.
PriceLine_Ron_v01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 2.8K.
PriceInfo2_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 16.3K.
PriceInfo2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 16.1K.
PriceInfo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 16.1K.
PriceDisplay. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 5.7K.
Price Data Collector. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 1.8K.
PriceChannel_Stop_v1_1_.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 6.1K.
PriceChannel_Stop_v1[1].2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 6.3K.
PriceChannel_Stop_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 4.9K.
Price Channel. mq4 17-Sep-2011 00:15 3.2K.
PriceAlert v2.mq4 18-Nov-2010 10:10 4.7K.
pricealert v2 (soundwhenbreakoutnthrange).gif 18-Nov-2010 10:10 12.2K.
pricealert v2 (soundwhenbreakoutnthbar).gif 18-Nov-2010 10:10 11.1K.
PriceAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 4K.
PriceActionOriginalEA_v1_3.mq4 11-Aug-2011 19:55 31.6K.
PriceActionOriginalEA_v1_1.mq4 10-Aug-2011 19:37 23.2K.
PriceActionOriginalEA_v1.mq4 07-Aug-2011 14:12 15.5K.
previous_candle_data. mq4 13-Oct-2010 10:16 2.7K.
PreviousPeriodFibs-enter levels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 14.1K.
PreviousPeriodFibs-enter levels-mod 072010.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 13.3K.
Previous Candle Data V2.mq4 16-Oct-2010 14:38 3.1K.
Previous Candle Data. mq4 16-Oct-2010 14:29 2.7K.
preBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 7.5K.
PRD Trader v1.7_R. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 40.4K.
PRD Trader v1.6_R. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 40.1K.
PRD Trader v1.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 38.5K.
PRD Trader v1.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 31.5K.
PRD Trader v1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 24.7K.
PRD Trader v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 24.2K.
PRD Trader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 19.3K.
PRDSignal2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 4.3K.
PRDSignal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 4K.
Practical_Fibonacci_Methods_for_Forex_Trading. pdf 24-Nov-2010 21:40 437.1K.
PPO. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:32 2.3K.
PowerSwing. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:32 135.2K.
Point test Fluid_Matt. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:32 105K.
PM17_3.zip 13-Oct-2010 10:17 18.7K.
Plum_Crazy_function_version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 57.3K.
PLUM_CRAZY6_function_version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 57.2K.
PLUM_CRAZY6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 34.5K.
PLUM_CRAZY5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:32 34.7K.
Plot_News indicator. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:33 95.2K.
Plot_News. ZIP 13-Sep-2010 22:33 263.4K.
Platinum v0-2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5.7K.
PlatinumBestD1_05B. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 10.2K.
Placing an MA in an existing indicator window – Video. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:33 427.4K.
PKTrader2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:33 424.2K.
Pivot_Support_Historical2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 6.4K.
Pivot_Support_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 4.9K.
Pivot_Resistance_Historical2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 7K.
Pivot_Resistance_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5.6K.
Pivot_only_M30.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 2.4K.
Pivot_only_M15.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 2.4K.
Pivot_only_H4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 2.4K.
Pivot_only_H1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 2.4K.
Pivot_Monday Fixed. mq4 22-Dec-2010 00:27 6.3K.
Pivot_Mid_Support_Historical2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 7.6K.
Pivot_Mid_Support_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5K.
Pivot_Mid_Resistance_Historical2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 7.2K.
Pivot_Mid_Resistance_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5.8K.
Pivot_Lines1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 18.7K.
Pivot_Lines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 18.8K.
Pivot_3_Monthly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5.1K.
Pivot_2_Weekly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:33 5.1K.
Pivot_1_Daily DMv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 3.7K.
Pivot with Mid Levels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 7K.
Pivots_Weekly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 6.7K.
Pivots_Monthly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 6.8K.
Pivots_Daily_SR_AIMEfx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 16.1K.
Pivots_Daily_M_SR_AIMEfx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 15.6K.
Pivots_Daily1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 16.3K.
Pivots_Daily. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 16.3K.
PivotsV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 14.9K.
Pivot SR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 4.7K.
Pivot SR-mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 6.2K.
PivotsMW_v6.mq4 25-Oct-2011 11:07 30.3K.
PivotsD_V5_(Black).ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 24.7K.
PivotsD_v5.mq4 21-Dec-2010 11:37 30.7K.
Pivots Daily. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 14.8K.
Pivots. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:34 42.6K.
PIVOTS. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:34 53.1K.
Pivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 24K.
Pivot Points Multitimeframe. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:34 5.2K.
Pivot Points Multitimeframe. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 45K.
PivotPoints MT04a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 5.6K.
PivotPoints MT04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 4.7K.
Pivot Points-mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 11K.
Pivot Point EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 26.8K.
Pivot Lines Timezone. mq4 05-Jun-2011 12:58 16.8K.
Pivot Lines1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 19.3K.
Pivot Lines. mq4 07-Mar-2011 21:03 14.1K.
Pivot Daily Zone. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 5K.
PivotCustom_4TimeFrames2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 44K.
PivotCustom_4TimeFrames. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 45.1K.
PivotCustomTime____.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 13.2K.
Pivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 5K.
Pivot-Calculator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 7.1K.
PipsScalerEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:34 31.8K.
PipsMarkV3.mq4 29-Dec-2011 17:20 4.9K.
Pipskateer_HAS_Setup. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:34 132.8K.
PipsGenerator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 51K.
»Pippo/ 13-Aug-2011 18:17 –
PipNailer DashBoard_v1.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 21.4K.
Pipnailer2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 10.3K.
Pipnailer2+rwi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 12.1K.
Pip Nailer 1.2 – Flying Fish. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 5.1K.
Pipmaker_V17_3_SL. mq4 13-Oct-2010 01:17 60.2K.
PipMakerV9-1[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 28.7K.
pipmakers. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:35 53.6K.
Pipmaker Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:35 4.4K.
PipeBomb_1 per signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 9.8K.
PipeBomb. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 9.3K.
pipcounter META. mq4 22-Aug-2011 01:19 1.2K.
pipcounter (2).mq4 10-Jul-2011 16:16 1.1K.
PinI4Bbar AHA 0[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 8.8K.
Ping_my_trading_server. pdf 20-Jan-2012 10:24 1.1M.
Pin bars-introduction. pdf 03-Mar-2012 20:16 175.2K.
Pin bars-advanced. pdf 03-Mar-2012 20:16 112.7K.
Phoenix_EA_v5_6_03_ECN. mq4 30-Jun-2011 20:05 38.7K.
Phoenix_EA_v5_6_03.mq4 12-Nov-2010 10:20 33.9K.
Phoenix_4_CONTEST. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 10.5K.
PhilNelSignals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 3.1K.
PH-Woodie-Panel-Heart-v4.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:35 182.8K.
PerkyPro_v4PK_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 19.9K.
PerkyPro_v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 19.2K.
PerkyAsctrend1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 4.9K.
Perky2.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:35 59.5K.
Perky1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:35 59.5K.
period_converter_shift. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 6.4K.
Period_Converter_Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 15.4K.
period_converter_all. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 7.4K.
period_converter. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 6.3K.
Period_converter. mq4 31-Mar-2008 03:00 6.3K.
PERFOMA_CloseHedge. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 5.5K.
Perfect trading. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:35 261K.
Perceptron AI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 2.4K.
percent. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 1.7K.
Pending Orders SD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 2K.
PB_autopivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 20.2K.
1.MQ4 01-Apr-2007 03:00 16K.
Pattern_Recognition_Master_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 26.9K.
Pattern_Recognition_Master1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 26.8K.
Pattern_Recognition_Master. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 25.9K.
Pattern_Recognition_f. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 16K.
Pattern_Recognition. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:35 13.7K.
Pattern_Hammer_Shooting_Star. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 9.4K.
Pattern_Hammer_Shooting Star1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 9.7K.
Pattern_Hammer_Shooting Star. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 9.8K.
Pattern Recognition. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 13.7K.
past regression deviated_MTF_Multipair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 46.8K.
past regression deviated Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 6.4K.
past regression deviated Function. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 6K.
past regression deviatedAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 8.4K.
past regression deviated Abhay. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 9.9K.
past regression deviated 618.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.6K.
past regression deviated2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 9.7K.
past regression deviated. mq4 14-Mar-2011 20:14 6K.
Parse_AlterTrader_v02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 2.4K.
Parse_AlterTrader_v01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 2.1K.
Parabolic_trendchaser. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 3.6K.
Parabolic_SAR_Trading_Strategy. pdf 24-Nov-2010 21:39 34.6K.
Parabolic separate window. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.6K.
Parabolic SAR Color – Alert2.mq4 27-Oct-2010 02:17 3.2K.
Parabolic SAR Color – Alert. mq4 27-Oct-2010 02:17 2.9K.
ParabolicOffChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.6K.
Parabolic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.6K.
PantherEA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 16.4K.
Pair_Divergence. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 44.1K.
PA IO detection v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.8K.
PacMan mar 16th PacManJr_GBP$ Added1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 162.3K.
PacMan mar 16th PacManJr_GBP$ Added. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 162.3K.
P4L PeriodCon. mq4 08-Feb-2011 20:40 48.2K.
P4L Clock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 36.9K.
P0) Period Converter Time Frame. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 20K.
OverLayChartLINE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 12K.
OverlayChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 8.8K.
OverLayChart. mq4 01-Jul-2009 07:27 8.5K.
OverLayChart - Point. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 8.7K.
OverLayChart-MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 10.5K.
OverHedgeTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 16.2K.
»Other Indi/ 10-Apr-2011 00:01 –
OsMA_Divergence_v1.mq4 14-Jul-2011 00:13 11K.
OsMA_Divergence_v1 ALERT. mq4 14-Jul-2011 00:26 11.2K.
OsMA_Color2Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5.1K.
OsMA_AppliedPrice. mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:04 3K.
OsMA_AccAO. mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:04 5.9K.
OsMaDivergence. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 11.5K.
osirisja_laguerre. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:36 5K.
OSC-MTF_CF_SYSv1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 14.2K.
OrdMgrSL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 6.7K.
Opto123_EA_v11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:36 24.8K.
Opto123 EA v1.2.mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 28.1K.
OptionsExpire. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 2.6K.
Open_Price_Line_Robert. mq4 10-Feb-2011 10:00 3K.
Open_Price_Line_Ash. mq4 10-Feb-2011 10:00 2.8K.
OpenTradeAtMarket. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 14.3K.
OpenTiks_a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 5.3K.
OpenTiks MM (Time Filter).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 7.3K.
OpenTiks MM (Profit Target).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 6.1K.
Open Price Line. mq4 09-Feb-2011 20:20 3K.
OpenOnlyTest. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 177.
Opening Range Trader V0_02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 8.4K.
Opening Range Trader V0_01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 8.6K.
OpenBreakout. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 15.1K.
OpenBasketScript. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 7.5K.
OnChart_Stochastic_Channel_3TFx3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 7.7K.
OnChart_Stochastic_Channel_(FL_MTF).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 6.7K.
OnChart MFI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 4.8K.
okwhticks. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 2.3K.
OCO. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 5.8K.
N_StepMA_1_Email. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 6.8K.
nr4id-atr_761.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 2.4K.
NR4-IB[1].pdf 13-Sep-2010 22:37 573.8K.
Not_So_Squeezy_Trading_Manual. pdf 13-Sep-2010 22:37 814.7K.
Not_So_Squeezy_Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:37 11.7K.
»Nonno/ 31-May-2011 12:15 –
NonLag_ATR_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:37 6.2K.
NonLagZigZag_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 5.7K.
NonLagMA_v7[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 6.5K.
NonLagMA_v7.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 1.9K.
NonLagMA_v7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 6K.
NonLagMA_v7.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 7.4K.
NonLagMA_v7.1_CCI. mq4 04-Jan-2011 11:24 7.1K.
NonLagMA_v7.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 6.5K.
NonLagMA_v7.1.2BB. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 7.2K.
NonLagMA_v7.1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 6.8K.
NonLagMA_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 5K.
NonLagMA_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 17.1K.
NonLagMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 4.2K.
NonLagDot71.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 5.7K.
nonlagdot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 4.7K.
NoLossEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 10.4K.
NoLoss. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 88K.
Noel_System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 2.3K.
nn1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 22.2K.
NN. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 18.4K.
nkSAR EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 8.7K.
nkPivotEA1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 107.5K.
nkPivotEA. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 53.8K.
nkpivot. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 49.1K.
nkDMI_V4.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 19.2K.
nkDMI_V2.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 26.3K.
nkDMI1.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 12.9K.
nkDMI. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 12.9K.
nk3BarHiLo_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 9.8K.
nk3BarHiLo3.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 26.9K.
nk3BarHiLo. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:38 9.6K.
Nieuwe map. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:38 6.8K.
New_Candle_Alarm. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 1.5K.
NewYorkBox_MH. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 15K.
NewYorkBox. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 18.7K.
NewTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 3.1K.
NewsTrader_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:38 22.1K.
NewsBreakout. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:39 44.7K.
NewOne. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 6.6K.
newbaralert1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 714.
NeutralHedge osc_v3[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 11.7K.
NeutralHedge osc_v2test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 10.1K.
NeutralHedge osc_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 10K.
NeutralHedge osc_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 6.5K.
NeuroTrend_Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 6.5K.
NeuroTrend_Include. mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:39 8K.
NarrowBreakout__GBPM30.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 8.3K.
N4 TF HAS Bar2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 7.2K.
N4 TF HAS Bar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 8.7K.
MZZ9.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 34K.
myVWMA. mq4 18-Nov-2010 10:17 6.4K.
MyStrategyTrainerEA User Guide. txt 13-Sep-2010 22:39 1.8K.
MySQL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 8K.
My Simple Strategy TesterTemplate. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 17.7K.
My Simple Strategy Tester. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 11.6K.
MyManager Beta2.mq4 07-Jan-2011 16:47 2K.
Murrey_Math_MT4_Period_VG_Dav. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 13.4K.
Murrey_Math_MT4_EA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:39 7.6K.
Murrey_Math_Line_X. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 13.1K.
Multi_Lot_Scapler_P_DAY_MT4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 16K.
Multi_Lot_Scapler_P_DAY_JLY. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 16K.
Multi_Lot_Scalper_P_D1_JLY41.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 12.4K.
Multi_Lot_Scalper_P_D1_JLY4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 12.8K.
Multi_Lot_Scalper_PsarsV1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 12K.
Multi_Lot_Scalper_Psars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 12K.
Multi_Lot_Scalper. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 12K.
Multi_EA_1_1_5_1_Rsx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 8K.
Multi_EA_1[1].5.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 7.8K.
MultiZigZag. mq4 15-Dec-2011 23:49 19.6K.
Multi TimeFrame Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:40 55.4K.
multisymbol_color-RSI_LQ_1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 4.8K.
Multi purpose trade manager Mod by cacus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 95.6K.
Multi purpose trade manager. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 99.3K.
Multiple10Ponts-X2 v1.62.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:39 81.5K.
Multiple10Points_X2_v1[1].74.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:39 99.7K.
Multiple10Points_X2_v1.76.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 94.8K.
MultiPairWPR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:39 4.9K.
MultiIndikator. mq4 12-Oct-2010 16:13 17.1K.
MultiHedgeEA_v1[1].3.temp. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 19.2K.
MultiHedgeEA_v1[1].3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 18.8K.
MultiEA. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:40 271.6K.
Multi-Strategy@FSF. zip 15-Sep-2010 01:04 11.9K.
Multi-Strategy@FSF. mq4 15-Sep-2010 01:04 72.9K.
mTrackPositions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 6K.
MTP_1.81.mq4 23-Oct-2010 19:14 11.3K.
MTP_1.8.mq4 09-Oct-2010 23:50 10.8K.
MTP Ultimo. zip 15-Dec-2011 01:47 249.7K.
MTP4FF. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:40 327.7K.
MTP. JT. v2.1.mq4 02-Oct-2011 19:17 11.5K.
MTP. JT. v2.0.mq4 02-Oct-2011 19:13 11.1K.
MTF_ZerolagStochsV3M. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 5.4K.
MTF_ZerolagStochsV3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 5.1K.
MTF_Stochastic_v2.0(Iya).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 6.4K.
MTF_Stochastic_Alert_v.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 8K.
MTF_StepSto_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 6.5K.
MTF_MA in Colorv3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 8.8K.
MTF_MACD_OsMA_L (1).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 3.9K.
MTF_MACD_inColor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 4.7K.
MTF_HI_LOW_v1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 27.2K.
MTF_Fractal_with_Alerts. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 7.2K.
MTF_BrainTrend2_all_in_one1-2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 4.4K.
MTF_BrainTrend1_all_in_one1-2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 5.3K.
MTF_ATR Indicator. pdf 13-Sep-2010 22:40 278.5K.
MTF_ATR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:40 3.6K.
MTF signal custom. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 5.1K.
MTF RSI MultiPair. mq4 21-Nov-2010 01:18 4.1K.
MTF MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 2.5K.
MTFMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 4.8K.
MTFCenterofGravity. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 3.5K.
MTF-HAS-SCALPLING-DEMO517.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 11.2K.
MTF-HAS-ORIGINAL520.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 7.6K.
mt4_ticker. exe 31-Oct-2010 13:16 19K.
mt4mathBug. mq4 18-Jan-2011 19:53 1.1K.
MT4iConnect. dll 13-Aug-2011 13:53 206.5K.
.mq4 21-Sep-2011 09:56 3.1K.
MT4-LevelStop-Reverse. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 10.5K.
MT4-LevelStop-Reverse-vB0-4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 11.7K.
MT4-LevelStop-Reverse-vB0-2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 11.7K.
MT4 History Data Download. pdf 13-Sep-2010 22:41 21.5K.
mT3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 3.2K.
MSFX Trades History CSV. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 10K.
MSFX – Trades History CSV. ex4 27-Sep-2010 21:02 10.3K.
MSFX – Trades Analyzer. ex4 27-Sep-2010 21:02 21K.
MrsPacManSignal4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 3.5K.
MrsPacMan. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 30.6K.
mrmon-exp. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:41 7K.
MQl4BookEnglish. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:42 2M.
mql4 manual. pdf 13-Sep-2010 22:42 840.6K.
MQL4 COURSE lessons. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:43 3M.
mParabolic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 5.7K.
mp6140’s Hedge v3.1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 9.6K.
mp6140’s Hedge v3.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 6.7K.
Moving_Average_Cross_Trading_Strategy. pdf 24-Nov-2010 21:39 34.2K.
Moving_AverageCross_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 14.1K.
Moving Averages Advance. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 5.8K.
Moving Averages. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 5.3K.
Moving AverageCross_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 14.2K.
Moving Average. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 4.6K.
move sl 20.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 452.
move sl 10.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 453.
move sl 5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 451.
MoutekiStop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 4.5K.
Mouteki EA 01.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 20.8K.
Mouteki EA 0.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 23.5K.
Mouteki EA 0.4 Modifie16-11-2006-23-46.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 36.9K.
Mouteki EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 19.5K.
Mouteki-Demark_trend_new. mq4 24-Jan-2011 12:59 17.3K.
Morning Break Out1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 5.9K.
Morning Break Out. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:43 5.9K.
Moon Phases [original].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 3.6K.
Moon Phases. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 3.4K.
MoonPhases. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 3.9K.
MoonPhases. csv 13-Sep-2010 22:44 5.7K.
MoonPhase. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 7.6K.
MonthlyPivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 5.3K.
MondayH4Box. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 3.4K.
MomPinboll. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 1.9K.
Momentum_Stack. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.4K.
MomentumkPinballcIndicator. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 1.9K.
Momentum-ZL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 2.2K.
modify_take_profits_DragDrop. mq4 07-Nov-2010 01:15 1.5K.
modify_pending. mq4 07-Nov-2010 01:15 1.8K.
Modify Position. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 2.3K.
mNLMAv6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 6K.
MM_Short_LINES_v2b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 9K.
MML_Multi_Option_v1.23.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 27.4K.
MktOpen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 8.5K.
Misakas. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:44 60.4K.
Min_Max_RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 2.6K.
mindrends. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.9K.
mindhero. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.9K.
MilansTDIstuff. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:44 18.2K.
Milans15minSimple. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:44 157.4K.
mikko_breakout_bar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 2.3K.
Miguel. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:44 120.9K.
MIG2007_MM. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:44 53.6K.
MidDay. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 2K.
mHeikenAshi_DM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.7K.
MFI_R2_EA_v2.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 49.1K.
mFibPivots1700.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.9K.
MetaTrader NSIS. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:44 4.5K.
Meta Trader Account Copier. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:45 807.7K.
Mega trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4.1K.
meav1.4.mq4 15-Jan-2012 03:27 13.9K.
McGinley Dynamic Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 2.4K.
MA_Value. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4.1K.
MA_Trigger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 2.8K.
MA_RangeAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 6.9K.
MA_PriceCrossover_Email_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 5.5K.
MA_PriceCrossover_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 8.8K.
MA_of_RSX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4.1K.
MA_Gideon2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 3.4K.
MA_Gideon. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 3.3K.
MA_dots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 5.4K.
Ma_Distance_From_Price. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 2.5K.
MA_DifHist. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4.9K.
MA_Dif. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4.7K.
MA_Crossover_Signal_With_wav. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 8.1K.
MA_Crossover_Signal_VoiceAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4K.
MA_Crossover_SignalAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 8K.
MA_Crossover_Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 4K.
MA_Crossover_Email_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 10.4K.
MA_Crossover_CloseExit_EA_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 30.3K.
MA_Crossover_Alert2[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 12K.
MA_Crossover_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:45 12K.
MA_Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 4.1K.
MA_AvgOfFour. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 5.9K.
MA_AvgOfFour(2).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 5.4K.
MA_Angle_v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 8.2K.
MA_Angle_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 7.9K.
MA_Angle_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 7.9K.
MA_Angle_EAv3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 31.7K.
MA_Angle_EAv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 24.8K.
MA_Angle_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 23.8K.
Ma_angleTest. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 7.3K.
Ma_angle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 7.2K.
MA_ADX. mq4 10-Nov-2010 00:12 12.3K.
Mauro_Trailing. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 16.8K.
MathModTest. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 1.8K.
MathModTest (1).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 1.8K.
MassMA20 Clone_V1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 9.5K.
MassMA20 Clone v 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 10.1K.
MassMA20 Clone. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 9.4K.
MAsound. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:46 205.9K.
MarketTime2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 5.1K.
MarketTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 4.8K.
Market Short. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 1.7K.
marketprofile2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 4.6K.
Market Profile1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 4.9K.
marketprofile. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 4.7K.
Market Profile. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 4.7K.
market price. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2.1K.
Market Panel Display Controller (White)v1a. mq4 19-Jan-2012 10:48 39.8K.
Market Panel Display Controller (Black)v1a. mq4 19-Jan-2012 10:48 39.8K.
MarketOpen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 8.5K.
Market Long. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 1.6K.
MarketInfo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:46 7.5K.
MarketHoursShade_v01.mq4 03-Aug-2011 01:25 4.9K.
Market Hours. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2.2K.
Margin_DrawDown_TrackerEZ. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 1.6K.
Margin_DrawDown_Tracker. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 3.1K.
MAPlusMinus. mq4 23-Nov-2010 14:50 2.6K.
MAofRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 3.3K.
MA of Momentum. mq4 10-Jul-2011 16:15 3K.
ManualLevels_EA. ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 16.5K.
Manual-English. zip 15-Sep-2010 01:08 19.9K.
Manage_TP v3.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 6.6K.
Manage_TP v3.5 bis comment2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 7.2K.
Manage_TP v3.5 bis comment. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 7.1K.
Manage_TP v3.5 bis. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 7.1K.
managetpv34.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 6.1K.
ManageTPv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 6.1K.
ManageTPv2-41.mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:30 5.9K.
ManageTPv2-4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 5.9K.
ManageTPv2-3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 5.7K.
ManageTakeProfit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 7.5K.
ManagedTPv3-4.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:47 7.2K.
manage alltrades. set 13-Sep-2010 22:47 4.1K.
MAMA_v1.mq4 10-Oct-2011 23:18 10.2K.
MakeGridLSMA. mq4 30-Dec-2010 17:27 26.8K.
MakeGrid-With 100 and 200 EMA. mq4 30-Dec-2010 17:27 11.4K.
MAinColor_wAppliedPriceShift. mq4 23-Mar-2012 12:37 4.5K.
MA in Color_wAppliedPriceAngle. mq4 10-Aug-2011 21:54 7.1K.
MA in Color_wAppliedPrice. mq4 16-Sep-2010 00:46 4.8K.
Magnified_Market_Price_Plus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 4.3K.
Magnified_Market_Price_Plus. ex4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 4.4K.
Magnified_Market_Price. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2.4K.
Magnified Market Price_11b. mq4 31-Mar-2011 23:12 3.4K.
Magnified Market Price. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 1.5K.
Magnified CloseBarPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 1.2K.
Magnified ATRPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 1.3K.
MagicRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 6.8K.
MagicNumberFromSymbol. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2K.
MA crosses arrows_alerts_v1.1.mq4 08-Dec-2010 20:26 7.4K.
MACrossEAV1.5.mq4 25-Jan-2012 23:34 42K.
MA Cross Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.5K.
MaChannel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2.9K.
MACD_TEMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 3.6K.
MACD_Steve. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 3.3K.
MACD_Signal_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 2.4K.
MACD_signal. mq4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 5.2K.
MACD_SampleTraining[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 12.2K.
MACD_OsMA_M. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:47 5.2K.
MACD_OsMA_4ColorH_2LVar_mtf. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 7.2K.
MACD_mqcodes. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 2.4K.
MACD_MA EA (for fixing) 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 40.9K.
MACD_MA EA (for fixing).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 40.9K.
MACD_LSMA_EMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.8K.
MACD_LSMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.8K.
MACD_i_.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 2.6K.
MACD_Histogram_and_Alert. mq4 17-Feb-2012 10:14 1.9K.
MACD_Histogram. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 14K.
MACD_Good_Alert mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 5.2K.
MACD_Good_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 5.2K.
Macd_Good. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.1K.
MACD_EMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.2K.
MACD_Divergence_V1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 12.6K.
MACD_Divergence. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 9.3K.
MACD_DEMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.6K.
MACD_CROSS_SIGNALER backup 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 1.4K.
MACD_Cross_Signaler. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 5.2K.
Macd_Correct. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 4.6K.
MACD_color_new. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.2K.
MACD_ColorHist_AlertEMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 4.6K.
MACD_ColorHist_Alert 12 26 9 LA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 4.5K.
MACD_ColorHist_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 4.6K.
MACD_Colored_v1043.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 15.3K.
MACD_Colored_v1042.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 15.9K.
MACD_Colored_v1041.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 15.9K.
MACD_Colored_v105_noLevels. mq4 09-Mar-2011 01:22 14.7K.
MACD_Colored_v105.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 16.3K.
MACD_Colored_v105 modified noLevels. mq4 09-Mar-2011 01:22 14.7K.
MACD_Colored_v105 Dark. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 16.3K.
MACD_Colored_v104.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 15.9K.
MACD_Colored_v103.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 13K.
MACD_Colored_v102_5Digit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 5.7K.
MACD_Colored_v102.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 5.7K.
MACD_Colored_DEMA_v1041.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 16.3K.
MACD_Colored_DEMA_v104.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 16.3K.
MACD_ColoredDif. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 3.2K.
MACD_CCI_K. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 2.2K.
macd_adx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.7K.
MACD_3_DEMA_v101.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.6K.
MACD_3_DEMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.2K.
MACDUpDown. zip 09-May-2011 10:29 2.2K.
MACD True. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3.1K.
MACD trad. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.8K.
MACD SampleImproved. mq4 12-Sep-2011 21:16 24.6K.
MACD Sample 5 digit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 5.7K.
MACD Sample. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 5.7K.
MACD PSAR 5 Min. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 19.5K.
MACDOsMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 2.4K.
MACDmqcodes. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 2.4K.
MacdMA(ea)Beta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 34.3K.
MACD line. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.4K.
MACD Hist. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.5K.
MACD Fix. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3K.
MACDdtLSMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.8K.
MACDDivergence_EA_Stub. mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:37 9K.
MACD Divergence Indicator v2.1.mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:10 12.3K.
Macd divergence. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 9.3K.
MACD Cross. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.9K.
MACD Color_mod. mq4 17-Feb-2012 10:14 2.9K.
MACD Color. mq4 17-Feb-2012 10:14 2.7K.
MACD ASCTrend1sig Audible. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.3K.
MACD5MIN. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:48 3.1K.
MACD 3 color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.4K.
MACD 2 Line w Histo_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.3K.
MACD 2 Line w Histo_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.3K.
MACD 2 Line w Histo..mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.3K.
MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.4K.
MACD-Good. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3.1K.
MACD-Crossover_Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.8K.
MACD-Alt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.4K.
MACD-2-1.mq4 07-Aug-2011 13:20 2.7K.
MacD-2 line. mq4 26-Apr-2011 10:11 2.4K.
MACD+OsMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.4K.
MACD%20Color_mod[1].mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 2.9K.
MACCIMO_BacktestsFrom2004.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:49 273.5K.
MA Candles. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 4.3K.
MAAngleTony. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 2.8K.
LWMA-Crossover_Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3.7K.
luktom visual order editor. mq4 23-Aug-2011 02:19 14K.
Lucky1[1].2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 6.4K.
LSwpr_in_Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3.5K.
LSwpr_in+Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 3.5K.
Lswpr_Angleexp2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 5.1K.
Lswpr_Angleexp. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:49 5K.
Lswpr_Angle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 5.2K.
LSMA_ind_12xxx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 5K.
LSMA_ind_12.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 4.9K.
LSMA_ind_06.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 3K.
LSMA_ind_05.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 3K.
LSMA_ind_04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 4.6K.
LSMA_exp_04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 4.4K.
LSMA_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 18.4K.
LSMA_Daily_EA_v1.12.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 25.2K.
LSMA_Daily_EA_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 17.9K.
LSMA_Daily_EA_SLMM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 17.5K.
LSMA_Daily_EA[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 16.7K.
LSMA_Daily_EA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 16.7K.
LSMA_Daily_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 16.7K.
LSMA_CrossAlert (1).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 5K.
LSMA_Channelv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7.9K.
LSMA_Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7.6K.
LSMA_AppliedPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 4.3K.
LSMA_AnyTimeFrame_EA_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 17.9K.
LSMA in Color4_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 5.3K.
LSMA in Color4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 3.5K.
LSMA in Color1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 3.4K.
LSMA in Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 3.4K.
LSMA200_Ron_v02a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 1.8K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v06a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 6.7K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v03FastArrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7.6K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v02FastArrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7.6K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v02FastAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v02Fast. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 7K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v02b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 2.5K.
LSMA200vote_Ron_v02a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 2.1K.
LSMA200-2.tpl 13-Sep-2010 22:50 1.5K.
Lsma2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 2K.
Lsma1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:50 2K.
LSMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:50 28.7K.
LSMA. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:50 26.7K.
LSMA. mq4 06-Dec-2008 02:00 3.4K.
Lsma. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 3.4K.
LSMA-V1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 3.2K.
LSMA-Test2-3.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:51 52.5K.
LSMA-Test1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:51 80.1K.
LowPassFilter_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 6.4K.
LowestOpenOrder. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:51 1.2K.
.mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 5.2K.
LotSize_CalculatorText. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 2.9K.
LotSize_Calculator. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 2.2K.
lot size calc text. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 2.5K.
loss. wav 09-Sep-2011 02:08 303.3K.
loren. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:51 223.5K.
Loren’s set. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:51 102.4K.
Loop test. mq4 30-Jul-2011 14:57 2K.
London_Rush. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:52 2.3M.
LondonForexRush. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:53 2.7M.
LogUtils1.mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:53 1.3K.
LogUtils. mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:53 1.3K.
Lock P. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 2.7K.
Lock P (5digit option available).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 2.8K.
LocalTime. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 4.6K.
Live Charts Fib Pivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 16.9K.
Little_russian_MT4-Helpers. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:53 181.5K.
Linexcutors. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 14.3K.
Lines_HiLo_Yesterday. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 3.3K.
Lines_HiLo_CashCow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 4.2K.
Lines HiLo_ Periodical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 6.6K.
Linera Reg. past regression deviated. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 8K.
Linear_Regression_Line_wAppliedPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 3.6K.
Linear_Regression. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 8K.
LinearRegSlope_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 2.8K.
LinearRegression_R. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 2.9K.
LinearRegression_R-Squared_v101.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 3.6K.
LinearRegression_R-Squared_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 3K.
Linear Regression Original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 6.7K.
Linear RegressionMAAppliedPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 7.2K.
Linear Regression Line. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 4K.
Linear RegressionAppliedPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 7.8K.
Linear Regression. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 6.7K.
LinearRegression-REAL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 4K.
Limit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:53 6.1K.
LibOrderReliable_V1_1_4.mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:53 3.6K.
LibOrderReliable_v1_1_4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 59K.
LibOrderReliable_v1_1_3.mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:54 3.6K.
LibOrderReliable_v1_1_3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 58.4K.
LibOrderReliable_v1_1_2.mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:54 1.8K.
LibOrderReliable_V1_1_2.mqh 16-Mar-2007 03:00 1.8K.
LibOrderReliable_V1_1_2.mq4 16-Mar-2007 03:00 52.4K.
LibOrderReliable_v1_1_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 52.4K.
LibOrderReliable. mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:54 3.7K.
LibOrderReliable. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 58.4K.
LibNewsTimes_v02.mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:54 521.
LibNewsTimes_v02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 12.2K.
LibEquityAlert. mqh 20-Oct-2010 23:21 852.
LibDerksUtils. mqh 13-Sep-2010 22:54 4.5K.
LibDerksUtils. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 55.8K.
LFH Backtest Trader. rar 30-Mar-2011 20:40 367.7K.
LFH. zip 27-Sep-2010 21:26 36.4K.
level_trading_123.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:54 707.3K.
Level Scalper v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 14.7K.
LevelAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 2.3K.
LED_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 11.9K.
LCD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 3.1K.
LC-b-clock. mq4 04-Nov-2010 01:48 1.8K.
LastDayHighLow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 2.1K.
Larry Siedell’s New System. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:54 626.2K.
Large Comments. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 1.8K.
Laguerre_RSI_v1.01m_mtf. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 11.3K.
LaguerreRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 3.1K.
LaguerreFast. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:54 2.8K.
L3Buy_Daily_from1995.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:54 43.5K.
L3Buy_4hours_from2001.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:54 21.7K.
l. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:55 4.6K.
Kwan_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.1K.
Kuskus_Starlight1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 6.1K.
Kuskus_Starlight. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 6.1K.
KusKusEA. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:55 15K.
KST Daily Only 1.1.mq4 17-Feb-2011 10:05 4.6K.
KST Daily Only. mq4 15-Feb-2011 10:09 4.5K.
KSTb. mq4 14-Feb-2011 00:06 7.6K.
KSTalert. mq4 15-Feb-2011 10:08 8.8K.
KST. mq4 07-Feb-2011 09:58 7.6K.
KRI. mq4 15-Jun-2011 10:33 5.4K.
King EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 5.1K.
KijunTenkan+.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.6K.
Kijun-SenSoundAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3K.
Kijun-Sen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.6K.
KG Relative Strength Original and Range trading EA V1.zip 13-Sep-2010 22:55 372.9K.
KG Relative Strength EA V1a. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:55 309.3K.
KG FIMOM SYSTEM. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:55 28.2K.
Keltner_Channels Alert. mq4 08-Apr-2011 11:53 3.3K.
Keltner_ChannelsAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.2K.
Keltner_Channels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.6K.
Keltner_Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner_ATR_Band mt4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.5K.
Keltner_ATR_Band. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.2K.
Keltner Channels F1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels F. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels B4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels B3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels B2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels B1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels B. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.9K.
Keltner Channels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.6K.
Keltner Channel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3K.
Keltner Breakout FxFishermanFiltered. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 19.3K.
Keltner Breakout FxFisherman. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 15.5K.
kdjalert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 2.7K.
Kase CD Peak. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 5.3K.
kagi. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:55 3.5K.
J_TPO_OSC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 5.9K.
Jurik Moving Average. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:55 11.7K.
JuiceLevelsAlertNewV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 4.4K.
JuiceLevelsAlertNew. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 4.4K.
JuiceLevelsAlertFixedNew. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 4.5K.
JuiceExpertEssai01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 4.4K.
JuiceDelta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 3.1K.
Juice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 3K.
Juanita_0.1LotsEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 5.8K.
JRSX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 4K.
Join the Dots v1.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 15.7K.
Join the dots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 10.1K.
Join the dots-v1.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 17.5K.
Join the dots-v1.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 16.4K.
Join the dots-v1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 10.6K.
Join the dots-v1.2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 11K.
Join the dots-v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 10.3K.
JMA_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 12.3K.
JMA_MT4_Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:56 22.1K.
JMA_MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 2.6K.
JMA_CCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 3.2K.
JMA [i].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 10.7K.
JMASlope. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 11.3K.
JMA RSX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 2.1K.
JMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 11.7K.
JC – trial Line Break Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 6.8K.
JC – Line Break Alert5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 7.6K.
JC – Line Break Alert3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 6.4K.
JC – Line Break Alert2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 6.6K.
JC – Line Break Alert1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 5.3K.
JC – Line Break Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 6.2K.
JB_Center_of_Gravity. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 5.7K.
Jaws_v01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 9.1K.
JawsTest. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 2.9K.
Jason Fielder 60-30-10.pdf 02-Nov-2010 10:32 314.8K.
Jasmine_Divergence. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 2.7K.
Jaimo-JMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 13K.
I_XO_A_H. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 2.8K.
i_Trend ea. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 9.9K.
i_Trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:56 3.3K.
i_ParamonWorkTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 5.6K.
i Trend_RonsSite. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 3.3K.
iTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 4.4K.
ISO-8859-1 ProfitTracker. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 5.7K.
Inverse Fisher Transform of RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 6.2K.
Inverse Fisher. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.8K.
Internal bar strength. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.2K.
InterestLines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.6K.
InstantTrendLine. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 4.8K.
Inside_Outside Bars_Yannis. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 6.2K.
InsideBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.9K.
info. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 4.1K.
Ind_TD_DeMark_3_1_LA_Mod_03B_AIME. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 21.6K.
Indicator_Volumes_Buys_Sells 1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.5K.
Indicator_Volumes_Buys_Sells. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.1K.
IndicatorTester. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 19K.
Indicators and template. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:57 21.6K.
Indicators2.zip 28-Nov-2010 02:39 10.5K.
indicators. zip 15-Sep-2010 01:08 7.2K.
INDICATOR. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:57 45.6K.
Indian Scalp(euro).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 8.6K.
index. shtml 13-Sep-2010 22:57 4.4K.
Ind-TRWscalper. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 2.3K.
Ind-TD-DeMark-3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 14.7K.
Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 14.8K.
Inchiemail-NDn. mq4 10-Aug-2011 20:44 4.8K.
inchi. tpl 06-Aug-2011 02:20 1.2K.
Inchi. mq4 06-Aug-2011 02:20 6.4K.
in&out. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 3.9K.
iMACD_Double. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 4.1K.
Ilan16_PipStepRSI. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:57 53.7K.
Ilan16_PipStepRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 20K.
Ilan1[1].43.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 30.3K.
Ilan1[1].42.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 28.5K.
Ilan1[1].42 SL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 28.5K.
Ilan1[1].41.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 28.2K.
Ilan1[1].4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 29.3K.
Ilan1[1].4 (TimeFilter).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 29.9K.
Ilan1[1].4 (SL).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 29.4K.
Ilan1[1].4 (no digits).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 29.1K.
Ilan1[1].4 (Nanook438).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:57 31.2K.
Ilan1.4 (TimeFilter).mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 29.9K.
I Jaimo-JMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 13K.
II_SupDem. mq4 12-Dec-2011 01:26 29K.
ihistory. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 8.4K.
iHighLow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 2.3K.
iFxovereasy12multipair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 5.3K.
iFXAnalyser_H43.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3K.
iFXAnalyser_H42.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3K.
iFXAnalyser_H4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3K.
iFXAnalyser_H4-Open. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3K.
iFXAnalyser1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3.7K.
iFXAnalyser. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 3.8K.
IFish. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 1.8K.
iExposureOnePair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 7.6K.
iExposureM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 7.9K.
iExposureAllPairs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 7.8K.
iExposure. mq4 18-Sep-2010 14:42 7.8K.
ICWR_OpenClose. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 11.9K.
ICWR v0.1.1 beta5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 19.7K.
ICWR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 13.2K.
Icho_Trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 2.4K.
Icho-Trend[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 2.4K.
Ichimoku_EA_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 38.4K.
Ichimoku_02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 7.4K.
IchimokuCloud. ppt 01-Nov-2010 10:20 411.5K.
Ichimoku. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 4.9K.
IchiMaWa. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:58 21.6K.
IBFX_Live_01.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:58 7.6K.
ibfx_demo. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:58 329.6K.
IBFX_BackTest_2007_10lots. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:58 56.6K.
IBFX_BackTest_01.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:58 8.2K.
IBFX_2007_NoMM. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:59 69.7K.
IBFX_1924_MM. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:59 233.6K.
IBFX_0306_MM. rar 13-Sep-2010 22:59 100.5K.
IBFXDailyPivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 8.5K.
IBFX0306.rar 13-Sep-2010 22:59 99.1K.
ibfx-undock. jpg 13-Aug-2011 13:53 18.8K.
IBFX-Rocks. zip 13-Sep-2010 22:59 130K.
IBFX – Quick Sell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 6K.
IBFX – Quick Close Reverse. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 11.5K.
IBFX – Quick CloseAll. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 4.3K.
IBFX – Quick Buy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 5.9K.
iAC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 10.1K.
i-SessionsV1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 7.9K.
i-Sessions1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 7.8K.
i-Sessions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 7.8K.
i-Regr_TrendFlags. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 21.6K.
i-Regr_scroll. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 6.2K.
i-Regr. mq4 03-Mar-2012 14:10 4.5K.
i-ParamonWorkTime_DayofWeek. mq4 27-May-2011 10:31 5.9K.
i-ParamonWorkTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 5.2K.
i-MA-ATR-ROC. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.1K.
i-HighLow3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.3K.
i-HighLow2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.3K.
i-HighLow1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.3K.
i-HighLow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.3K.
I-Hammer Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 6.8K.
i-DayRange1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 3K.
i-DayRange. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 3K.
i-BB-Width. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 3K.
HVR test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2K.
HVR 1[1].00.mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 2.5K.
Husky_EA_Dayopen. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 10.3K.
Hurst Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 22:59 7.7K.
humaverages. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 5.3K.
Hull_Style_ATR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.8K.
Hull_O_H_L_C. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 4.3K.
Hull_Moving_Average. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.8K.
HTd_RF_Vol_Ind. mq4 04-Jan-2011 17:30 5.8K.
HowToBacktest. eml 12-Nov-2010 10:18 597.9K.
horiz_dist. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.3K.
horizontal_distance. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.3K.
Horace Trend detector. mq4 04-Jan-2011 17:30 3.6K.
HolesInData. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.5K.
HMA_vUnKnown. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.8K.
HMA_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.5K.
HMA_V2.mq4 04-Sep-2007 03:00 3.5K.
HMA_v07.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.4K.
HMA_v07.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.4K.
HMA_Russian_Color_sep. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 4K.
HMA_Russian_Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 4K.
hma_power2.02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 38.3K.
hma_power2.01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 24K.
hma_power2-TK. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 26.6K.
HMA_Cross. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.5K.
HMA_Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.2K.
HMAEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6K.
HMA5.mq4 23-Aug-2011 02:25 7.6K.
HMA4.mq4 23-Aug-2011 02:23 7.5K.
Hma3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3K.
HMA3.mq4 18-Apr-2008 03:00 3K.
HMA2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.9K.
HMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:00 35.7K.
HMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.5K.
hma-calling-code. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 7.5K.
HL_Objects. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 10.2K.
HLine Alert_once_per_bar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 2.2K.
HLine Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.7K.
HLBolinger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.8K.
Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_034.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6.5K.
Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_033.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6.5K.
Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_032.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6.5K.
Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_031.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6.5K.
Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 6.5K.
HISTORYDATA-MTP(2).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 5.2K.
HiLo Lines2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.3K.
HiLo Lines1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.3K.
HiLo Lines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.3K.
HiLoBands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3.7K.
hikkake. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 3K.
HighLowExtractor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 1.8K.
Hercules_v1.3_MAJORS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.9K.
Hercules_v1.3_GBPJPY. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.7K.
Hercules_v1.3_EURJPY. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.7K.
Hercules_v1.3_EURAUD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.7K.
Hercules_v1.3_COMMODITYCROSSES. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.7K.
Hercules with filter. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 11.3K.
Hercules v1.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 12.6K.
Hercules v1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 11.6K.
Hercules v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 11.3K.
Hercules v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 10.2K.
Hercules. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:00 10.2K.
hemnina. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 2.2K.
Helper MA Cross with MACD Beta. mq4 08-Apr-2011 00:50 3.7K.
Heiken_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 18.5K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed_close. mq4 20-Oct-2011 11:26 4.6K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 5K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken_Ashi_Smoothed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken_Ashi_Mod_Matt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Heiken_Ashi_Mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Heiken_Ashi_Ma_T3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 6.5K.
Heiken_Ashi_Ma. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.5K.
Heiken_Ashi_LSMA_Smoothed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.9K.
HeikenAshi_MT4_Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:01 12K.
HeikenAshi_DM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.2K.
Heiken Ashi[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Heiken Ashi v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3K.
HeikenAshi1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Heiken Ashi1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
heikenashi. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:01 27.8K.
HeikenAshi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Heiken Ashi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.9K.
Heiken Ashi-mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 4.3K.
Heiken320_EApk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 15.9K.
Heiken315_EApk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 15.7K.
Heiken310_EApk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 15.6K.
Heiken300_EApk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 8.9K.
Heiken299_EApk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 8.6K.
Heiken299_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 7.6K.
Heiken299.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 5.6K.
Heiken+Ashi+v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 2.9K.
Heiken%20Ashi[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 3.6K.
Hedging Lot Strategy. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:02 100.8K.
HedgingEA_CodersGuru. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:01 1.4K.
Hedge_Buy_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 10.6K.
Hedge Rocks. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 57K.
HedgeMadness_AS1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:02 1M.
HedgeMadnessSELL. ex4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20K.
HedgeMadness EA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:02 650.5K.
HedgeMadnessBUY. ex4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20K.
HedgeLot_StrategyV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 10.7K.
HedgeLot_Strategy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 10.8K.
Hedge Hog Trade Rules(1).pdf 13-Sep-2010 23:03 51.8K.
HedgeEA_v6[1].6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.6K.
HedgeEA_v6[1].5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.5K.
HedgeEA_v6[1].4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.3K.
HedgeEA_v6.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.6K.
HedgeEA_v6.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.5K.
HedgeEA_v6.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.3K.
HedgeEA_v6.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:02 20.2K.
HedgeEA_v6.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 20.2K.
HedgeEA_v6.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 19.6K.
HedgeEA_v6.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 22.9K.
HedgeEA_v5.9.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 20.5K.
Heat Map Foler. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:03 74.3K.
HEADER 13-Sep-2010 23:03 3.6K.
HAS 4TF. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:03 6.2K.
HarVesteR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 4.4K.
Harami. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 4.2K.
Harami(2).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 4.2K.
Happy Doji Lucky Hammer4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 25K.
Happy doji lucky hammer 1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 17.6K.
Hans Breakout. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 5K.
Hans123Trader_v7ecn. mq4 26-Jan-2012 21:33 12.9K.
Hammadi_New_V3.1_ind. mq4 17-Nov-2011 01:38 6.4K.
HaberSaati. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 8.7K.
HA-SID-2MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 9.4K.
H1H1_IB_Ind_V2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 8.3K.
H & # 8211; aligator – Clock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 5.4K.
H & # 8211; aligator – b-clock modified. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 1.6K.
gy_mp_rsi_cci2.mq4 30-Jun-2011 20:04 14.7K.
gy_mp_rsi_cci. mq4 30-Jun-2011 10:58 7.9K.
gy_ma_pos. mq4 28-Sep-2011 22:14 2.4K.
GymBoss. xlsm 28-Oct-2011 11:17 27.9K.
gy-pinbar. mq4 03-Mar-2012 20:16 7.6K.
GY-ind-ranging. mq4 23-Aug-2011 11:00 9.2K.
G Selector mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 14.5K.
GridMACD_mm. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 8.8K.
GridMACD_M15_EURUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 7.8K.
Grid Builder. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 2.8K.
grabweb. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 6.3K.
GrabBuffers. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 3.5K.
GoldWarrior02b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 11.6K.
GoldWarrior02b.2 opent0. 01 lots ipv 0.10.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:03 5.6K.
Golden_section_v21.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 37.9K.
Golden_section_v2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 38.5K.
GoHan_Scanner_M5.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:03 244.9K.
Gods Gift EA v 62.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 15.3K.
Gods Gift EA v 61.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 15.3K.
Gods Gift EA v 7c1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 15.7K.
Gods Gift EA v 7c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 15.7K.
Gods Gift EA v 6c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 15.4K.
Gods Gift EA v 6.mq4 + indicatori1.rar 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.1K.
Gods Gift EA v 6.mq4 + indicatori. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.1K.
Gods Gift EA v 6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 15.3K.
Gods Gift EA v 5c2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.4K.
Gods Gift EA v 5c1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.4K.
Gods Gift EA v 5c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.4K.
Gods Gift EA v 5b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 11.8K.
Gods Gift EA v4e. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:03 15K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c_ProfitLock1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 13.3K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c_profitlock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 13.3K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12K.
Gods Gift EA v 4c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12K.
GODS GIFT EA – V7c. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:04 6.1K.
Goblin_BiPolar_FixedLots_alassio. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 37.4K.
Goblin_BiPolar_Edition_v1.2.0_Mod_H_fiboPerky. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 35.5K.
Goblin_BiPolar_EditionTunedProfitandATRHMAv3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 31.5K.
Goblin_BiPolar_Edition. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 23.4K.
GoblinSetAndStatement. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 92.3K.
GoblinFibo1.2.A. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 15K.
GoblinBipolarSettingsPairs. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 5.8K.
Goblin BiPolar Edition v[1][1].2.0 Mod H_fibo+Perky. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 35.5K.
Goblin BiPolar Edition v[1].2.0 Mod H_fibo+Perky. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 35.5K.
Goblin BiPolar Edition1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 20.5K.
Goblin BiPolar Edition. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 15.1K.
Goblin BiPolar Edition. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 23.4K.
Goblin bipolar Edit. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:04 44.2K.
Goblin. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 12.4K.
GMMA_Short_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 2.9K.
GMMA_Long_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 2.9K.
gMail. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:04 4.7K.
GMACD_Signals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 14.1K.
gmacd2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 16.2K.
GlobalVariableTestV1.mq4 26-Mar-2012 17:42 8.6K.
globalvariables. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 111.6K.
GlobalVariable22.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:04 192.4K.
Gideon’s_ATR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 2.3K.
GiantBarV03Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 2.1K.
GiantBarV03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 1.5K.
GiantBarV01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 1017.
GG-TrendBar_jt. mq4 22-Nov-2010 10:18 3.9K.
GetTicketsOfTrades. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 3.3K.
GetTicketOfTrade. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:04 2.9K.
GetNewsFF_v02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 7.6K.
GetHistoryInd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 2.4K.
Generic EA V1_0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 7.9K.
Generic Breakout Version 4-4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 14.5K.
GBP_4BarBreakout_M30.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 9.8K.
GBPUSD_Pip_Boxer. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 32.1K.
GBPUSDADR14.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 4.6K.
GBP9AM1.3.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:05 2.1K.
GBP9AM1.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:05 1.9K.
GBP9AM. mq4 09-Feb-2011 20:21 8K.
GBEsstillwellATRpips5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 23.2K.
Gator. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:05 1.5K.
Gator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 6.3K.
1.MQ4 04-Sep-2007 03:00 10.9K.
Gartley_Pattern_EA. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 14.1K.
Gartley v101.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 103.4K.
Gartley Reversal Auto. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 10.9K.
Gartley EA v101.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 18.4K.
Gartley EA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:05 124.3K.
GARTLEY-INDI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 212K.
gaps. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 3.2K.
GapEA. zip 28-Dec-2010 16:10 21.5K.
GaoXing_Daily_Breakout_v1.3.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 24.7K.
gann_trade_ea. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 4.1K.
Gann_HiLo_Activator_v2.ex4 06-Apr-2011 20:24 2.4K.
gann_alert_ea. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 2.2K.
GannZigZag. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 13.8K.
Gann Simple. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 16.9K.
Gann HiLo ActivatorV2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 3.2K.
Gann Hi-lo Activator SSL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 2K.
gann9.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:05 23.3K.
Gann. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 3.5K.
FX_Sniper_s_Ergodic_CCI_Trigger_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 4.5K.
FX_Snipers_Ergodic_CCI_Trigger_Signals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 2.4K.
FX_Snipers_Ergodic_CCI_Trigger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 3.5K.
FX_FISH_2MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 4.7K.
fx trap report. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:08 88.1K.
fx trap report. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:08 67.8K.
FX Sniper PAR SAR mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 1.6K.
FX Sniper. mq4 27-Oct-2010 10:35 2.7K.
FX Sniper’s T3 CCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 3K.
FX Sniper’s LSMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 2.7K.
FXI_Point&Figure-Adv. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:05 39.3K.
FXi_Beta_Expert-Advisor. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:06 768.5K.
FXi_Alpha_Expert-Advisor. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:06 759.3K.
FXi_Alpha_Expert-Advisor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:06 22K.
FXI_Alpha_1.7_experts. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:06 49.3K.
FXI_All_Pivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:06 4.5K.
FXI expert and indicator and template. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:07 17.9K.
fxi-beta-setup-v0.2.rar 13-Sep-2010 23:06 646.8K.
fxi-beta-setup-v0.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:07 645.3K.
fxi-alpha-setup. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:07 640.2K.
fxi-alpha-setup-v2.1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:07 641.8K.
fxi-alpha-setup-v2.1.exe 13-Sep-2010 23:07 666.2K.
FXGauge_lite. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:07 13.9K.
FXGaugeMAs_lite. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:07 4.3K.
FXGauge. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:08 7K.
FXFish direction tester EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 2.2K.
FX5_SelfAdjustingRSI_v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 4.9K.
FX5_NeelyElliotWave_v1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 18.7K.
FX5_MACD_MetaTrader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 15K.
FX5_MACD_Divergence_V1[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 12.4K.
FX5_MACD_Divergence_V1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 12.4K.
FX5_MACD_Correct_a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 14.9K.
FX5_MACD_Correct. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 15K.
FX5_FiboSpiral_v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 7K.
FX5_Divergence_V2[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 11.3K.
FX5_Divergence_V2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 11.3K.
FX5_Divergence_V2.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 12.2K.
FX5_Divergence_v1[1]-1.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 14.6K.
FX5_Divergence_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 12.6K.
FX5_Divergence_v1-1_realtime[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 12.8K.
FX-TailGunner. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:08 42.6K.
FX-metropolis Account Copier setup. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:08 788.6K.
FX-clock. mq4 23-Nov-2010 22:17 950.
funtik GBPUSD H1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 53.5K.
funtik. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 53.5K.
Funktionen-Funktionsbibliotheken-MT4.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:08 83K.
Function Tester Stop TP_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 2.5K.
Function Tester Stop TP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:08 2.4K.
Full_Bar_w_Spread_Shadow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 2.7K.
FT_FB_Combined1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 15.6K.
FT_FB_Combined1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 17.6K.
FT_FB_Combined. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 14K.
FT3.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 12.9K.
FT3.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 10.9K.
Fruity Pebbles 11.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.2K.
Fruity Pebbles 1[1].1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:09 1.3K.
Fruity Pebbles 1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.2K.
Freeway___All. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 3.5K.
framework. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.3K.
Fractured Fractals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 5.4K.
fractal_dimension. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 20.3K.
Fractal_channels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 2.3K.
Fractal ZigZag Expert1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 7.1K.
Fractal ZigZag Expert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 7.1K.
fractalz. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.7K.
FractalVol. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 3.9K.
FractalTakeOut_v3[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.7K.
FractalTakeOut_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.5K.
FractalTakeOut_v1[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 5.4K.
FractalTakeOut_v1a1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 5.3K.
FractalTakeOut_v1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 5.3K.
FractalTakeOut_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 5.4K.
Fractal Support and Resistance. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 1.5K.
FractalsPaint. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 2.4K.
Fractals5+Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 3K.
Fractals. pdf 13-Sep-2010 23:09 256K.
Fractals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 6K.
FractalLevels. mq4 25-Jan-2011 20:15 5.8K.
FractalLevel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:09 4.3K.
Fractal Breakout Modified1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 15.3K.
Fractal Breakout Modified. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 15.3K.
FPI. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:10 676.
fozzy_2-2[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 12.5K.
fozzy-base. tpl 13-Sep-2010 23:10 1.4K.
Forex_Runner. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 4K.
Forex_Freeway. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 53.3K.
Forex_CashCow_r1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 3.5K.
ForexTrend Histo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 3K.
Forex Trend fxfariz. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 3K.
ForexTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 2.9K.
ForexTimeBar. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:10 199.5K.
Forexnews. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 7.7K.
Forex Maximizer. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:10 598.9K.
Forex Market Hours GMT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 170.5K.
Forex Freeway_2x. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 53.3K.
Forex Freeway. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 53.3K.
FOREX CASH COW – MM1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 8.2K.
FOREX CASH COW – MM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 8.2K.
FOREX CASH COW – MM – MN. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 9.2K.
Forex Alert SystemPlus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 2.3K.
Forex Alert System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 2.3K.
forex-freeway_2_[better-colours].mq4 15-May-2011 13:39 53.3K.
FollowMe v05 Ron. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:10 9.9K.
FlyerV200.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 31.6K.
Fluid Test _MATT. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:11 110.3K.
Fluid Blue 3.3 Reverse Martingale. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:11 243.9K.
Float. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 8.2K.
Flat_Trend_MOM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.5K.
Flat Trend MOM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.5K.
FiveSimpleStrategies_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 47.7K.
Fisher_Yur4ik_Correct_One. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.2K.
Fisher_Yur4ik_CorrectAlert. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:43 3K.
Fisher_Yur4ik_Correct. mq4 20-Feb-2012 20:28 2.2K.
Fisher_Yur4ik. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.2K.
Fisher_org_v12.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.5K.
Fisher_m111.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 6K.
Fisher_m11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 5.9K.
FisherKus_Star11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 6K.
Firebird_v63E_EURUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 25.4K.
Firebird_ v057.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 7.7K.
Firebird_v0[1].60__ea_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 9.6K.
Firebird_v0[1].60__ea_.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 9.6K.
Firebird_v0[1].60_ea_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 9.6K.
Firebird_v0[1].60_ea_.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 9.6K.
Firebird_cacus_HA_Overlays. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 38.8K.
Firebird v632.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 12.5K.
Firebird v631.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 11.6K.
Firebird v63G. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 25.5K.
Firebird v63F. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 25.2K.
Firebird v63E1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 25.2K.
Firebird v63E. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 25.2K.
Firebird v63D. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 22.1K.
Firebird. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 2.8K.
fingerlingshoal_ac_ac_a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:11 19.2K.
Find Data Holes. mq4 15-Sep-2011 23:02 2.3K.
Find Data Holes. ex4 20-Jan-2012 10:25 4.2K.
FileSplitter. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:12 658.4K.
Fib_Pivots_02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.8K.
FibPivots1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:12 3K.
Fib Pivots 02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 9.6K.
FIBO_ZONE_mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 5.2K.
Fibo_auto. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.9K.
Fibo_2Hour. mq4 13-Mar-2011 19:25 3.8K.
Fibo_1Hour. mq4 13-Mar-2011 19:25 3.7K.
FiboRetracement31.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 16K.
FiboRetracement3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 16K.
FiboRetracement. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 31.8K.
fiboRetrace. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:12 59.4K.
FiboPiv_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.9K.
FiboPiv_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.6K.
FiboPiv_Daily_DK. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 15.5K.
FiboPivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 21.9K.
FiboPivot Points. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 9.9K.
FiboPivotandRSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 14.2K.
Fibonacci Pivots THV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.7K.
Fibonacci Pivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.6K.
fibocalc_V31.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 12.1K.
fibocalc_V31(2).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 12.1K.
fibocalc_V3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 11.3K.
fibocalc. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 10.1K.
Fibo4[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 4.1K.
FibMark. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 12.6K.
FFT. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:12 9.3K.
FFCal_v06.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 45K.
FFCal_v051.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 40.9K.
FFCal_v05a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 43.9K.
FFCal_v05.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:12 40.9K.
FFCal_v041.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 40.4K.
FFCal_v04_198.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 40.4K.
FFCal_v04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 40.4K.
FFCal_v031.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 30.2K.
FFCal_v03c2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 40.1K.
FFCal_v03c1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 36K.
FFCal_v03c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 41.2K.
FFCal_v03b3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 36K.
FFCal_v03b2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 35.4K.
FFCal_v03b1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 35.6K.
FFCal_v03b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 33.1K.
FFCal_v03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 30.2K.
FFCal_v02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 28.6K.
FFCal_v011.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 22.1K.
FFCal_v01b2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 25.4K.
FFCal_v01b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 24.3K.
FFCal_v01a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 24.2K.
FFCal_v01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 22.1K.
FFCal_R16.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 46.4K.
FFCal_R12A. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 45.9K.
ffcal rev16.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 46.4K.
FFCalH_with_Email_Alerts_Unlinked. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 50.4K.
FFCalH_with_Email_Alerts. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 50.4K.
FFCalH_mod1.mq4 03-Mar-2012 14:10 51.2K.
FFCal1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 45.4K.
FFCal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 46.4K.
FFCal-fixed. mq4 19-Feb-2012 18:43 49.2K.
FerruFx_Trend+_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 51.9K.
FerruFx_Trend+.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 60.1K.
FerruFx_Multi_info+_light_indy_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 0.
FerruFx_Multi_info+_light_chart_v1[1].1-Ndisc. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 86.8K.
FerruFx_Multi_info+_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 70.6K.
FerruFx_Multi_info+.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 66.7K.
Felix. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:13 35.6K.
FBCI_EA_0413.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 20.1K.
FBCI_EA_0412.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 19.7K.
FB31.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 10.7K.
FB3.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:13 10.7K.
FastFractals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 2.3K.
FarhadCrab_ECN_All. rar 10-Oct-2011 23:18 10.4K.
FarhadCrab66.mq4 09-Oct-2011 18:35 12.4K.
FarhadCrab65.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab64.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab63.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab62.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab61.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab61.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 10.2K.
FarhadCrab6_mini. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12K.
FarhadCrab6[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 10.2K.
FarhadCrab6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.8K.
FarhadCrab6.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 10.6K.
FarhadCrab6-mini1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12.4K.
FarhadCrab6-mini. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 12K.
FarhadCrab6 – Backtest From 1999.rar 13-Sep-2010 23:14 358.9K.
FarhadCrab6 – Backtest. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:14 183.8K.
FarhadCrab1_ECN_MAMA_SB. mq4 10-Oct-2011 22:51 18.8K.
FarhadCrab1_ECN_All. mq4 12-Oct-2011 18:03 23.3K.
FarhadCrab1_ECN. mq4 09-Oct-2011 17:48 17.7K.
FarhadCrab1_ECN(1).mq4 09-Oct-2011 18:06 16.8K.
FarhadCrab1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 16.1K.
FAP tutorial_FAP_MEGA. pdf 23-Nov-2010 14:51 514.5K.
fapturbo-scalper usdchf-conservative. set 22-Nov-2010 15:49 2.7K.
fapturbo-forexautopilot eurusd-hs. set 22-Nov-2010 15:49 2.7K.
FantailVMA3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 5.1K.
FanSimple8_4MEn. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 14.6K.
FanSimple8YZst. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 26.2K.
famacheck. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 2.5K.
fama2check. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 2.6K.
fama2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 3.8K.
e_Trailing[1]1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 3K.
e_Trailing[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 3K.
e_Trailing. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 16.5K.
ExportMarketInfoToCSV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 3.4K.
experts. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:14 49.3K.
experts. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:14 101K.
Exp-Rami-Stop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 4.8K.
Execute Line Build 205 Ok. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 4.4K.
Execute Line. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 4K.
Example of Center Object on Chart [EA].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 2.6K.
Example. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 2.8K.
ew1.mq4 11-Jul-2011 01:06 4.2K.
EV_QuickOrder_Set_SL. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 1.2K.
EV_QuickOrder_INSTRUCTIONS. txt 15-Mar-2012 00:09 3.2K.
EV_QuickOrderTrade_R-1.mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 4.7K.
EveryBar TMagic Ron_v07a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:14 14.9K.
everybar sell. mq4 15-Oct-2010 02:19 22.6K.
EveryBar LSMA Ron_v02a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 22.9K.
everybar buy. mq4 15-Oct-2010 02:19 22.6K.
EURO-SELL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 7.9K.
eSignal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.2K.
Ergodic_Signals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 2.9K.
Ergodic Signals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 2.9K.
Ergodic Oscillator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 2.7K.
Equity_v7 (1).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 23.7K.
EquityTracker. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 3.6K.
Equity Manager for Martingale Lover v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 11.4K.
EqualVolumeBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 8.8K.
Epsilon. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 3K.
Envelopes. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 2.8K.
Entrex. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:15 3.2K.
emyea. mq5 15-Sep-2010 01:16 5.9K.
empty_dashboard. tpl 13-Sep-2010 23:15 564.
Emily_v18 M30 EURUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 12.3K.
EMA_Trend_Indicator1.3.mq4 22-Nov-2010 01:06 3.9K.
EMA_Trend_Indicator1.2.mq4 21-Nov-2010 14:07 3.7K.
EMA_Trend_Indicator1.1.mq4 20-Nov-2010 18:22 3.1K.
EMA_Trend_Indicator. mq4 20-Nov-2010 18:16 3K.
EMA_CROSS_Derk_v031.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 17.6K.
EMA_CROSS_Derk_v03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 16.3K.
EMA_CROSS_2_RonModV7_www_fx1618_com. mq4 20-Sep-2010 01:31 6.2K.
EMA_CROSS_2tdavid_www_fx1618_com. mq4 27-Mar-2011 12:11 9.7K.
EMA_CROSS_2.mq4 20-Mar-2011 14:54 9K.
EMA_Crossover_Alert5-12.mq4 24-Nov-2011 03:01 7.2K.
ema_crossmod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 9.9K.
EMATrailingStop_v1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.2K.
EMATrailingStop_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.1K.
Emancipate_cacus_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 9.2K.
Emancipate_cacus_v5.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 9.3K.
EmailStatus. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 5.7K.
EMailSignals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4K.
EMA Crossover Signal 2.mq4 28-Jun-2011 20:10 4.2K.
EMA Crossover Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.1K.
EMA Crossover Signal-alert2file. mq4 09-Oct-2011 14:09 4.9K.
EMA Cross Arrow. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 3.4K.
EMAAngle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.1K.
EMA200_5_Percent. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 0.
EMA-RSI_R2_EA_Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 59K.
EMA-Crossover_Signal_alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4.1K.
EMA-Crossover_Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 4K.
EMA-Crossover_Signal-Alert. mq4 08-Aug-2011 10:13 4.3K.
EMA-CROSS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 6K.
EMA’s. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:15 3.9K.
em12.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 3.7K.
elliott_wave_oscillator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 1.8K.
Elliott_Wave_Oscillator-signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 2.4K.
Elliott_Wave_Oscillator-Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 2.9K.
Elliott Wave Oscillator34.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 1.9K.
Elliott Wave Oscillator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 1.9K.
Elliott Wave indic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 128.6K.
Elli. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 15.9K.
Elder_Impulse_System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 4.8K.
Elder_Impulse_MTF1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 5.9K.
Elder_Impulse_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 4.3K.
Elder Impulse Candle Color2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 6K.
Elder Impulse Candle Color1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 6K.
Elder Impulse Candle Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 6K.
EJ_CandleTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 1.7K.
Ehlers_iTrend_in_Color. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 4.7K.
Ehlers_iTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:16 3.3K.
Ehlers-Indikatoren. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:17 2.7M.
EES Hedger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:17 9.2K.
EA_TrendStoch. mq4 19-Nov-2010 01:20 9.8K.
EA_SuperStochastic. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:17 120.1K.
EA_Starter_Template. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:17 10.9K.
EATangga-6DEMO. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:17 302.9K.
Easy_iCustom_and_Alerts_Guru. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:17 18.8K.
Easy_iCustom_and_Alerts_Cowboy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:17 18.7K.
EASY. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.2M.
EA DI CHIUSURE VARIE. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:18 12.5K.
EAcacusHedge_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 7.7K.
EAcacusHedge_v1.1_withoutDIV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 8.2K.
ea-10points3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 10.6K.
e-SmartTralling. ex4 10-Apr-2011 00:01 9.5K.
e-MoveSLTPbyMouse. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 15.9K.
e-CloseByLossOrProfit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 12.1K.
E-Bay_Clone_1v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 9.6K.
D_RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 6.4K.
DT_ZZ. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 3.6K.
DTOsc. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 2.8K.
DT-ZigZag. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 2.4K.
DT-RSI-Sig. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 5.8K.
DSS_Bressert. mq4 18-Apr-2011 20:46 3.1K.
DSS Bressert_mod. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 3.5K.
DSS Bressert. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 3.2K.
DSRS. modified. mq4 13-Oct-2010 10:17 2K.
DROP_SUPPORT_SEGMENT_LINEv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.7K.
DROP_SUPPORT_SEGMENT_LINE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.7K.
DROP_RESISTANCE_SEGMENT_LINEv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.8K.
DROP_RESISTANCE_SEGMENT_LINE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.7K.
Drawdown_Tracker v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 3.6K.
DQM2_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 7K.
download-indicators. zip 28-Nov-2010 12:48 668.7K.
DoubleSpread. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 1.5K.
DoubleSmothStoch Bressert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 3.1K.
DoubleSmoothStochastic#.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 4.8K.
DoubleMA_Crossover_EA Rob Hill. mq4 29-Dec-2010 16:31 23.1K.
DoubleMA_Crossover_EA. mq4 18-Jan-2011 01:08 29.5K.
DoubleMA_CrossoverDif_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 30.5K.
Double Line. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 2.4K.
DoubleInsideBarA. mq4 22-Oct-2010 16:08 3.3K.
DoubleInsideBar. mq4 23-Oct-2010 00:26 1.9K.
DoubleCCI_Woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 6.8K.
DoubleCCI_With_EMA_Email. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 7K.
DoublecciWoody. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:18 5.6K.
doublecci. tpl 13-Sep-2010 23:18 2.4K.
DoubleCCI-With_EMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 6.7K.
DOSR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 2K.
dons_forex_mm. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:19 179.1K.
Dolly Graphics_v10_SmallText_OPEN_PIVOT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 66.5K.
DojiTrader fxid10t mod2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 9.1K.
DodoHedgeDetailedStatement. htm 13-Sep-2010 23:19 185.7K.
DodoHedgeDetailedStatement. gif 13-Sep-2010 23:19 5.5K.
DM_Volatility. ex4 04-Jan-2011 17:29 3.3K.
DM_RangeFactor. ex4 04-Jan-2011 17:30 3.8K.
DMI System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 9.2K.
dmi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 6.5K.
DMH MA cross. mq4 18-Jan-2011 01:05 13.2K.
Divergence_Trader 4XProject original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 17.1K.
Divergence Trader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 14.8K.
Divergencebary. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:43 30.9K.
Divergence Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 3.4K.
Divergence. mq4 30-Mar-2011 02:23 30.9K.
DiverganceTrader3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 6.7K.
Diver. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 12.3K.
DIN_KusKus_EA_v2[1].6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 54.1K.
DIN_KusKus_EA_v2.7_M30_EURUSD. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:19 16.1K.
DIN_KusKus_EA_v2.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 54.1K.
DinapoliTargets. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 5.7K.
DinamicTradingOsc. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 2.9K.
Digital_CCI_Woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 16.3K.
Digistock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 19.7K.
DIGISTOCH. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 19.7K.
DIBS_TriggerLines1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 9K.
DIBS_TriggerLines1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 8.3K.
DIBS_Ron_V01a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 5.7K.
DIBSv1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 4.5K.
DIBA_v2.mq4 23-Oct-2010 01:09 7.9K.
DIBA Indicator. mq4 23-Oct-2010 00:56 4.1K.
DIBA. mq4 22-Oct-2010 16:08 3.3K.
DiamondTraderV1.1.ex4 01-Feb-2011 11:38 5.4K.
Dials MM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 2.1K.
DeviantPush. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:19 7.8K.
DetailedStatement 1405757.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:19 141K.
DetailedStatement 1394343.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:20 398.9K.
DetailedStatement 1289338.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:20 31.6K.
DetailedStatement 900134.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:19 36.2K.
DetailedStatement 500460.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:19 124.7K.
DetailedStatement. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:19 44.6K.
Derk_Synergy_System. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:20 77.6K.
Demo Account Statement. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:20 20.9K.
demo. wav 13-Sep-2010 23:20 270.5K.
DEMA_RLH2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 2.9K.
Demark_trend_new. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 13.9K.
Demark_trend_alert_and_mail. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 17.3K.
DeMark_Trendline_Trader. mq4 24-Jan-2011 12:59 24.1K.
DeMark Trendline Trader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 21.6K.
DeMark lines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 17.3K.
Demarker_Stack. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 4.4K.
DeMark. mq4 03-Nov-2010 00:10 17.3K.
DEMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 1.7K.
Delta MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 2.7K.
Delta. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 2.2K.
DECEMA_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 3.2K.
DECEMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:20 88.9K.
Dealer_Lots_Management_Manual. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 9.5K.
DayTradingMM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 14K.
DayTrading. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 8.1K.
DaylyPivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 4.7K.
DayImpuls. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 1.1K.
dayHL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 3.2K.
Data1.mq4 02-Jun-2011 02:19 9.8K.
DarnItAllJim. mq4 21-Sep-2010 00:10 9.6K.
Darma Pivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 4.5K.
Damiani_volatmeterNoInputs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 3.3K.
Damiani_volatmeter. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 3.3K.
damianifx_CyAn_2_Inst Trendline. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 3.2K.
daily_open_line. ex4 12-Oct-2010 16:15 2.5K.
Daily_Hedge2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:20 10.5K.
Daily_Hedge1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 9.3K.
Daily_Hedge. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 10.5K.
Daily_Data_narrow. mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:56 7.9K.
Daily Scalping EA v1[1].0e3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13K.
Daily Scalping EA v1[1].0e2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13K.
Daily Scalping EA v1[1].0e1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13K.
Daily Scalping EA v1.0f. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13K.
Daily range. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 3.3K.
DailyQuarterMethod2_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 7K.
DailyPivotPoints. mq4 02-Jan-2011 21:12 8.6K.
Daily PIVOT LEVELS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 5.1K.
Daily Pivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13K.
Daily M LEVELS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 5.6K.
Daily HL mod002.mq4 06-Oct-2010 14:32 2.4K.
Daily HL mod001.mq4 06-Oct-2010 14:30 2.3K.
Daily HL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 2.3K.
DailyH. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 27.5K.
Daily FiboPivots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 16.3K.
DailyData_v03.mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:57 20.4K.
DailyData. mq4 29-Sep-2010 23:56 8.2K.
DailyBreakout. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 5.4K.
Daily 95 Pips IBFX Version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 9K.
Daily-Weekly Open. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 2.8K.
d20p. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:21 392K.
cyrox-rainbow. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:21 1.5K.
Cycle_Point_KROUFR_version_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 13.4K.
Cycle_KROUFR_version_.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 6.8K.
Cycle_KROUFR_version. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 6.8K.
Cycle_Cross Value. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 3.3K.
Cycle_Cross B1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 3.3K.
CycleLinesByTime. mq4 29-Sep-2011 09:54 3.4K.
CycleLinesByName. mq4 29-Sep-2011 09:53 2.7K.
CycleLines. mq4 28-Sep-2011 22:16 3.4K.
CycleIdentifier2[LW].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 12.6K.
CycleIdentifier2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 12.6K.
cycle cross. tpl 13-Sep-2010 23:21 1.8K.
CustomCandle_psr. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 10.5K.
CustomCandle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 8.5K.
Currency_Loader. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 28.8K.
CurrencyMeter. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:21 11.5K.
Currency heat map assymetric. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 10.5K.
Currency heat map. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 10.2K.
CurrencyChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 2.9K.
CrazyCrab. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:21 39.9K.
Countdown. mq4 17-May-2011 00:32 2.8K.
COT. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:21 144.4K.
Correlation. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:22 204.4K.
Correlation. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 3.4K.
»Corona/ 10-Feb-2012 22:55 –
Copy of Set_Fibo_Price_Any. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.3K.
Coppock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 5.3K.
Conversions. mqh 13-Sep-2010 23:22 6.8K.
ContradictionsEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 13.1K.
Contradictions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 8.8K.
Console_2002_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 8.4K.
Composite Index. txt 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.3K.
Complex_pairs1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 3.7K.
Complex_balance____Ext. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 3.6K.
Combo_Right. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 4.6K.
ColouredWoodiesCCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 4.1K.
Color_RSI_v1.02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 11.1K.
Color Stochastic v1[1].04.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 13.5K.
Color Stochastic v1.02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 12.4K.
Color RSI with EMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 9.1K.
Color RSI v1.02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 10.9K.
Color Candle EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 5.2K.
CoinFlip_v03.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 9.8K.
CoinflipwithMM. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.9K.
CoinflipwithMM-v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 5.6K.
code_snippet_DelayTrading. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 5.5K.
CodeSample. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 4K.
Code – Optimisation des Lots. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 3.1K.
Code – Money Management. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 4.5K.
Close_Basket_Profit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.4K.
Close_All_Pending. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.9K.
Close_All_Pair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.9K.
Close_all_open_and_pending_orders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.4K.
Close_All_Open. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.1K.
Close_all_Op. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 551.
Close_All. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.8K.
CloseWhenAccBal. mq4 17-Aug-2011 20:23 3.1K.
CloseTrades_After_Account_Profit_Reached. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.8K.
CloseTrades_After_Account_Loss_TooMuch. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 3.2K.
Close Trade Example. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:23 806.
CloseSymbol_byProfit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.4K.
Close shorts in profit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 306.
close positions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.5K.
Close pending globally. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 168.
Close Open Sell1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.1K.
Close Open Sell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.1K.
Close Open Buy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.1K.
CloseOnTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.1K.
CloseOnTargetPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 1.8K.
CloseOnChart. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 2.8K.
Close of candle alarm_V1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 1.9K.
Close longs in profit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 304.
Close half. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 450.
CloseByPLSLbyPips. mq4 22-Jan-2011 02:32 5.4K.
CloseByPLMoney. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:22 4.8K.
CloseByPL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 4.7K.
CloseBasketProfit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 3.4K.
CloseAllProfit1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.4K.
CloseAllPostionByMargin. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 2.2K.
Close All Positions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.2K.
Close all pending orders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1K.
Close all open positions. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.2K.
Close all open and pending orders. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.4K.
Close all in profit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 478.
Close all globally. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 389.
CloseAllAtEquityLevelandHalt. mq4 03-Oct-2011 10:09 6.3K.
CloseAllAtEquityLevel. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 4.9K.
CloseAll. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:23 885.
CloseAll. mq4 27-Oct-2007 03:00 5.8K.
closeall. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 5.8K.
CloseAll-PL new. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 4.2K.
CloseAll-PL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 4.2K.
close. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 1.5K.
Cloq. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 9.6K.
Cloq .1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 8.6K.
Clock_v1_2_auto. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 14.9K.
Clock_v1_2.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:23 3.6K.
Clock_v1_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 18K.
Cleon Heiken Ashi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 3K.
ClearTP_ALL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 899.
Chris_example. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 4.4K.
Choppiness Index. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 8.4K.
Chin_Fib_All_in_One_Beta_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 153.2K.
Chin_Breakout_Alert_V.1.2s. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 24.9K.
CHinGsMAroonCLK_2[1].2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 8.3K.
Chin Breakout Alert V.1.4s(m MTF).mq4 09-Oct-2011 14:10 27.9K.
Chin Breakout Alert V.1.3s(m MTF).mq4 02-Oct-2011 19:16 27.2K.
Chin Breakout Alert V.1.2s(m MTF).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 25.5K.
Chin Breakout Alert V.1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 24.1K.
Chin Breakout Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 16.5K.
Chart-overLay MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:23 8.9K.
changing time frames in Metatrader. doc 13-Sep-2010 23:23 203K.
ChandelierStops_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 3K.
ChandelierExit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 3.1K.
»Chande/ 03-Feb-2011 09:52 –
championship_experts. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:24 41.1K.
Chaikin’s Volatility. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 2.6K.
CFP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 13.8K.
Center of Gravity. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 2.2K.
cd. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 1.9K.
CCI_Woodie_Panel_Heart_v2.ex4.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:24 23K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 8.6K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 8.9K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v3_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 8.4K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 7.9K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 7.5K.
CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 7.5K.
CCI_Woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 1.9K.
CCI_TriggerBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 3.5K.
CCI_Trigger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 4.3K.
CCI_Stack. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 4.4K.
CCI_Short_HMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 6.8K.
CCI_MA_Smoothed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 7.1K.
CCI_MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 6.5K.
CCI_Histogram2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 2.9K.
CCI_Histogram. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 4.2K.
CCI_Email. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 1.5K.
CCI_Divergence_v1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 14.9K.
CCI_Divergence_V1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 12.6K.
CCI_Angle. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 4.7K.
CCI Woodies v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 24.8K.
CCI woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 5.1K.
CCI MA EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 9.4K.
CCIFilter vX. mq4 01-Oct-2010 10:19 6K.
CCIALERT. mq4 01-Oct-2010 10:19 1.6K.
CCI 8.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 3K.
CCI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 3.2K.
cci – robert hill. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:24 15.6K.
CCFp_v4x. mq4 05-Jun-2011 13:02 15.4K.
CCFp_v4.mq4 31-May-2011 12:18 15.4K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.3dvert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 33.4K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.3cvert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 24.7K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.2cvert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 24.5K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.2bvert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:24 24.5K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.2b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 23.6K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.2a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 20.2K.
CCFp_v1[1].0.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 20K.
CCFp_v1.0.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 20K.
CCFp_fork-Esempio_operazioni_su_EURUSD. jpg 31-May-2011 12:10 344.9K.
CCFp_Close_v1[1].1vert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 18.9K.
CCFp. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 17.1K.
CC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 17K.
CC-PercentBollinger. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 6.3K.
cascade scalper. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:25 679.4K.
cascade scalper. ace 13-Sep-2010 23:25 678.4K.
CarlsEcnTemplate. mq4 12-Sep-2011 21:16 10.9K.
CandleTime[1].mq4 17-May-2011 00:32 1.8K.
CandleTimeV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 1.5K.
CandleTime. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 1.8K.
CandleStix 1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 18.3K.
CandleStix 1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 17K.
CandleStix. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 16.2K.
CandleSizeAlert. mq4.txt 16-Mar-2011 23:07 3.7K.
CandleSizeAlert. mq4 20-Mar-2011 14:50 3.9K.
Candle Helper 2.mq4 29-Sep-2010 01:49 2.8K.
Candle Helper. mq4 29-Sep-2010 01:49 2.8K.
CandleColor. mq4 01-Jul-2011 21:35 1.9K.
CandleBodyPrcnt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 1.4K.
CandleAverage_v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 2.6K.
Cam_Supp. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 7.5K.
cam_L2_L5_Historical5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 6.9K.
cam_L2_L5_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:25 5.6K.
cam_H2_H5_Historical5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 7.6K.
cam_H2_H5_Historical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 6.2K.
Camarilla_AlertwFibs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 13.7K.
camarilladt8.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 24K.
camarilladt7.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 36K.
camarilladt3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 16.7K.
camarilla. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 8K.
cacus_QuadHedge_v2.5_Inverse_EU-UC. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 14.9K.
cacus_QuadHedge_v2.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 14.8K.
cacus_QuadHedge_v2.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 16.5K.
cacus_QuadHedge_v2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 10K.
cacus_MACCImo_v1ca. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 13.4K.
cacus_Hedge_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 7.9K.
cacus_Hedge_v2.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 7.9K.
cacus. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:26 166.3K.
ByKovTrend. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:26 205.3K.
Bykov trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.1K.
BW-wiseMan-2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.2K.
BW-wiseMan-1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 3K.
Buy_ECN. mq4 02-Apr-2011 23:11 6.3K.
Buy with SL and TP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.4K.
BuySell_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 3.3K.
BUYSELL_MT4_Ron_v0.2b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 6.5K.
BuySellBasketOsc. mq4 21-Nov-2010 14:06 10.4K.
BUY Breakout. mq4 25-Feb-2011 11:44 10.7K.
buy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.1K.
Buy-0.1-SL20-TP25.mq4 31-Jan-2012 19:50 6.2K.
Butterfly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 4.3K.
Burger MACD multi timeframes. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 3.9K.
BS_SS_EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 5.7K.
BS_RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.4K.
BS_#MarketPrice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 10.6K.
BSI1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.8K.
BSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 2.8K.
BreakOut_PANCA_EAGLE__indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 6.8K.
BreakOut_BOX_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 5.5K.
BreakOut_BOX_5_DailyCandles_OCbox_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 21.2K.
BreakOut_BOX_4_pre-TOKYO_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 14.8K.
BreakOut_BOX_4_LONDON_OpeningRange_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 15.1K.
BreakOut_BOX_3_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 8.6K.
BreakOut_BOX_2_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:26 6.8K.
Breakout_1.1_DayTrade_EURM1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 17.6K.
Breakout Beta 3dmr. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 12.8K.
BreakOut-EAGLE__ut2DaMax. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 7.3K.
BreakOut-EAGLE_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 9.8K.
breakingup. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:27 451K.
breakeven. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 473.
Break 1mn[1]modified. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 1.9K.
Break 1mn[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 1.7K.
Brainwashing #1c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 11.5K.
BrainTrend2_all_in_one1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 7.7K.
BrainTrend2Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 5.2K.
BrainTrend2.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:27 1.2K.
BrainTrend1_all_in_one1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 21:03 8.8K.
BrainTrend1Sig write global. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 4.4K.
Boxinglife Stochastic2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 12.9K.
bouncingPipEA_mpowerV42.mq4 01-Nov-2010 20:43 33.5K.
bouncingPipEA_mpowerV41.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 33.6K.
bouncingPipEA_BigBear_v24.mq4 01-Nov-2010 20:43 28.3K.
bouncingPipEA_BigBear_v23.mq4 01-Nov-2010 20:43 24.1K.
bouncing pip. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:27 63.5K.
BollTrade_Ron_MT4_v05c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 22.5K.
BolliToucher. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 5.6K.
Bollinger Squeeze v8.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 4.5K.
Bollinger Squeeze v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 4.4K.
Bollinger Squeeze Basic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 4.1K.
Bollinger Squeeze Advanced. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 6.4K.
Bollinger Bands %b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 2.5K.
BollingerBands#MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 4.7K.
BollBounce_EA. mq4 13-Mar-2011 19:25 19.4K.
Bogie v9-pivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 6.9K.
Bogie-Spread_Histogram-IND-v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 1.4K.
Bogie-RVI_SMA-IND-v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 2.1K.
Bogie-MACD_MaTrend-v1c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:27 9.9K.
Bogie-MACD_MaTrend-v1b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 9.7K.
Bogie-MACD_MaTrend-v1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 9.7K.
Bogie-MACD_MaTrend-v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 9.5K.
Bogie-MACD_MaTrend-v1-Stealth. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 9.7K.
Bogie-HedgeHog. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:28 106.2K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v26.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 25.7K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v25.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 24.1K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v24.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 24.1K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v23a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 23.7K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v23.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 23.6K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v22.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 23.1K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v21.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 20.8K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 27.6K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4f-Manual. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4e. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 27.3K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.6K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.3K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.5K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v4a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3f. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 27.8K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3e. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 27.2K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.8K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.2K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 26.4K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v3a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 25.9K.
Bogie-HedgeHog-v2.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:28 128.2K.
bogie-hedgehog-optfile. set 13-Sep-2010 23:28 1.8K.
Bogie-HedgeHog–IND-v2a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 5.7K.
Bogie-HedgeHog–IND-v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 5.3K.
Bogie-FractalsTrailingStop-v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 3.2K.
Bogie-ATR_SMA-IND-v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 2.5K.
Bogie-ATR_SMA-IND-v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 2.1K.
Bogie+v9-pivot. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:28 6.9K.
Bm_Rainbow. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 65.9K.
BLSH_Hybrid_v1_0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 14.7K.
Blown account. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:29 6.7K.
Bliksem2.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 17.9K.
bless_FiFtHeLeMeNt_noTG_1[1].0.1PK. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 8.2K.
bless_FiFtHeLeMeNt_noTG_1[1].0.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 7.6K.
bless_FiFtHeLeMeNt_noTG_1.0.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 7.6K.
bless_FiFtHeLeMeNt_1.0.6.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 8.8K.
bless_FiFtHeLeMeNt_1.0.6.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 8.3K.
Blessing Martingale_v5-sloptimized. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 4.9K.
Blessing 2 v5.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 24.6K.
Blessing 2 v4.8.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 24.3K.
bipoler_23_5_30_.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 521.
Bipoler week 3.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 10K.
bipoler 23-5-30 1.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 521.
bipoler 23-5-30.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 521.
bipoler 2k settings. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 12.9K.
BiPolar Results. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 75.9K.
billwiliamsea. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 17.5K.
Big Tick 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 1.1K.
Big Stochastic v1.1 Combo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 10.6K.
BigProfitLittleStop. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:29 8.8K.
»Big dog indi/ 10-Apr-2011 00:00 –
Bid Line Price & Timer (Black).ex4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 7.3K.
Better_Volume_EA. mq4 01-Mar-2012 10:28 8.6K.
BetterVol_CDRW_Alertemail. mq4 24-Feb-2012 00:54 16.9K.
BetterVolume ChartBars part2 1.4.mq4 28-Feb-2012 23:39 4.5K.
BetterVolume ChartBars part1 1.4.mq4 28-Feb-2012 23:39 4.9K.
BetterVolume 1.51.mq4 01-Mar-2012 10:30 5.7K.
BetterVolume 1.4_TRO_MODIFIED_VERSION. mq4 23-Feb-2012 19:50 19K.
BetterVolume 1.4_TRO_alert_forEA. mq4 01-Mar-2012 10:30 19.3K.
BetterVolume 1.4_alert. mq4 03-Mar-2012 14:09 19.4K.
BetterVolume 1.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 5.3K.
BetterVolume 1.4 plus Session Average. mq4 01-Mar-2012 10:31 7.2K.
bettervolume. tpl 03-Mar-2012 14:09 15.5K.
Beno_System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 7.4K.
BenOpenLines. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 1.7K.
BeginnerAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 4.4K.
BB_Stop_EA_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 21.7K.
BB_MACD_CCT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:29 4.3K.
BB_MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 4.3K.
bbsqueeze_dark. mq4 07-Oct-2010 20:40 4.8K.
BBandWidthRatio. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 2.5K.
BBands_Stop_v11.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.2K.
BBands_Stop_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.4K.
BBands_Stop_v1_with_alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.7K.
BBands_Stop_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.2K.
BBands_1_Stop_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.2K.
BBandsStopsAlert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 6.1K.
BBands Stops. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 5.2K.
BBands of CCI v.1.1.mq4 09-Feb-2011 20:20 3.6K.
BBands of CCI v.1.0.mq4 09-Feb-2011 20:17 3.4K.
BBands of CCI v.0.1.mq4 08-Feb-2011 15:41 3.3K.
BBANDS. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:30 11.7K.
BBands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 2.7K.
BB. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 4.9K.
BAV_Hist_Step_MA_EA_nv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 7.3K.
BAT ATR v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 3.7K.
Basket_Profit_Alert2[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:30 3.9K.
Basket Tester Setup. exe 13-Sep-2010 23:31 2.7M.
Basic Balanced System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 5.3K.
bar_close_alarm_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 1.9K.
BarTrader_EAv1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 22.4K.
BarTimer. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 2.5K.
Bars – O-C excursion. mq4 17-May-2011 00:32 2.4K.
Bars – H-L excursion. mq4 17-May-2011 00:32 2.3K.
BarRange2.mq4 17-Jul-2011 15:06 2.4K.
BarRange. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 2.2K.
BarPrice. mq4 17-Jul-2011 14:55 1.6K.
Barfly1.1.mq4 07-Aug-2011 13:54 10.6K.
Barfly. mq4 07-Aug-2011 13:52 10.5K.
BarByBar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 10.6K.
Bandwidth Indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 1.7K.
BandsR2a. mq4 21-Oct-2010 10:23 5.7K.
BandsMA_2dev. mq4 28-Sep-2011 22:16 6K.
BandsMA2dev. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 6.1K.
BandsMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:31 6.1K.
BandsBandwidth. mq4 08-Feb-2012 10:15 3.4K.
Bands1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 2.8K.
Bands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 2.8K.
Bal_Eq_Ind. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 5.9K.
backtest. mq4 15-Dec-2011 10:48 3.1K.
b-clock. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 1.8K.
A_MA3.mq4 31-May-2011 16:37 4.7K.
AYCE MA Crossover Signal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 4.1K.
Awesome. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 2.7K.
AverageMoveMP. mq4 08-Feb-2012 23:50 4.9K.
Average Daily Range. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 9.4K.
Auto_Sessions_v_1.5[1].mq4 12-Sep-2011 21:10 6.8K.
Auto_Sessions_v_1.5.mq4 12-Sep-2011 21:10 6.8K.
Autotrendlinien. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 8.2K.
Auto Reboot VPS-Servers. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:32 548K.
AutoPivots. mq4 19-Feb-2011 17:16 6.2K.
AutoPivotIndicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 15.5K.
Autopilotstart. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:32 6.5K.
AutoDayFibs2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 8.8K.
AutoDayFibs1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 7.9K.
AutoDayFibs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 9.8K.
AutoDayFibs – ModFibLvl. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 10K.
Auslanco System Indicators. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:32 11.9K.
AuslancoExpert_original_strategy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 9.4K.
ATR_Separate_Labeled. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 5.9K.
ATR_Ratio_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 3.4K.
ATR_Ratio_v1a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 2.9K.
ATR_Ratio. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 2.8K.
ATR_Peter ALERT_modified. mq4 16-Oct-2010 14:41 5.9K.
ATR_Peter ALERT. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 5.5K.
ATR_Levels_New. mq4 05-Jun-2011 12:59 9.5K.
ATR_Chart_Labeled. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 5.8K.
ATR_Chart_Daily. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 4.7K.
ATR Straddle Method. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 10K.
AtrOnChart. mq4 28-Jun-2011 20:16 1.9K.
ATR Levels. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 5.6K.
ATR in Pips. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 2.4K.
ATREMA. ex4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 3.4K.
ATREA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 5.5K.
ATR Darma1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 2.8K.
ATR Darma. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 2.8K.
ATR. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:32 33.3K.
ATR-MQLS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 3.3K.
ATR-GSV. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:32 8.1K.
ATR&RVI_IndicatorPic. gif 13-Sep-2010 23:33 30.2K.
ATM_TSRdata. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 17.2K.
ATM_RSI_LiDo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 1.7K.
ATM_Machine_Modified. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:33 2.7K.
ASTROFIN. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:33 736.6K.
AstroFibonaccScri. mq4 15-Aug-2011 01:15 9.2K.
Astro Excel. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:34 2.3M.
Asian_BreakOut_HLbox_Range_indicator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:34 23.8K.
ASH_FX_DAILY. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:34 101.3K.
ASCTrend_Sound. mq4.mq4 12-Nov-2010 10:15 6.2K.
ASCTrend MT3.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:34 9.2K.
ASCTrend1sig_noSound. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:34 3.4K.
ASCBARS. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 23:34 3.6K.
ArtificialIntelligenceFor5digit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:34 6.2K.
ArtificialIntelligence. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:34 5.7K.
Artemis_Sitter. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:34 283.9K.
Artemis Sitter v1.30.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:35 578.1K.
Artemis Sitter v1.20.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:35 556K.
Artemis Sitter. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:34 466.9K.
Aroon Bars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 3.6K.
ARIMAb. mq4 03-Dec-2011 02:09 4.7K.
ARIMA. mq4 03-Dec-2011 02:07 4.7K.
Archive. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:35 22.6K.
ArbitrageReverse_1.set 22-Jun-2011 20:03 60.
ArbitrageReverse_1.1.mq4 22-Jun-2011 20:04 6.8K.
ArbitrageReverse_1.1 (LotsDivider).mq4 16-Oct-2011 23:07 10K.
AO_BB_DashBoard. mq4 22-Feb-2011 10:17 15.1K.
AOchartbars. mq4 22-Feb-2011 10:17 5.6K.
AnyMA_Rsi_R2_Indi_Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 9.9K.
AnyMA_RSI_R2_EA_Opt_wLog. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 67.7K.
AnyMA_RSI_R2_EA_Opt. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 59.2K.
Another Martingale. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 18.2K.
Another Look_.xls 13-Sep-2010 23:35 21.5K.
ang_PR (Din)-v1+SQStdN. mq4 11-Feb-2012 19:29 3.9K.
andy rsi indi. gif 13-Sep-2010 23:35 35.9K.
anchorfx. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 6.4K.
AML_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 23.6K.
AMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 3.4K.
AltrTrend3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 3.6K.
AltrTrend2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 2.7K.
AltrTrend1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 2.7K.
AltrTrend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 2.7K.
Alpha Osc. mq4 17-Sep-2011 00:14 9.5K.
All_usd_pair rev m. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 9.5K.
All_usd_pair. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 9.4K.
All_Stochastic_v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 8.9K.
All Woodies CCI v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 15.3K.
All Stochastic v1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 8.9K.
All Stochastic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 8.8K.
All stoch 60min. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 6.5K.
AllPivots_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 5.2K.
AllMACD beside each other goood. rar 22-Dec-2011 10:35 2.6K.
AllinOneFibTool. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 152.7K.
Alligator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 2.8K.
All ADX RSI CCI indicators. rar 22-Dec-2011 10:35 4.3K.
Alex_v1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 9.5K.
AlexmanConcursExpert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 8.8K.
AlexConcursLibrary. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:35 115.
Alert_MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 4K.
Alert_3MA_Cross_nc. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 8.8K.
Alert_3MA_Cross. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 9.9K.
Alert SMA-EMA CrossOver1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 5.1K.
Alert SMA-EMA CrossOver. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 5K.
Alerter[1].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 3.4K.
Alerter4U. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:36 6.6K.
Alerter. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 3.4K.
Alert-Indikator_von_Tesla. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:36 682.8K.
Alert-Indikator. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:36 682.8K.
AL00.mq4 10-Oct-2010 23:28 3.1K.
AIME_5820_Crossover_AlertNoMAs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 4.5K.
AIME_5820_Crossover_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 4.8K.
agressive fixed lots bipoler. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:36 1.2K.
AFIRMA. mq4 03-Dec-2011 02:10 4.3K.
Affichage JOUR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:36 7.2K.
ADX_System_Derk. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8K.
ADX_System. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 4K.
ADX_MA. mq4 04-Sep-2011 14:10 3K.
ADX_Cross_corrected. mq4 15-Mar-2012 00:09 3.1K.
ADX_Cross. mq4 04-Mar-2012 12:57 3K.
ADX_coloured_DI_choice. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.7K.
ADX_coloured. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.6K.
ADX Smoothed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.4K.
ADXmod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.9K.
ADXcrosses. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.4K.
ADXCROSSautotrade5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8K.
ADXCROSSautotrade3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8K.
ADXCROSSautotrade2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8K.
ADXCROSSautotrade. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8K.
ADXCROSS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 4K.
ADX Candles. ex4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 6.3K.
ADXbars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.7K.
ADX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.9K.
Adv_sell_stop_script_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.4K.
Adv_sell_stop_script. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 1.5K.
Adv_buy_stop_script_v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.4K.
Adv_buy_stop_script_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.1K.
Adv_buy_stop_script. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 1.5K.
Advanced_ADX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.2K.
adr__1_5_10_20_60.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 8.7K.
adr_sl-noline_mod1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 15.9K.
adr_sl-noline_mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 15.9K.
adr_sl-noline2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 15.7K.
adr_sl-noline1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 15.7K.
adr_sl-noline. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 13.3K.
adrtraderv2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.3K.
adrdeltshistorical. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.5K.
Ademola. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 11.3K.
adattiversi display NB. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3K.
Adaptive RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 1.2K.
ACSignal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.3K.
AccountSentryV2.08.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 9.3K.
AccountSentry. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 7.4K.
AccountSentry(ProfitTarget).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 10.2K.
AccountEquityAnalyzer. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 13.2K.
Accelerator_inputs. mq4 06-Mar-2011 14:04 3.2K.
AcceleratorHistory. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 2.9K.
AcceleratorArrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.1K.
Accelerator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:37 3.1K.
ACB1 modified. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 14.2K.
acaostdv_sig. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 2.8K.
acaostdv. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 2.9K.
acaostdv. jpg 13-Sep-2010 23:38 201.5K.
ac ao ea. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:38 60.2K.
AC+AO ea v3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 10.8K.
AC+AO ea v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 10.8K.
AC+AO ea v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 10.4K.
AC+AO ea. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 10.1K.
AbsoluteStrength_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 8K.
AbsoluteStrength_v1.1M4cH_mtf. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 10.7K.
AbsoluteStrength_exit_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 4K.
AbsoluteStrength_exit. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 3.9K.
AbsoluteStrenghtHisto_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 8K.
aBB. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 5.1K.
a2 Close ALL Pstns. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 1.4K.
@Price-MA Diviation. mq4 19-Nov-2010 23:06 14.6K.
@ModifyOrder_dd. mq4 27-Aug-2011 18:34 20.5K.
@InfoTradeVisual. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 18.4K.
@Information 4.mq4 23-Nov-2010 14:59 19.2K.
@CloseEverything. mq4 09-May-2011 10:28 3.7K.
@10_20_Sell_nomm. mq4 24-May-2011 09:51 5.9K.
@10_20_Sell_mm. mq4 09-May-2011 10:28 7.8K.
@10_20_Buy_nomm. mq4 24-May-2011 09:51 5.9K.
@10_20_Buy_mm. mq4 09-May-2011 10:28 7.9K.
20081030-01-02 Detailed Forex Robot 2008.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:43 8.1K.
20080409.log. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:43 43K.
1338302.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 57.4K.
1289338.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 88.4K.
900374.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:38 68.7K.
900134.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:38 111.7K.
500487.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:41 251.8K.
500460.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:41 293K.
110914 eurusd data holes. gif 15-Sep-2011 23:01 22.2K.
2008-BUY-SELL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 5.1K.
310.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 2.4K.
287_Ilan5-MT4build2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 16K.
125LimitIBFX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 2.5K.
100 pips Mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 4.9K.
100 Pips can’t Lose Trading rules. doc 06-May-2011 21:05 20.5K.
100 Pips can’t Lose (100 in 30).mq4 06-May-2011 21:05 17.9K.
100 pips a day_perky_mod21.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 5.8K.
100 pips a day_perky_mod2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 5.2K.
100 pips a day_perky_mod1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 5.2K.
100 pips a day_perky_mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 4.8K.
100 pips a day1_1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 5.1K.
100 pips a day. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 4.5K.
100 pips. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 4.3K.
35×20 SELL7L200SL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 24.4K.
35×20 BUY7L200SL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 24.4K.
34EMASlope. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 2.6K.
31-07 50.56%.zip 13-Sep-2010 23:42 9.4K.
30-90-Sell. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 6.2K.
30-90-Buy. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 6.2K.
30-30-Sell_MM2.mq4 20-Dec-2010 17:37 6.2K.
30-30-ModifyOrder_dd. mq4 07-Jun-2011 10:16 21K.
30-30-Buy_MM2.mq4 07-Dec-2010 01:31 6.2K.
25_Rules_Of_Forex_Trading_Discipline. pdf 06-Nov-2010 15:25 121.8K.
20-pips-per-day_v1.5.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 7.4K.
20-pips-per-day_v1.4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 7K.
20-pips-per-day_v1.3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 6.7K.
20-pips-per-day_v1.2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 3.7K.
20-pips-per-day_v1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 3.6K.
20-pips-per-day. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 4.8K.
18-06-2010 5-20-30 PM – Copy. png 13-Sep-2010 23:43 88.3K.
16_ZigAndZag_trade_V2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 18K.
13 My_First_EA. mq4 29-Dec-2010 16:31 5K.
11_STOP&REVERSE. mq4 15-Sep-2011 23:02 1.5K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2e1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 13K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2e. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 13K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.8K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2b. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.2K.
10Points_4_Ind_v2a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 11.4K.
10Points_4_Inds_Magic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.9K.
10Points_4_Inds1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 10K.
10Points_4_Inds. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 10K.
10Points_3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.5K.
10Points Statement ttitto. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12K.
ECN. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 10.6K.
.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 10.6K.
10points 3_original. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.5K.
10points3B_jim. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.6K.
10points3B. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.6K.
10points 3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.4K.
10points3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.5K.
10points3 test2.set 13-Sep-2010 23:44 2.1K.
10points 3 test2.htm 13-Sep-2010 23:44 526.7K.
10points 3 test2.gif 13-Sep-2010 23:44 6K.
10points 3 loss cutoff. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 9.9K.
10points. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 18.3K.
10Points. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 8.6K.
10point3mod_leon. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 74.1K.
10point3mod-leon. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:44 74.1K.
10pips. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 3.8K.
10p3v1.02.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.8K.
10p3v1.01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 12.1K.
10p3v0.03_5d. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 11.1K.
10hrCross. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:44 10.2K.
10Grid-2009-BTResults. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:45 60.6K.
10.1 Daily S&R Daily. mq4 28-Nov-2011 10:42 9.9K.
10 Points 3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:45 9.4K.
7_Scalp_10_15_30_5Digits. mq4 20-Jul-2011 10:21 2.5K.
7days-FM-22.mq4 21-Oct-2011 13:09 3.7K.
7 Day Extension Fade. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 7.8K.
7 Bar Extension Fade. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 8.5K.
7 Bar Extension Fade.01.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 8.7K.
6pending daily v1-0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 7.9K.
6EMA_8EMA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:38 16.2K.
6ema_8ema. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:38 12.5K.
6.3.08 EUR. USD Template. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:38 6.2K.
6.3.08 EUR. USD Indicators. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:39 680.5K.
6.1.08 Template. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:39 51.4K.
6.1.08 Indicators. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:39 694.2K.
6.1.08 Charts. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:39 236.6K.
5_SL_DragDrop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:39 1.5K.
5_Day_BreakOut. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:39 3.2K.
5pip_TSL_mod. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:39 1.9K.
5pip_TSL. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:39 1.9K.
5M_SCALP_FIX(mod_v1).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:39 2.9K.
5min system. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:41 4M.
5a_TP_DragDrop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 1.5K.
5-digit-code-EA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 1.8K.
5-8openEMA_Cross_Arrow_with_Alerts. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 4.2K.
»5 Minute Intraday/ 18-May-2009 20:04 –
5 Day BreakOut. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 3.2K.
4_Period_MA_Psars_V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 49.3K.
4_Period_MA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:41 57.7K.
4_Period_MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 46.6K.
4_MA_Strength. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 6.7K.
4xSpread. ex4 24-Feb-2012 00:53 7.5K.
4TFStochBars. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 10K.
4Stochs v0[1].1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 3.2K.
4Stochs v0.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 3.2K.
4PMA_1__1_.Psars. Rgrssn. STD. V3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 52.5K.
4PMA_1_[1].Psars. Rgrssn. STD. V3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 52.5K.
4PMA[1].RSI. Rgrssn. STD. V1c. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 53.3K.
4PMA[1].Psars. Rgrssn. STD. V3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 52.5K.
4PMA extras removed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 46.7K.
4PMA. Psars. Rgrssn. STD. V2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 52.3K.
4PMA. Psars. Rgrssn. STD. V1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 49.7K.
4PMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 46.7K.
4Period_RSI_Arrows. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 5K.
4MA_Crossover_AlertNoMAs. mq4 19-Nov-2010 22:34 9.5K.
4MAs Trend. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 3.3K.
4H Weekly Box Breakout. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 16.9K.
4HR Weekly GJ_Ron_V02a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 5.6K.
4HR Weekly GJ_Ron_V01a. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 5.4K.
4EMA Signals. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:41 3K.
4 TF HAS Bar2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 10.3K.
4 TF HAS Bar. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 10.2K.
4 Period MA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 46.6K.
4 ma strength. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 6.6K.
4 hour trend line. doc 03-Nov-2010 00:11 938K.
3_ZZ_Semafor_MTF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 8.1K.
3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_TRO_MODIFIED_VERSION. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 11.1K.
3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 10.7K.
3_Level_ZZ_Semafor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 7.8K.
3_EMA_ EA. mq4 27-Nov-2010 20:06 5.9K.
003_BuySell_BreakOut (1,0%Risk_MM).mq4 21-Jul-2011 20:45 6.1K.
3_bar_swing. mq4 23-Oct-2010 17:48 3.6K.
3rsib. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 2.7K.
3rsi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 2.7K.
3pSAR_EA_V11.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 18.8K.
3pSAR_EA_V1.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 18.7K.
3MA_Crossover_AlertNoMAs. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 8.5K.
3MaCross_EA. mq4 19-Nov-2010 22:47 34.8K.
3LineBreak. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:42 5K.
3EMA Signals v0.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 2.8K.
3D_Oscilator_with_alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 4K.
3D_Oscilator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 3.6K.
3c_Turbo_JRSX_Filtered. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 3.9K.
3c_JRSX_H. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 5K.
3c_JDemarkX. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 10.2K.
3c_JDemark. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 8.6K.
3cTJRSX_Cross_Test. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 3.3K.
3barHiLoEA[4].mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 15.2K.
3barHiLoEA3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 15.2K.
3barHiLoEA2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 15.3K.
3barHiLoEA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 14.1K.
3barHiLoEA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 14.1K.
3.1system. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:42 107.1K.
3-steps. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 17.2K.
3-ducks-trading-system-osc-mtf_cf_sysv1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 14.2K.
3 moving averages EA. mq4 19-Nov-2010 22:47 5.9K.
3 manuel setup w-zup_and_gann. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:42 202.8K.
3 MA Cross w_Alert v3.mq4 11-Dec-2010 23:36 5.9K.
3 MA Cross w_Alert v2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 5.9K.
3 MA Cross w_Alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:42 5.6K.
3 ma cross email_alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 6.2K.
3 ma cross alert. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 5.9K.
3 Ducks. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 9.7K.
3 Bar Reversal. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 8.5K.
2_SnapShot. mq4 10-Nov-2011 20:46 2.4K.
2_close_all_DragDrop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 1.1K.
002_BuySell_BreakOut (1,0%Risk_MM).mq4 20-Jul-2011 10:26 2.7K.
2x5MA. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:43 377.7K.
2×5 MA CROSS WITH SOUND_YG1.mq4 19-Nov-2010 22:47 4.2K.
2×5 MA CROSS WITH SOUND. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 4.2K.
2MA_Crossover_AlertNoMAs. mq4 07-Dec-2010 01:35 7.2K.
2MA_Crossover_Alert. mq4 09-Aug-2011 00:12 7.7K.
2MACrossWithPricex. mq4 02-Jan-2011 01:38 10.5K.
2MACrossWithPrice. mq4 26-Nov-2010 16:09 9.4K.
2MA Crossover. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 8.3K.
2MACrossModified. mq4 07-Dec-2010 01:35 9.9K.
2MACross. zip 07-Dec-2010 01:35 9.7K.
2daytrade. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:43 9.8K.
2 Super RSI. rar 13-Sep-2010 23:43 31.5K.
001_DROP_SUPPORT_SEGMENT_LINEv1.mq4 01-Dec-2010 21:39 1.7K.
001_DROP_SUPPORT_LINE_v1.mq4 01-Dec-2010 21:39 859.
001_DROP_SUPPORT_LINE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 797.
001_DROP_RESISTANCE_SEGMENT_LINEv1.mq4 01-Dec-2010 22:01 1.8K.
001_DROP_RESISTANCE_LINE_v1.mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 895.
001_DROP_RESISTANCE_LINE. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 830.
1_BUY Lot_0.2_SL_30_TP_20_4digit. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 5.9K.
1b_Sell with SL and TP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 1.7K.
1b_Buy with SL and TP. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 1.7K.
1b_BUY(0.5L, 300SL, 500TP).mq4 30-Oct-2011 12:39 1.7K.
1a_Buy_Sell_MM_DragDrop. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:43 2.1K.
1a_BuySell_v1(0.05L).mq4 16-Feb-2012 10:25 2.5K.
1.7 Version Backtests. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:45 305.6K.
1.2.3 system 5min. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:46 2.5M.
1-11-2008 Results. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:46 177.7K.
1$ a Day (100 in 30).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 7.1K.
00mp. pocLn. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 0.
.htaccess 13-Sep-2010 23:46 180.
-Goblin_BiPolar_Edition2modHcasa. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 31.4K.
–PivotCustomTime—-.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 13.2K.
–Heiken Ashi—-.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 3.6K.
+OsMA Color 1S. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 4K.
+EURUSD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 1.9K.
+Clock v1_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 6.3K.
+ADR (All_pairs).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 8.7K.
+ADR (1_5_10_20_60).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 8.6K.
(T_S_R)range2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 16K.
(T_S_R)-Execute Line 2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 4.3K.
(T_S_R)-DATA_WINDOW_2.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:46 16.3K.
(T_S_R)-Daily Range Calculator v1[1].3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 8K.
(TSR)DailyRangeCalculator. zip 13-Sep-2010 23:47 2.3K.
%DoubleCCI_Woodies. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 7.3K.
%2300Butterfly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.3K.
#WSS94!INTRADAY-EA[1].demo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 12K.
#TrendMTFROC. MQ4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 11.9K.
#TDI_LRSI_ VISUAL ALERTS_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 18.9K.
#Stochastic_Cross_Alert_SigOverlayM_cw. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 5.9K.
»#Statements/ 30-Sep-2009 09:58 –
#SR_AlertSystem. mq4 27-Sep-2010 22:44 3.1K.
#SpudFibo_1H_Select. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 7.8K.
#SpudFibo_1Hour. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 7.6K.
#SpudFibo. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 7.5K.
#Signal_Bars_v7.ex4 01-Jan-2012 01:22 42.6K.
#SHI_Channel_Fast. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 5K.
»#Robert Hill/ 18-May-2009 20:04 –
»#Presentations/ 02-Aug-2009 20:42 –
#Parabolic 2TF. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.8K.
#MTF_Zigzag. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 3.4K.
#MTF_TrendMagic 3.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 2.9K.
#MTF_TrendMagic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 2.9K.
#MTF_Support and Resistance (Barry).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 3.7K.
#MTF_Super-signals_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 3.2K.
#MTF_Stochastic_sh1Turq_fixed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 5.5K.
#MTF_Stochastic_sh1 15[1].5.3.3 Turq_fixed. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 5.5K.
#MTF_Stochastic_sh1 Turq. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.7K.
#MTF_Stochastic B. mq4 23-Nov-2010 14:56 4K.
#MTF_Stochastic1.1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 6.7K.
#MTF_Stochastic. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.1K.
#MTF_SEFC084-1.mq4 22-Sep-2011 22:07 4.1K.
#MTF_RSI. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 3.8K.
#MTF_MovingAverage_abhifix. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.4K.
#MTF_MovingAverage. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.4K.
#MTF_MACD_inColor. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:47 4.7K.
#MTF_MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.1K.
#MTF_Envelopes. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.7K.
#MTF_CCI. MQ4 01-Dec-2010 00:44 3K.
#MTF_BollinderBands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.6K.
#MTF_BB_Squeeze. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.8K.
#MTF_BBands_Stop_v1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.5K.
#MTF_BBANDS. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.8K.
#MTF_BandsBandwidth. mq4 10-Feb-2012 01:07 5.9K.
#MTF_ATR. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 3.5K.
#MTF_3 Trema Trix. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.7K.
#MTF Stochastic v2.0.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 6.4K.
»#MTF Indicators/ 07-Dec-2010 16:20 –
#MTF High Low Close v4.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 6.8K.
#MTF High Low. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 3.7K.
#MTF Center of Gravity. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 3.5K.
#MTF BollingerBands. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.7K.
#MTF ATR in Pips. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 5.1K.
#MTF-MACD. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 11.3K.
#MTF-CCFp_v1.0.2-forkMM-MDn. mq4 31-May-2011 12:10 34.3K.
#MAMA1.mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.5K.
#MAMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.5K.
#HeikenAshi. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 3.6K.
#DTosc. mq4 20-Sep-2010 02:00 5K.
#DeMark. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 17.3K.
# BLAST. mq4 27-Feb-2012 19:34 9K.
#4X 3 Semafor Alert. ex4 30-Jul-2011 14:57 11.3K.
#00FX Sniper’s LSMA. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 2.7K.
#00Butterfly. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 4.3K.
#(T_S_R)-Daily Range Calculator. mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 14.5K.
#(SF_TREND_LINES_ALL2).mq4 13-Sep-2010 23:48 3.2K.

How to Build a Cryptocurrency Auto-Trader Bot with PHP? 💰
This post was originally published on Medium and reposted here with the author’s permission. Why not head on over there and give them some ❤️?
This tutorial will walk you through the full process of building a bitcoin bot with PHP – from setup, on to your first execution of an automated trade, and beyond.
I should not need to tell you but, a couple of months ago you could buy the cryptocurrency Ether for $11, it rapidly went up to $43 (I bought in between those prices) and has now gone to over $335 as of June 2017. Those kinds of gains are nearly unbelievable to a traditional investor and yet these are across the board in this space.
Excited yet? So here is a scenario:
You made a ton of money on cryptocurrencies and have some concerns about shuffling it through your bank because of potential capital gains tax issues. There are places that have a solution for you if you want to be able to use this money for other investments. These places won’t make you photograph your license and send it in, just use an email and they provide you with a BTC deposit wallet, demo accounts, APIs, then when you are ready, you send money in and it’s ‘go time’, you can trade everything from treasury bonds to Forex using Cryptocurrencies as your base monetary instrument.
But, you say, I am a coder who likes to automate things, surely we can fire up some BTCbot and we can have it just do the work for us, it will make us millions in our sleep, right?
My solution.
I don’t want to write a bot and publish it with a single strategy and just say “here, use this”, I don’t think that is helpful to anyone, I would rather give you the tools and show you how to write strategies yourself, show you how to set up data collection for the strategies and how to implement them in a trading system and see the results.
Also, I don’t want to create this in a new or arcane language, I want this written in PHP which the biggest number of people are familiar with and in a framework (Laravel – here’s a great premium course for sale, and a bunch of free articles if you’re not familiar with it) that is simple to use but powerful enough to let you can create what you need. If you think PHP is just for web pages, read on, this should surprise you.
I like to build systems. I have been working on this post for a while and it represents a good deal of non-derivative custom work. If you have read some of my other tutorials you know that I like to write tutorials that “I wish that I had found instead of having to to write”, so you are in for a thorough read, with a lot of copy-paste style recipes.
Let’s get started.
Steps we are going to take:
Get boilerplate/framework installed. Walk through the core parts of the system, see what is where. Install and configure the software we need. Account creation at the brokerages we will be using, setting up the API keys for the scripts. Run tests and examples. Set up websocket streams to get data. Finding strategies for our automated agents. Deep dive into Indicators and Candles available to us. Coding up our first agent. Testing the agent. A few closing words about the risks you are taking.
Get boilerplate/framework installed (Bowhead)
You can find the repository for the Bowhead boilerplate at it’s Github repository. It’s a full application already, but we’ll be using its functionality to get the stuff in this post done.
It is recommended you use the extremely Laravel-friendly Homestead Improved Vagrant box for a good, isolated development environment you can get started with in under 5 minutes. If you’re unfamiliar with Vagrant, here’s an excellent re-introduction, and if you’d like to dig deeper, this premium book will teach you amazing things.
Now let’s explain the the current folder structure of the app.
This is where all our console commands are located.
BitfinexWebsocketCommand. php – Stream market data from Bitfinex CoinbaseWebsocketCommand. php – Stream market data from GDAX ExampleForexStrategyCommand. php – Forex example strategy ExampleStrategyCommand. php – Our example of a strategy ExampleUsageCommand. php – Basic usage examples GetHistoricalCommand. php – Pull in historic data from broker OandaStreamCommand. php – Stream market data from Oanda.
Is where all the utility classes that are available are found.
Bitfinex. php – Bitfinex API wrapper BrokersUtil. php – Utilities for various brokers Candles. php – All 60 TALib candle methods wrapped Coinbase. php – GDAX API wrapper Console. php – Console color, tables and progress Indicators. php – 21 TALib indicators and moving averages. Oanda. php – Oanda API wrapper OneBroker. php – 1Broker API wrapper Other. php – possible indicators, not implemented yet testStrategy. php – Here is your test strategy Whaleclub. php – Whaleclub API wrapper.
Extras and some testing data, these scripts are SKLearn price forecasting scripts taken from a study on beer consumption I thought was really useful, these might be used for market price predictions.
close_prediction. py – SKLearn script to predict a closing price ohlc-btc. csv – Sample CSV data, if needed open_prediction. py – SKLearn script to predict an opening price – a python script in the root dir called ‘streaming. py’ which is part of the Oanda streaming command.
If you execute php artisan , you should see something like the following, the part you are interested in is below.
Redis and MySQL.
Redis really does not need any tweaking out of the box, it’s installed and ready if you’re using Homestead Improved.
MySQL will need a database and a few tables. Change the credentials in the. env file (create it from. env. example if it doesn’t exist).
Let’s add the DB dump into MySQL:
Open up the database in a tool like Sequel Pro and you will the sample data in the bowhead_ohlc (open, high, low, close) table.
API accounts we need in order to set up automated trading.
Full disclosure: Where possible, I have set up bonuses for you on these links, all sites below offer free accounts which do not require ‘verification’ and do not require a deposit. The links are referral links which also bring me some perks if you sign up.
1) Whaleclub is the main site we want to trade on for this tutorial. They key their market data off of the Bitfinex websocket and match with Oanda streaming data for Forex. This site allows you to trade many instruments and commodities with BTC at up to 20x leverage, Forex up to 222x as well as providing BTC-based binary options. They have a simple, easy to understand interface and an excellent API. The API key is found by clicking on your name in the upper-right, and clicking on API. (use DEMO API key to start)
2) 1Broker the secondary site we want to trade on, they are similar to other BTC-based market makers and have a ‘trader follow’ system as well that is fairly interesting, particularly to get people following ‘you’. The API key is found on the right, just under the email icon, there is a small box with what looks like sliders on it, then click on Access & API Management.
3) Oanda is where we get our streaming Forex data, you need an account. API access is found here.
4) Coinbase/GDAX is what used to be called ‘Coinbase Exchange’ and is now called GDAX. I have been automated-trading there since they first opened. The API key is found at the far upper-right, then click on API and create your keys.
5) Bitfinex – you need an account here with an API key so we can get Cryptocurrency quotes. API keys are found under ‘Account’ then click on API.
6) Poloniex is like Bitfinex but supports many alt-coins. API keys are found under Settings – API Keys.
7) TradingView is not mandatory, but you will want an account there because all the indicators bowhead uses can be viewed on charts to help you build your strategies.
The reasoning behind this combination is that the Whaleclub and 1Broker APIs are rate limited, WC only allows 60 requests per minute, if we want to make sure we have streaming real-time data to work with we need to stream from a BTC brokerage. Same with Forex.
Definitely look around on these sites and see what they have to offer, I’ve been around the block with a lot of brokers and market maker sites and for BTC, these are all good as of June 2017. For Forex, Oanda is great, but for the purposes here of trading using BTC we just need their streaming Forex data.
Once you get the API keys for these sites, you will want to put them in your. env file.
NOTE: Start off by using DEMO/TEST API keys, DO NOT use real money API keys with untested trading scripts.
Let’s test that we are set up right.
Bowhead has a testing script to verify that everything is set up correctly and that you have the right API keys, PHP version and the Trader extension is correctly installed.
This script will stop on any issues that you may have and provide commands to run to fix the issues or links to get API keys you might still need.
Let’s get data flowing in.
We have two things we need to do for data here so we can create an automated trading system that can trade both Crypto and Forex pairs. We will be using this data to trade on BTC market maker sites in real time.
Get streaming Forex data coming into our database from Oanda. Get streaming Cryptocurrency data coming into our database from Bitfinex.
Note: You should have the screen command installed on the server the app is running on. Screen is a terminal tool for detaching windows and keeping them running in the background. You can detach a screen, log off and come back and reattach to it from another location at another time.
This is what the Forex streamer looks like if you turn the echo back on.
Now if the Forex markets are open (U. S.A Eastern time, Sunday 5:00pm to Friday 4pm) you will start to see data flowing into the bowhead_ohlc table for the currency pairs that are traded on Whaleclub. The list is in streaming. py and can be modified there. The following pairs are all streaming into your database in real time now. USD_JPY, EUR_USD, AUD_USD, EUR_GBP, USD_CAD, USD_CHF, USD_MXN, USD_TRY, USD_CNH, NZD_USD.
Now we have regular Forex data, lets add in the BTC/USD currency pair.
Crypto markets are open 24/7 and you should begin to see current data flowing in immediately.
To see these running processes and reattach to them use screen - list and screen - r.
The numbers on the left are the screen IDs so in this instance you can reattach to the latest (Bitfinex) screen by using the following command.
We are only using screen for the purposes of this tutorial on a local machine, for a server environment we put these on supervisord to make sure they are always running on our server and if they die, then they are restarted.
This is the supervisord conf I use for this, you may need to change the directory for your user. From /etc/supervisor/conf. d/crypt. conf :
You can see what these look like in Supervisor with.
note: Currently, bowhead only supports BTC/USD from Bitfinex, I will be adding ETH and LTC in future revisions. You can create an ETH version of this if you want by copying and modifying the BitfinexWebsockCommand. php file to use ETHUSD and renaming the class. You will need to add any new commands class to the $commands array in app/Console/Kernel. php.
Finding strategies.
So, we have our boilerplate/framework set up. We have accounts and we have data flowing into our database. We also have our indicator/signals and candles working. Let’s jump in and see how to create a very simple strategy.
Now that we see how we can use this, we need strategies and we need to know how to find more strategies. Quantopian is a great resource for strategies.
For instance, two that I was recently looking at: “Stocks On The Move” and “Trading on multiple TA-Lib signals” are both interesting, however saying we use TALib methods in bowhead, lets go with the latter, additionally this will only be for BTC as Oanda does not return Volume with forex pairs.
You will notice that this strategy uses three signals to determine if a stock (or in our case a pair) is overbought (sell) or underbought (buy).
Money flow index (mfi) Commodity channel index (cci) Chande momentum oscillator (cmo)
This is a simple technicals strategy where if all three of these indicators agree then we go the direction they say to go. Here is the core part of the strategy in code.
Don’t worry about putting this anywhere, this strategy is included in bowhead as a console command.
The output will look like this!
If you would like to see what these look like on a chart, then head over to TradingView and add the indicators. TradingView idea stream is another great place to find strategies and see what other people are doing and you can view the strategies in the source code section of of TradingView.
Bowhead Indicators and Candles.
I provide two classes in bowhead for checking signals on data: Candles and Indicators. Each class has an all method which will run all the methods in its parent class over the data you provide.
To keep things as simple as possible without sacrifice of functionality all methods in both of these libraries provide a return as -1, 0 or 1. Where ‘1’ will always be the buy or ‘bullish’ side and ‘-1’ will always be the sell or ‘bearish’ side, where applicable. There are a couple which return -100 and 100 as returns, please read the comments above each method and in each class for more info about abnormal return values as there are links to explain what they do and why we use them as well as what they represent and how you can use them in your scripts.
Candles. php —  the allCandles() method will check for the presence of 60 specific candles across your dataset. It returns a complex array which will even provide the data point location of the candle and data points around the candle. For purposes of automated scripting, the current array in the return is the candles that are currently active.
Indicators. php —Provides multiple indicators over a dataset, these are all the common technical indicators such as Bollinger bands, RSI and many types of moving averages. These include overlap studies, momentum indicators, volume indicators and volatility indicators. There are no cycle indicators yet. The core methods are adx , aroonosc , cmo , sar , cci , mfi , obv , stoch , rsi , macd , bollingerBands , atr with MA methods of sma , ema , wma , dema , tema , trima , kama , mama , and t3 which can be combined using macdext() fairly dynamically.
SMA methods are typically called by themselves as they cannot respond with a buy or sell signal.
These two sets of indicators and candles can be combined in many different ways that have been noted in the comments at the top of each class. Combining MA cross overs with Bearish/Bullish candle patterns (which would not be apparent to a moving average), you can pinpoint your entries and exits much better.
Packaging these trader methods in this way provides a lot of flexibility to you to be able to use them very easily and as you notice above, translating a strategy is very simple when you have only buy(1)/hold(0)/sell(-1) signals.
Code it up.
So, lets do another quick script that will showcase what we do, this time lets do a Forex bot that trades all the pairs on WC, and it will use the following technical strategy.
Average directional movement index (ADX) is a trend indicator that typically returns a number from 0–100. Under 20 it indicates a weak trend, over 50 it indicates a strong trend. Bowhead returns a -1 for under 20 and a 1 for over 50;
Two simple moving averages, on period 6 and period 40. Period 6 SMA will follow the price very closely and just smooth out any spikes. An SMA 40 is a much more smoothed average which will cross the period 6 at various points when movements start taking place. The ADX is a check that we are indeed in a trend and not in a ranging (sideways) market.
When ADX registers a trend (over 50), and our SMA(40) down-crosses the SMA(6) we can buy as the trend is now moving up.
When ADX registers a trend and our SMA (40) up-crosses the SMA(6) we can sell as the trend is now moving down.
Here is what this looks like on TradingView, orange in the bottom is the ADX, the green line is the SMA(6) and the blue line is the SMA(40). You can see where you would most likely want to do your trades and lo and behold, we have some line crossings at or near those exact places.
Seems kind of complicated? Not when you are working in bowhead. The main thing is we need to get the data off the stack for checking previous and current values, that way you can tell when a moving average has crossed another moving average.
Testing it.
Okay, so I provided this as the following file, ADX will spit out errors (-9) without at least 21 data points, so keep that in mind.
Isto é o que parece.
Closing words and a note about risk.
Now you can find strategies and quickly build your own scripts to trade cryptocurrencies via technical indicators and candle patterns. O céu é o limite.
Because this is within the Laravel framework, you can create web pages to manage your automated trading, easily create strategies using web-based tools. You can use the queues and jobs system to have strategy ‘workers’ (I will be adding this as I update it), broadcasts, and so on.
Now to talk about risk.
I would like to point out that there is SUBSTANTIAL risk involved in cryptocurrency trading and you need to make sure you are in demo mode when testing and working out your strategies. This is of paramount importance as I would hate to hear of someone who lost any amount of money because of this.
I am personally fairly risk tolerant and sometimes it pays off. I use Bowhead to do WC ‘Turbo’ trading (which is Forex Binary options), these are a ‘guess’ if the price will be up or be down in 1 minute and 5 minute contracts. If you guess right then win up to 75% return, if you guess wrong then you lose your entire bet. There are some Forex strategies specifically for Turbo trading that I have had some good luck with. However, be aware that most require you are in a trending market. So an indicator like ADX on a longer period is not a bad choice.
Here is an example of one strategy that was working.
Nota final.
Part 2 will go over making your bot talk to all the exchanges and even attempt to discern price discrepancies, building real-time GDAX straddle-bot using about five Forex strategies and even setting up Bowhead as an API.
If you notice any errors here or have any issues with the code, please let me know, make a comment here or open an issue in the Github repository and I will address it.
& mdash; Keep in mind that this project is under active development.

Indicatore Laguerre: Segnali di Scalping e Opzioni Binarie.
Questo indicatore creato da John Ehlers è divenuto famoso intorno agli anni 2000 per gli ottimi segnali di ingresso che offre. E' un indicatore ideato apposta per lo Scalping e la negoziazione di Opzioni Binarie. Il Download è gratuito.
L’ indicatore Laguerre è un particolare indicatore ideato da John Ehlers e presentato nel suo libro “ Analisi Cibernetica dei Mercati azionari e Futures “.
Questo indicatore permette di fare trading seguendo il trend e mostra i cicli di mercato nel timeframe selezionato, quindi possiamo utilizzarlo per fare Scalping; applicando anche i giusti accorgimenti, ci sarà anche molto utile per negoziare opzioni binarie .
Scegli una delle seguenti piattaforme per fare scalping sfruttando i conti demo o i bonus iniziali gratuiti:
Conto Demo Gratuito 25€ Bonus Senza Deposito Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito 100 € Deposito minimo Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito 25€ Bonus (Senza Deposito) Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito Forex CFD / Opzioni Binarie Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito Forex CFD / Copy Trading Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito Trading da 10 €! Licenza CySec.
Conto Demo Gratuito Deposito Minimo 50 €! Licenza CySec.
Il file con l’indicatore gratuito lo potete scaricare alla fine della nostra guida e troverete anche il relativo filtro che consente di diminuire eventuali falsi segnali.
Adesso vediamo come utilizzare l’ indicatore Laguerre con la piattaforma di trading Metatrader e trovare i relativi segnali di ingresso Long e Short .
Prima di entrare nel vivo della guida, permettimi di consigliarti di iscriverti alla nostra Newsletter gratuita per ricevere in anteprima i nostri articoli ed essere avvisato quando pubblichiamo nuove strategie di trading e altri indicatori gratuiti per Metatrader 4, riceverai anche, direttamente nella tua email, 3 eBook da studiare molto completi e importanti per iniziare la tua carriera di trader.
L’Indicatore Laguerre.
Dopo aver scaricato l’indicatore, apri la cartella compresa e troverai i seguenti file:
Questi sono i file dell ‘indicatore Laguerre e il relativo filtro, se non sai come compilare un indicatore per installaro su Metatrader, abbiamo creato apposta una guida per aiutarti:
Dopo aver completato l’installazione, inserisci gli indicatori nel grafico, l ‘indicatore Laguerre+RSI sarà in una finestra a parte sotto il grafico, mentre il LaguerreFilter disegnerà una linea, simile ad una media mobile, sul grafico stesso.
Eccoti il grafico a 5m dell’ EUR/USD con i nostri indicatori inseriti:
L’ indicatore Laguerre ci fornisce i segnali operativi che vedremo a breve, mentre il Laguerre Filter ci indica la condizione necessaria per aprire una posizione.
Vediamo adesso come fare trading con l’ Indicatore Laguerre .
Segnali LONG Indicatore Laguerre RSI + Laguerre Filter.
Entreremo a mercato con una posizione LONG quando si verificano tutte queste condizioni:
La linea dell ‘indicatore Laguerre taglia dal basso verso l’alto il livello 0.15 Il prezzo si sta muovendo al di sopra del Laguerre Filter.
Solo quando entrambe le condizioni saranno soddisfatte, possiamo entrare a mercato LONG .
Nell’immagine seguente puoi vedere una reale operazione, sul mio conto personale di Markets, effettuata giorno 06/01/2015 (quasi mentre sto scrivendo questo articolo) di un ordine long scattato grazie all’ indicatore Laguerre :
L’operazione è in Scalping , visto che stiamo lavorando sul grafico a 5m, ma la seguo sul grafico a 1 minuto per essere più reattivo ad eventuali segnali che mi suggeriscono di chiudere l’operazione.
Dopo qualche minuto ecco come si è evoluto questo Trade:
Ho raddoppiato nel giro di 5 minuti passando da un profitto di 36,31€ a 72,56€… che ne pensi?
Questo trade “in tempo reale” credo possa bastare per dimostrare la reale efficacia di questo indicatore.
Vediamo adesso come aprire posizioni SHORT .
Segnali SHORT Indicatore Laguerre RSI + Laguerre Filter.
In maniera opposta ai segnali long, entreremo SHORT a mercato quando avremo le seguenti condizioni:
La linea dell’ indicatore Laguerre taglia dall’alto verso il basso il livello 0.15 Il prezzo si sta muovendo al di sotto del Laguerre Filter.
Solo quando entrambe le condizioni saranno soddisfatte, possiamo entrare a mercato SHORT .
Vediamo qualche esempio, stavolta purtroppo non in tempo reale ma ti invierò subito un’email con le operazioni dal vivo se vorrai iscriverti alla Newsletter gratuita.
Quando Raccogliere i Profitti e chiudere il Trade.
Oltre a fornirci ottimi segnali di ingresso a mercato, ci permette anche di individuare quando è il momento di chiudere la nostra posizione e raccogliere i profitti.
I segnali di chiusura vengono forniti dalla linea del segnale dell’indicatore, in particolare:
SEGNALE DI CHIUSURA POSIZIONE LONG: Se abbiamo precedentemente aperto una posizione Long, valuteremo di chiudere tale posizione quando la linea dell’indicatore Laguerre taglia dall’ alto verso il basso il livello 0.75 ;
L’immagine seguente mostra un esempio di posizione aperta quando l’indicatore taglia dal basso verso l’alto la linea 0.15 e relativa chiusura quando l’indicatore taglia dall’alto verso il basso la linea 0.75.
Vediamo adesso il processo inverso, ovvero quando è il momento di raccogliere i profitti quando abbiamo aperto una posizione SHORT .
CHIUSURA POSIZIONE SHORT: In maniera del tutto opposta alla procedura di chiusura vista prima, il momento di raccogliere i profitti se siamo andati short è quando la linea dell’indicatore Laguerre taglia dal basso verso l’alto il livello 0.15.
Con un esempio sarà tutto molto più semplice:
In questo caso, abbiamo aperto una posizione Short quando l ‘indicatore Laguerre ha finalmente tagliato dall’alto verso il basso il livello 0.75 e siamo rimasti a mercato fino a quando la linea del segnale dell’indicatore non ha tagliato dal basso verso l’alto il livello 0.15 .
Ho creato apposta lo schema che puoi vedere sotto per aiutarti a tenere a mente i livelli di ingresso e chiusura:
L’indicatore Laguerre è uno dei migliori indicatori che ho avuto modo di utilizzare per fare scalping seguendo i cicli di trend, fornisce dei segnali molto affidabili e con il giusto tempismo.
Adesso quello che ti consiglio è di provare tu stesso l’efficacia di questo indicatore facendo pratica con un conto demo, puoi aprirne uno in pochi minuti grazie al Broker Markets: apri il conto demo, installa l’ indicatore Laguerre e inizia a fare scalping seguendo i segnali come spiegato in questa guida. Vedrai che rimarrai stupefatto di quanto risulti affidabile.
Il Download dell’indicatore è gratuito e il Broker Markets è uno dei migliori Broker autorizzato che permette l’utilizzo di Metatrader come piattaforma, sia in demo che in reale.
Un’ultima cosa prima di passare al download, ricorda che operare in demo non è la stessa cosa di operare con denaro reale, infatti con soldi virtuali sarai libero dalle emozioni, causa della maggior parte delle perdite dei trader principianti.
Quindi il mio consiglio è di provare a fare trading anche con denaro reale, ma attenzione non ti sto invitando ad investire il tuo denaro, visto che Markets offre ancora 25€ reali senza deposito a chi si iscrive seguendo questo link, approfitta della promozione e avrai oltre al conto demo questo Bonus di Benvenuto.
Scarica l’Indicatore Laguerre + Laguerre Filter.
Se hai bisogni di aiuto per installare l’indicatore o qualche consiglio sul suo utilizzo, scrivimi un commento in questo articolo o contattaci via email. A presto…
Non riesco ad aprire il file scaricato e nemmeno ad installarlo (che formato e il file?). l’Indicatore Laguerre.
Ciao, i file sono in formato MQL4 e devono essere compilati per essere utilizzati. Per l’installazione degli indicatori su Metatrader 4, segui la guida che abbiamo creato apposta (forexfacile/guida-allinstallazione-indicatori-metatrader-4/).
Fammi sapere se hai bisogno di altro aiuto,
Grazie della risposta.
Salve, sto testando in demo questo sistema di scalping. mi è tutto chiaro tranne una cosa, come fare quando invece, nonostante abbiamo rispettato le condizioni di entrata alla perfezione il mercato non è dalla nostra? si attende la chiusura nello stop loss? e a quanti pip lo si posiziona?
non si riesce a scaricare.
Ciao, basta inserire la propria email e confermare l’iscrizione alla newsletter, subito dopo nell’articolo trovi il pulsante per scaricare l’indicatore!
Facci sapere se hai altre difficoltà.
Risulta che sono già iscritto:
Sei già iscritto a: Newsletter ForexFacile.
Ma quando inserisco la mail per scaricare compare:
Unexpected ajax error. Please check the console log to get more details.
Hai scritto che si vende quando la linea taglia dall’alto verso il basso lo 0,15, mentre dal grafico risulta che si vende quando la riga taglia dall’alto verso il basso lo 0,75.
Forse c’è un errore, ma un errore di questo genere ti fa perdere molti soldi….
Segnali SHORT Indicatore Laguerre RSI + Laguerre Filter.
In maniera opposta ai segnali long, entreremo SHORT a mercato quando avremo le seguenti condizioni:
La linea dell’indicatore Laguerre taglia dall’alto verso il basso il livello 0.15 o 0.75 ??
Ma quindi avrai un segnale più perentorio con grafico a 1 min? (Grazie comunque, già scaricati e installati…)
Magnifico articolo, ma mi pare ci sia un errore: Nella sezione “SEGNALI SHORT” scrivi “La linea dell’indicatore Laguerre taglia dall’alto verso il basso il livello 0.15” ma dovrebbe essere 0.75 o mi sbaglio?
Questo indicatore puo’ essere usato anche sull’indice dax30 stesso settaggio?
Aspetto una vostra risposta grazie.
Ciao negli esempi che hai inserito nell’articolo sono evidente alcuni falsi segnali. Con che criterio li hai scartati dato che rispettavano entrambi i requisiti richiesti?

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